Kategorier: Alla - algorithms - notation - decimals - percentages

av Morgen Edwards för 2 årar sedan


Educational Mathematics

The educational content covers various mathematical concepts, emphasizing the base-10 numeration system, which is widely used in both educational settings and daily life. The system is explained through blocks to illustrate how units combine to form tens, hundreds, and thousands, while also delving into the concept of tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.

Educational Mathematics

Educational Mathematics

Week Sixteen

Test #3 and Review

Week Fourteen

Problem Solving with Percentages pt. 2
Problem Solving with Percentages

Week Twelve

Test #2 and Review

Week Ten

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Fractions

In order to subtract and add fractions, prime factorization can be used to find a least common multiple and a common denominator between the two fractions.

For example:

In order to add 1/3 and 1/5, there is a common denominator of 15, we can multiply 1/3 by 5/5 and 1/5 by 3/3 to get 5/15 and 3/15 to get 8/15.

To subtract 5/6 and 1/2, you can find the common denominator of 6, so you can multiply 1/2 by 3/3 and add 5/6 and 3/6 to get 8/6, or 4/3.

To multiply fractions, it is just multiplying fractions normally, but with the knowledge that multiplying fractions will make them smaller. For example, multiplying 1/2 and 1/4 will get 1/8, because you are using part of a part.

To divide fractions, you can use the Keep, Change, Flip method, where you keep the first fraction, change the division sign to a multiplication sign, and then flip the last fraction upside down.

For example if you are dividing 2/3 and 4/5, you would change it to

2/3x5/4 to get 5/6.


Meanings of fractions:

Fractions can be a part of a whole or something that has been divided into equal parts, with only a few of those parts being considered.

They can be a quotient: 3 divided by 4= 3/4

They can also represent a ratio, or a part out of a whole

Key points:

Fractional parts are equivalent parts

If the numerator and the denominator are the same, then it equals one whole

The more pieces of something, the smaller the pieces will get

Week Eight

List Method

The list method is a helpful way to write out a list of the factors, and the multiples between two numbers

24: 24, 48, 72

36: 36, 72

Least Common Multiple: 72

Prime Factorization

Week Seven

Divisibility Rules of 7 and 11

To find out if a number is divisible by 7, you take the last digit in a number, multiply it by 2 and subtract it from the first two digits

For example:

826, multiply 6x2 to get 12

Subtract 12 from 82 to get 70

and 70 is divisible by 7

To find out if a number is divisible by 11, use the "chop off" method by taking off the last two digits of the number, and adding them to the remaining number

For example:

29,194, and chopping off 94, then adding it to 385

Then chopping 85 off of 385, and adding it to 3, to get 88, which is divisible by 11

Divisibility rules of 4 and 8

The number is divisible by 4 if the last 2 digits are divisible by 4


7,128, 28 is divisible by 4, so then 7,128 is divisible by 4

The number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits are divisible by 8

Divisibility Rules of 3, 9, and 6

If the sum of all the digits is divisible by 3 and 9


If the number is 372, 3+7+2 equals 12, which can be divided by 3, so 372 is divisible by 3


If the number is 198, 1+9+8 equals 18, which can be divided by 9, so 198 is divisible by 9

If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it will be divisible by 6


If the number is 374, it is divisible by 2 and then added together to be divisible by 3, so it is divisible by 6

Divisibility Rules of 5, 2, and 10

When looking at the last digit of a number, you can tell if it is divisible by certain numbers

By 2: 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16

By 5: 0,5

By 10: 0

Week Five

Subtraction Algorithm
Division Algorithm

Multiplication Algorithim
Addition Algorithm

Week Two

Expanded Notation

Expanded Notation helps teach the placement and the power of each number, something that comes in handy when teaching children.

For example:

456= 400+50+6

= (4x100)+(5x10)+(6x1)


With the base-ten system, for example, we have ones, tenths, hundredths, thousandths which equals 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, 10^3

With any other system, it is essentially the same

For example:

Base-Five system= ones, fives, twenty-fives, one twenty-fives

5^0, 5^1, 5^2, 5^3

Base-10 system

The Base-10 Numeration System is the number system that we use in schools and in society in general. It represents a one to ten relationship between numbers. Using blocks, this week we showed that units can add up to become other units.

