Kategorier: Alla - epistemology - volunteer - faith - learning

av Ashton Luddington för 6 årar sedan


Education & Philosophy

The text delves into the relationship between education and various philosophical approaches, particularly focusing on epistemology, which examines the nature and scope of knowledge, belief, and justification.

Education & Philosophy

Essentialist Idea on Hymn and Children's Primary Books

The Spirit makes the Song have meaning= if the Spirit dwells in the music then the music will bring the Spirit, thus the purpose of hymns of praise.

Education Notes and History

No Child Left Behind

Merit v. Equality?
Federal Government put out Block Grants (increase funding of education by 5%).
Find ways to have equal opportunity in education for miniorites
Federal Government makes Schools take a test to gain the 5%
Title 9: Schools cannot have be bias based on gender. If there is a boys soccer team there must also be a girls soccer team, etc. EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW! (Brown v. Board of Education).
Source of School Income
Privat sources 2%
Funding coming from Federal Government was once about 4%

Income Tax

Revenue for school funding comes mainly from State sources (92%).

Sin Tax- promoting money to get rid of something (smoking, gambling, etc.)

Sales Tax

Equal Distribution no matter Location (property)


Property Tax

Weekly Questions


Metaphor of Learning and Teaching: An ORCHESTRA: Like an orchestra, you can learn many different aspects of subjects, from math to history to art and english. In an orchestra, you need to have every member playing in order to have the full score. Now, you must learn from every different aspects, even from different kinds of teachers (for as each performers play differently, so do each teacher teach differently). Now, there is no best or better instrument, for each voice plays an important role in the orchestra. Like this, there is no best or better way of learning, it all depends on the student. Some people may like the way a cello sounds and plays than the violin like some might like how one teacher teaches this subject than another or they might like history over math, because it makes more sense to them. But education is education, it is better to learn something than not at all, similarly, it is better to play an instrument than just stare at it, hearing nothing.


Principles and Doctrine of Philosophy
I don't agree with Kierkegaard's doctrine that you can't have truth in a crowd. I know the reality that disorder is more likely in a crowd, making it harder to spread truth, but truth can be in any size, from a teacher to a student from a Prophet and members.


Picture of Christ the Teacher
He taught by doing


Why is Christ known as the Master Teacher?
He is the exemplifier for all teachers because He shows us all the way we should go to be the best self we can be
He teaches His students for their benefit and not His own


Course Essential Questions (Throughlines)
What is the role of school in society?

The role school has in society is equally important to the roles of parents: to help the next generation grow, learn, and prepare for their own futures. In short, to TEACH!

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

U.S. public schools are built on the foundations of taxes, but more important, students and teachers, for the school is just a building without teachers to teach and students who want to learn.

How do I learn?

I learn by doing. I am a hands-on person and also a sit-in-my desk and learn student. I learn by observing then by doing it myself.

What is worth teaching?

Everything is worth teaching, especially that which is good. Though we are taught about wars, which are not good, we are taught of them to learn from them and to grow. So, that which we can learn from and grown is worth teaching.

What is my work as learner and teacher?

As a learner, I must engage myself in the best books and sources, including wise people, in order to grow and learn from them. As a teacher, it is my duty to teach what I know in order to spread on the cycle of knowledge.

How do I view those I teach?

I view those I teach as my fellow brothers and sisters, we are equal, for I teach them and they teach me. Though I am their teacher, so am I also their student, for their unique thinking expands my own.

Who am I and what motivates me?

I am a child of God and that which is good, especially God and my family, motivates me.

Type of Philosophies


Group Work
If you have a slacker, issues will arise in group work
We can learn from one another in group work
Group work can be good when each individual actually DOES THEIR PART!
With the tools come certain kinds of policies
Each teacher use tools differently than others, so there will be different policies
State Government is bigger than Federal Government in Education
Federal Government is in Education because of Demorcracy
States and Districts have more control of how education works than Federal Government because Education isn't listed in the Constitution.
"Every student succeeds."
"No child left behind."
About 15% of Ed is Federally paid, the rest is State paid

Fed. Gov. funds certain things in Education in order to dissolve discrimination and bias

Brown v. Board of Education- Federal Government role in Education

No discrimination!

