av jOSE MEJIA för 3 årar sedan
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Type in your name
Personal skills
Skills can be truly valuable when it comes to convincing a potential employer. Along with work experience and education, your skills will help the employer get a better understanding of your interests and values.
Computer skills you master
Companies are becoming more and more dependent on technology, so your computer skills can easily increase your chances of getting a job that requires such skills. Specify the types of computer skills you master.
Al Papa ha de besársele la mano realizando una genuflexión
A los miembros de la Familia Real se les saluda de manera distinta según sean hombre o muje
utilizado tanto entre mujeres, como entre hombres y mujeres si existe una relación de amistad cercana
What programming languages are you familiar with?
utilizado por el hombre para saludar a una mujer
What software do you use for graphic design?
forma de saludar más efusiva que se emplea para personas que se conocen bastante
What operating systems are you familiar with?
Tipo de saludo mostramos a nuestro interlocutor mayor gusto por agradarle
What kind of computer applications do you use?
Dar la mano es hacerlo de manera firme y con la palma de la mano perpendicular al suelo
Your language skills can play an increasingly important role in the workplace.
Specify what languages you know
taking into consideration the levels of understanding, speaking and writing.
Guantes y sombrero
Habrá que desnudar la mano y descubrirse la cabeza
Ponerse en pie
si antes de saludar estábamos sentados ponernos de pie
La mirada
Level of writing
What is your level of writing?
Debemos mirar directamente a los ojos del interlocutor,
Postura adecuada
Level of speaking
What is your level of speaking?
Debemos estar erguidos y de frente a la otra persona.
La sonrisa:
Level of understanding
What is your level of understanding?
Deberá acompañar siempre a todo saludo
Work experience
This is one of the most important sections in your curriculum vitae. Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.
Specify your work experience
Start with the most recent period.
Example: Jul 2013 - Jun 2016.
Contact information
Any CV or résumé needs to contain your contact information. This way, recruiters can get in touch with you.
Type in any social media account, website or blog you have in order to help the recruiter do research on you.
Add hyperlink
E-mail is the preferred form of communication in today's work environment.
Type in your e-mail address so that the recruiter can easily contact you.
Type in your mobile phone number.
Type in your personal phone number.