For example:

One unit

Adding ten one units together makes a ten unit

Adding ten of the ten units together makes a 100 unit

Adding 10 100 units together makes a 1000 unit

When looking at a number,

a tenth of a unit is a tenth

a tenth of a tenth is a hundredth

a tenth of a hundredth is a thousandth

There are only specific digits used within each of the numeration systems, and the base ten numbers are 0-9, and then it restarts from 11.

If a base number is not given, then the default is ten.

Week Fifteen

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

When dividing positive and negative integers, it is important to remember inverse operations. The addition is the inverse operation to subtraction and division is the inverse operation to division. When looking at division, use the inverse of multiplication to get the answer.

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Integers: Positive and negative numbers

Week Thirteen

Decimals and Percentages

Week Eleven

Problem solving with fractions pt. 2
Problem solving with fractions

Week Nine

Spring Break!

Week Six

Test #1 and Review

Week Four

Division Properties

Division is best known as "repeated subtraction"

For example:

If I have 20 cookies and four plates, how many cookies will go on each plate?

20-4= 16





I subtracted 4 from 20 five times, so I divided 20 by 4 to get 5

Multiplication Properties

Identity Property of Multiplication:

Any number multiplied by 1 is the same number

a*1= a

EX: 7*1=7

Communicative Property of Multiplication:

The order in which the numbers are multiplied does not matter


EX: 2*7=7*2

Associative Property of Multiplication:

the grouping property or the grouping of the numbers while multiplying does not matter

(a*b)*c = (b*a)*c=(c*a)*b

Zero Property of Multiplication:

Any number multiplied to zero will always be zero


EX: 3*0=0


"of" will always equal multiplication

For example:

If a farmer has three groups of four apples, how many total apples does he have?

3 groups of apples * four different apples = 12 total apples

Distributive Property of Multiplication:

When I multiply a number by the sum of two other numbers, the outcome will be the same as if you added the partial products

a*(b+c) is equal to (a*b)+(a*c)

For example:

10*(1+2) is equal to (10*1)+(10*2)

Addition Properties

The Identity Property:

Any number added with zero is the same number


EX: 7+0=7

Commutative Property of Addition:

(the order property)

the order in which you add the numbers does not matter


Associative Property:

the grouping property

(a+b)+c = (b+c)+a = (a+c)+b

EX: (7+3)+5 =15

(3+5)+7 = 15

*kids don't need to know the property name, just the ideas of each property*

Week Three

Base-5 System

The base-5 system works in the same way as well, with the numbers being:

one's 5^0

five's 5^1

25's 5^2

125's 5^3

The digits available for use are 0,1,2,3,4


143 base 5




Base-3 System

The Base 3 system operates on the same principles as the Base-10 System, just with different numbers

In Base-3 you have:

one's 3^0

three's 3^1

nine's 3^3

27's 3^4

The only digits available to use are 0,1,2


211 base 3

= (2*3^2)+(1*3^1)+(1*3^0)

= (2*9)+ (3*1)+(1*1)



Week One

The Handshake Problem

There are seven people in a room. If each person shakes another person's hand once, how many handshakes will have been made?

Important: People will not shake hands with the same person twice!

How I solved the problem:

I assigned an alphabet letter to each of the seven people, i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G

With each of those people, I started assigning handshakes

A shook hands with B, C, D, E, F, G

B shook hands with C, D, E, F, G

C shook hands with D, E, F, G

D shook hands with E, F, G

E shook hands with F, G

F shook hands with G

The number of handshakes being had decreased by one every time, seeing as we weren't double handshaking. The total number of handshakes that were had is 21 total handshakes.

Problem Solving

Polya's Four-Step Method to Problem Solving is:

  1. Understand the Problem
  2. Devise a Plan
  3. Carry out a plan
  4. Look back (reflect)

Understand the Problem:

Devise a plan:

Carry out the plan:

Look back and Reflect