Kategorier: Alla - data - ethics - communication - trends

av reham ashraf för 10 årar sedan



Decision Support Systems (DSS) are evolving with the integration of values and ethics, contributing to more responsible and effective decision-making processes. The development of the DSS software market reflects ongoing maturation and sophistication in technology.




statistical modeling

business rule based decisions


what-if analysis

predictive analysts

decision trees

multivariate regression

logistics regression


scenario manager

uncertainty analysis

monto-carlo simulation

sensitivity analysis


asset modelling

failure performance

asset degradation

design views/configuration

financial models

renewals planning

degradation modeling

financial modeling

risk modelling

extreme value theory (EVT)

historical simulation (HS)

value at risk (VaR)

market risk

whole life costing




Tariff optimisation

Capital budgeting: Investment decision tool

business intelligence


special-purpose data management system

relational data warehouse

summarise financial data by product

decision services
linear assits

dynamic segmentation

GIS exchange

points assists

asset management system

Cloud-based Digital Asset Management systems

emerge to complement on-premise systems.

Production asset management systems

visual-effects shots


3D feature film

video game

Library asset management systems

video or photo archiving.

Brand asset management systems

marketing collateral or fonts


product imagery

business rules

apply rules to models

modify rule

define rule

user management

combine expert knowledge with info

Specific instruction

context specific

typically simple

rule-based knowledge


Popular understanding

Knowledge from the media

Primary source knowledge

basic technical competence

Interactional expertise

Knowledge gained from learning the language of specialist groups

Contributory expertise

ability to contribute new knowledge or to teach

data management

data exchange capability

data mining

neural networks

fuzzy query and analysis

data visualization

cluster analysis

case-based reasoning


Supports learning
The use of DSS in an organization results in two type of learning

Secondly, there is better factual understanding of business as well as the decision making environment.

First managers themselves learn new concepts

High satisfaction among decision makers
They gain a confidence and satisfaction that they are good decision makers.
In DSS computers and latest technology aids the decision making process
Helps in reducing cost
Research and case studies reveal that use of DSS in an organization helps in making quicker decisions and reduce cost
Provides competitive advantage
Use of decision support system in an organization provides a competitive advantage over other organizations which do not use DSS.
Improves efficiency
DSS is efficient decision making, resulting in better decisions

because use of DSS results in quick transfer of information, better data analyses, thus resulting in efficient decisions.

Helps in saving time
DSS provides timely information

used for decision making and results in enhanced employee productivity.

Research has demonstrated that decision support systems help to reduce decision cycle time for an organization


Quick response
Support varieties of decision trees
Support varieties of decision processes
Standalone and web-based integration
Data access
Modeling and analysis
Ease of development by end user
Human control of the process
Interactive and efficiency
Interactive and ease of use
Adaptable and flexible
Support Intelligence, Design, Choice
Interdependence and sequence of decisions
Support individuals and groups
Solve semi-structured and unstructured problems
DDSS supports the personal decision making styles of individual managers
DSS is user initiated and user controlled
DSS has enough flexibility to accommodate changes in the environment, the approach and the needs of the users
DSS combines the use of models and analytical techniques with conventional data access and retrieval functions
DSS improves the effectiveness of the decision rather than its efficiency


Monitoring the results of implementation for feedback

Resistance to Change

Manage Change

Making the Decision Happen
Blind searches

shooting in the dark


Judgmental knowledge of an application area that constitutes the rules of good judgment in the field


step-by-step search

Analaytical Technic

use mathematical formulas

Select Choice Models



What-if Scenarios



Select a principle of choice
Test for Feasibility
Develop Alternative Course of work

alternative with the lowest cost that will meet an acceptable level of goals

alternative with the highest ratio of goal attainment to cost

alternative that realizes the highest level goal


Information overload

Data estimation is often subjective

Data may not be accurate or precise enough

Obtaining data may be expensive

Data are not available


Problem Ownership

Assignment of authority to solve the problem

Problem Decomposition

Complex problems can be divided into sub-problems

Problem Classification

Place the problem in a definable category

Problem Identification

identification of organizational goals and objectives


Production and Operations Managment
Inventory Planning
Resource management
Manufacturing Industry
Master Scheduling
Planning For Demand
Human resource management
Sales process
Agricultural production
Business and management.
Clinical decision support system
medical diagnosis

future trends

The DSS Software Market Continues To Develop And Mature
Organizational Impacts Of DSS
Enhancement Of DSS Applications With Values And Ethics
Research On Interactions Between Individuals And Groups
Single user decision support systems
The World Wide Web and group/organizational/global DSS
Knowledge-based design support systems (intelligent DSS)


Modern Classifications
Knowledge-driven DSS

is a DSS that collects and stores 'expertise' so that it can be used for decision-making when required.