Every student will be tested and have qualified teachers because the Fed. Gov. will have different tests to determine the qualifications of the potential teacher

Each Student gets a highly qualified Teacher

Assessing Students

Feedback is different than assessment!
Feedback can be given by students, not always have to be with teachers
Assessment is grading and evaluating but without feedback of any kind
When you give feedback to a student, you tell them what you are assessing
You can assess students without them even knowing
Teachers have the expertise in grading than the students. The teachers have the training, understanding, and experience than the student when it comes to grading papers.
Students talk to other students differently than they would their professors.
Too much of a gap between learner and teacher can create different issues
Grade each other
Follow the expertise
The role of students and teachers



Move at your own Pace VS. Move Together

Depends on the class size and days you had to do an assignment

Questions on My Philosophy

What is my role as a Teacher besides teaching?
How can I teach my students better and help them understand and love learning?

Volunteer vs Assigned Classrooms: How do People LEARN

Assigned- There are times when assigned work is good because it helps the student narrow things down and give students a sense of direction to what you want to teach them.
Volunteer- It is good when you want students to answer a question because you don't want to force a question out of a student.


Study in Value and belief


The examination of what is meant by 'being'.
philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations


It analyzes the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims.
the study of the nature and scope of knowledge and justified belief.
How I can know something is true.


idealism manifests as a skepticism about the possibility of knowing any mind-independent thing.
the group of metaphysical philosophies that assert that reality, or reality as humans can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.


Without using what we intake, our knowledge is in vain.
I went to both a charter and public school. I had equal opportunities to learn and make friends in each, if I took the opportunities. But it is important to learn at home too, as Perry did with her mom. Learning is at home and at school. We all learn in different ways.

There is different qualities of education between each teacher, if the teachers compare the students to numbers, it is not good. Education is about the student being the best they can be not just the numbers in a system.

I was confused to what Addams was saying, but I did like when she said "...they did not know how to search for the children without the assistance of the children." I do not believe as teachers we need to know to perfectly what our students our thinking, but we should be looking after them as their teach.
Philosophy Slides
Beecher said a very powerful statement" those who follow Christ are has His Spirit are His disciple." But, how do we know when we have His Spirit? Do we follow Him to have His Spirit or do we have His Spirit by following Him?

Gender roles in SCHOOL: women and men should not have different roles in schools. Rather, there should be a balance role for each gender in the school place. Students should have equal respect for their teachers regardless of their genders.

Relationship between student and teacher...

Co-education versus singe gendered education?

This talked reminded me of a similar talk where an apostle talked about "spiritual whirlwinds". The key point to me in both of the message is that we shouldn't fear but have faith in our Father and Redeemer. It is important that Elder Bednar stated there will be hard times, but faith is stronger.
Having firm foundations will keep us rooted in our ideologies

Having a blueprint of your life will prepare yourself for stuff of gospel and education things

Learning is about action and change. You do what you learn. ACTION!!

Learning and teaching is apart of your personal ministering

Schools are like factories, all about programming the student to work but not focusing on teaching the students

Schools focus on work and not teaching

Schools are teaching more about knowledge than creativity

Wolk talks about true issues that we are seeing in schools. Schools function like a factory, where the students are told to "fill in the blanks" instead of thinking outside the box and having their own thoughts. I agree with him that it is important to develop our own person rather than being programmed.

Religion vs Spiritual

Religion: Defining what is good and what is bad
Spiritual: brings the Spirit, whether we know God or not. Isn't an organized religion.
Public or Religious School for my child: depends on what they want

Code Of Ethics for Educators

Teachers cannot partake in alcohol and drugs while on duty, whether on school property or not.


Your essence gives your meaning. Without your essence, you do not have meaning. Like a knife is not a knife without the essence of the blade. Essence often has purpose, like the blade.
Everybody has there own essence, there is no right or wrong kind of essence. Everyone has their own belief that you cannot force onto another.
Anything can give you meaning but nothing can truly give you meaning. The truth is in the person themselves because each person has an essence and if they are true to that, they find meaning= meaning is found within yourself.

Othering- mentality of us vs. them


Philosophical vision doesn't just see the physical world but also beyond it, even a spiritual worlds
A way of thinking about questions. SO RAISE QUESTIONS, not just ANSWERS! THINK! Don't just preach, question one another.
There can be A PHILOSOPHY OF ANYTHING/EVERYTHING, even deciding which type of pencil to use in a classroom
Scientific Philosophy does have specific answers
Doesn't have a specific answer


These objects are ontologically independent of someone's conceptual scheme, perceptions, linguistic practices, beliefs, etc.
Realism (in philosophy) about a given object is the view that this object exists in reality independently of our conceptual scheme.


Mythos-pattern of beliefs expressing often symbolically the characteristic or prevalent attitudes in a group or culture
Relating to things beyond the physical realm


Based on what is real, what can be seen and felt, not in your essence