Kategorier: Alla - empowerment - participation - information - learning

av Hanifah Qurrotu Aini för 1 år sedan


Empowerment as A Process

Empowering communities involves creating telecenter services that enhance access to vital information. These centers focus on collecting and disseminating data through various channels such as print media, internet, and radio.

Empowerment as A Process

Principles of Empowerment

10 Empowerment Principles

Give out reward and recognition
Listen and ask questions to the employees
Solve problems
Provide feedbacks to the work of employees
Delegate authority and tasks
Provide enough information for decision making
Give trust
Important objectives to be achieved
Feature the vision, mission, and strategic plan
Show appreciation

Advantages & Disadvantages of Empowerment

High compensation for employees
Large investment for employees training program
Big investment for selecting employees
Prompt creative ideas which increase the quality of good and services
Solidifies the relations between the employees and the clients
Increases work satisfaction
Time efficient in finishing tasks and serving the clients
Quick response towards the needs of the client

Basic Conditions for The Empowerment Implementation

Access to information

Principles of Empowerment (Loretta Pyles, 2009)

Parallel development Economic and social progress
Utilization of resources
Consistency policy - Specific administrative arrangements - Recruitment and training of personnel - Mobilization of local and national resources
Government support Self help projects require intensive and extensive government support
Trust towards women - Strengthen development programs - Establish the programs on a board basis and ensure long-term expansion
Enthusiasm and training Identification, encouragement and local leaders
Participation Revitalizing existing form of effective local government
Change in attitude
Cohesive and Integrated Complete and balanced development of society demands
Needs Activities that are carried out must be linked to the basic needs of the community

Principles of Empowerment (Amdam, 2011)

Regulating community access to resources
Encouraging community participation and attempting to solve social problems with a power approach or overhauling the power structure that determines community goals

Empowerment as A Process

e. Capacity Building

Forms of capacity building
Study visit
Discussions, seminars
Training for trainers
Capacity building that can be done by the telecenter
Capacity building for the community for aspects of community needs
Capacity building for the community to operate information technology
Capacity building for telecenter managers and volunteers for various operational and technical matters

f. Collaboration

Process - Requires strong leadership, high levels of trust and productivity - Equality in terms of expressing ideas and making decisions - Intensive communication
Structure - Decision making by consensus - Determined roles, timing and evaluation
Purpose - Shared vision and determined impact determination - Building systems of interdependence to respond to issues and opportunities
Process - Shared leadership - Decision making is carried out formally followed by all members - Communication is the main factor and a priority
Structure - All members are involved in decision making - Relationships are established formally by written agreement
Purpose - Share ideas and tend to try to draw resources from existing systems - Commitment built at least three years
Process - Collective leadership - Decentralized decision making - Frequent and smooth communication
Structure - Roles are applied - Relationships are formalized - The group develops new resources & combines funds
Purpose - Meeting needs and provide coordination - Share resources to work on common issues
Process - Leader is the facilitator - Complex decision making - Conflicts easily occur - Formal communication only exists within the main group
Structure - Semi-formal relationship - Roles are not defined explicitly
Purpose - Meeting needs and provide coordination - Ensuring the parties work according to the plan
Process - Minimum leadership - Minimum decision making - Minimum conflicts - Informal communications
Structure - No hierarchical relationship - Liquid - Minimum role
Purpose: - Dialogue and building mutual understanding - Information Center (News agency) - Creating basic support

g. Activity Steps

Based on its duration

Long-term - Aimed for social change to fulfill the overall vision - Implementation time ranges for about 5 years

Medium-term - When short-term results are achieved, activities are development-oriented - Implementation time usually lasts for about 3 years

Short-term - Focus on certain (specific) services and are immediate - Execution time usually in months

Based on charges
Based on the types of activities
Based on social groups







Formulating Suggestions for The Telecenter Services
Choose and agreeing upon the actions
Collecting suggestions for actions
Arranging Goal Tree
Arrange the goal tree
Switch negative statements into positive statements
Serve the problem tree

d. Mental Process in Community Empowerment Process


c. Creation of Telecenter Services

Information Services
Sided with neglected groups
Community oriented
Telecenter Services
Activities in utilizing the various facilities that the telecenter has
Activities to increase the capacity to access and utilize information
Collecting and disseminating information

Disseminating Information

Utilizing communication channels or media

Computer, internet, web


Folk art

Tape recorder

Print media (bulletin)


Communicating directly (horizontal)

Collecting Information

Re-discuss the various information collected, so that it can be understood and processed by the community

Acting as an "intermediary" that collects various information that are provided by the internet, community, or other sources

b. Infomobilization

Stages of Infomobilization
Planning of the details in short-term activities

Planning various telecenter services at the short term in detail so that the services would be ready to be deployed into the community

Planning of telecenter services
Independent village surveys

Communication Ecology

Social Relations

Social Groups

Various media used by the community

The problems, needs, and potential of the community

Study alongside with the community to find out the communication ecology.

The poor → those who have been excluded from the various advantages of technology information.
Activities to help telecenters understand community needs and provide services for life improvements, particularly for the poor.

a. Learning Activities

Social Participation
Defined as the voluntary involvement of the community in social groups and their activities.
Participatory Extension
To empower the community, we must position the community as an entity that is independent, has its own self-reliance, and has the potential to prosper, growing a better life.
Do not dictate
Community members are partners to the extension workers
Community members are not government employees so they are not to be ordered or forced to do everything that the government wants
Community Training
Community training needed to explore the individuals of the community, and also train and accustom them to being able and willing to participate in the learning activities.
Activities Stages