Document-driven DSS

is a DSS that uses computer storage and processing to provide document retrieval and analysis.




Hypertext documents

Scanned documents

Communications-driven DSS

is a DSS that uses network and communications technologies to support decision-relevant collaboration and communication

interactive video

electronic mail

document sharing

audio conferencing

Data Driven DSS

is a DSS that gives access to time-series internal data. Data ware houses that have tools that provide facility to manipulate such data are examples of advances systems.

Data mining


Holsapple and whinston`s Classification
Compound DSS

It is built by using two or more of the five structures

Rule-Oriented DSS

It follows certain procedures adopted as rules.It follows certain procedures adopted as rules.

Solver-Oriented DSS

is an algorithm or procedural written for performing certain calculations and particular program type

Spreadsheet-oriented DSS

Modify procedural knowledge and also instruct the system to execute self-contained instructions

Database-Oriented DSS

It contains organised and highly structured data

Text-Oriented DSS

It contain textually represented information that could have a bearing of information

alter's output classification
degree of action implication of system of system outputs

This kind of DSS works when the decision to be taken is based on well-structured tasks

credit scoring

insurance renewal rate calculation

This kind of DSS provides solutions through the use of optimization models which have mathematical solutions

resource allocation

material usage optimization

scheduling systems

This type of DSS can also perform 'what if analysis' and calculate the outcomes of different decision paths, based on simulated models

equipment and production simulations

risk analysis models

generating estimates of income statements and balance sheets

estimating profitability of a new product

This type of DSS provides access to sets of decision oriented databases and simple small models

product planning and analysis

sales forecasting based on a marketing database

This type of DSS supports the manipulation of data through the use of specific or generic computerized settings or tools.

budget analysis

data warehouse applications

This type of DSS primarily provides access to data stores/data related items.

monitoring systems


DSS Software System
Backward Analysis Sensitivity Models

Sets a target value for a variable and then repeatedly changes other variables until the target value is achieved

Forecasting Models

Market research methods

Time series analysis

Regression models

Optimization Analysis Models

Used for making decisions related to optimum utilization of resources.

Sensitivity Analysis Models

provide answers to what-if situations

Statistical Models

Deviation Function

Median Function

Knowledge Base
Provide Expertise to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems


Model Base





Trend Analysis


Physical Representations

User Interface
Interaction Elements

Adjustment Handle



Insertion Pointer


Structural Elements







Staff Assistant

Expert Tool User

Business Analyst

Staff Specialist
Database Management System

Database Access Language



To generate the reports of data retrieved from database.

To make backup copies of database

To log on to the DBMS.

Procedure to install the new DBMS.



Operational Data


Output Device



Input Device




Application programs

Operating system

DBMS software itself

Query Facility

Handles Unstructured Data

Handles Structured Data

Data Directory

An inventory that specifies the source, of the data elements that are stored in a database.


Web Database servers

Multimedia Database

Web Browser data access

Data Mining


Contains Data from Transaction systems

DSS Database

External data mined form the Internet

Data generated by different Application

Internal data from Organization


Suggestion DSS based on logic models
suggest to the decision maker the best action May incorporate an Expert SystemUse the system to recommend a decision

Applicant applies for loans

suggest to thedecision maker the best actionA prescriptive model
Optimization model-based DSS
incorporate uncertaintyAssign sales force to territoryProvide the best assignment schedule
estimate the effects of different decision alternativeBased on optimization models
Representational model-based DSS
solve decision problemusing forecastsCan be used to augment the capabilities ofAccounting models

inventory decisions

Accounting and financial model-based DSS
Use internal accounting dataProvide accounting modeling capabilitiesCan not handle uncertaintyUse Bill of Material

Make pricing decisions

Calculate production cost

Analysis information systems
The information from one file, table, can becombined with information from other filesto answer a specific query.
Data analysis systems
access to dataAllows data manipulation capabilities

Airline Reservation

File drawer systems
provide access to data items

decisionATM Machine


Social challenges
Greater situational awareness while performing tasks
information pushed to employees for action taking
Organizational challenges
Uncertain consequences
Maintaining perspective on the needed organization changes
Deciding priorities
Coping with a lack of human resources
Technical challenges
Automatic data collection
High-speed wireless remote access
Improve and evolve every 18-24 months