Kategorier: Alla - sensaciones - corteza - cerebro - planetas

av Stephano sarango tassara för 2 årar sedan


Estudio de los lóbulos cerebrales

El texto presenta una detallada exploración de diversas áreas del cerebro humano y sus funciones específicas, así como una comparación de los planetas del sistema solar. Se destacan las funciones de la corteza cerebral, incluyendo áreas como la corteza prefrontal, occípito-parieto-temporal y límbica, cada una con roles específicos en el pensamiento, la memoria y las emociones.

Estudio de los lóbulos cerebrales

Regulación emocional

Estudio de los lóbulos cerebrales

The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest are the eight planets, with the remainder being smaller objects, the dwarf planets, and small Solar System bodies.

Lóbulo Pariental

Saturn is known most for its rings.

Galileo Galilei first thought it was an object with three parts: a planet and two large moons on either side.
Not knowing he was seeing a planet with rings, the stumped astronomer entered a small drawing — a symbol with one large circle and two smaller ones — in his notebook.

The rings are made of ice and rock and scientists are not yet sure how they formed. The gaseous planet is mostly hydrogen and helium.

How long does it take for Saturn to go around the sun?

Todo el territorio situado por debajo de la Cisura de Silvio y su prolongación, limitando con el lóbulo occipital y parietal por su zona posterior.

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Saturn's day measured in Earth days.


Uranus is an oddball. It has clouds made of hydrogen sulfide, the same chemical that makes rotten eggs smell so foul.

It rotates from east to west like Venus. Its tilt causes extreme seasons that last 20-plus years, and the sun beats down on one pole or the other for 84 Earth-years at a time.

Methane in the atmosphere gives Uranus its blue-green tint. It also has 13 sets of faint rings.

Epilepsia del lóbulo temporal
Trastornos de memoria
Trastornos del lenguaje
Trastornos de percepción visual
Agnosias auditivas
ttranstornos auditivos:

Lóbulo Temporal

Neptune is about the size of Uranus and is known for supersonic strong winds.

Neptune is far out and cold.
The planet is more than 30 times as far from the sun as Earth.

Neptune was the first planet predicted to exist by using math, before it was visually detected. Neptune is about 17 times as massive as Earth and has a rocky core.


centro de almacenamiento de la información,

integración sensoria multimodal: l

es el estudio de cómo la información de las diferentes modalidades sensoriales


se encuentran la cortezas auditivas primaria, secundaria y asociativa


fundamental para las habilidades tan importantes como el habla o la percepción auditiva , ademas de estar mu vinculado a la efectividad, la memoria y el reconocimiento

How long does it take for Neptune to go around the sun?

Unidades funcionales

Unidad sensorial
Corteza visual
Corteza auditiva
Corteza somestésica
Corteza vestibular
Corteza gustativa

Una lesión bilateral provocaría alteraciones de la sensibilidad gustativa.

Lóbulo Occipital

Jupiter is a giant gas world that is the most massive planet in our solar system.

Its swirling clouds are colorful due to different types of trace gases.

And a major feature in its swirling clouds is the Great Red Spot, a giant storm more than 10,000 miles wide. It has raged at more than 400 mph for the last 150 years, at least.

Jupiter has a strong magnetic field, and with 75 moons, it looks a bit like a miniature solar system.

Alucinaciones visuales

Ciertas lesiones en esta área pueden causar alucinaciones e ilusiones visuales

Agnosias visuales

Se caracterizan por la incapacidad para interpretar el significado de los estímulos percibidos a través de la vista. Áreas afectadas 18 y 19

Ceguera cortical

Suelen ser causada por lesiones bioccipitales de la arteria cerebral posterior, general mente como consecuencia de un infarto cerebral; Si las dos áreas son afectadas en su totalidad se produce una ceguera real.


significa “oscuridad creciente” y se caracteriza por la pérdida total de visión en la zona correspondiente al campo contralateral de ambos ojos, tras lesiones en la corteza visual primaria, que generalmente son la consecuencia de accidentes vasculares agudos

Área 19

Junto con el Área 18 forma el Área de asociación visual y está situada inmediatamente por detrás y por encima de los lóbulos parietal y temporal respectivamente. siendo el lugar donde produce la informaciones visuales y de los sistemas auditivos y sensoriales. En el Área 19 también se localizan centros responsables del control motor ocular.


llamada regíon paraestriada, es el área visual secundaria. Relacionada con la elaboración y síntesis de información visual.

Área 17

Jupiter has a strong magnetic field, and with 75 moons, it looks a bit like a miniature solar system.

Name the 4 most known moons.


Es la cara interna del lóbulo Occipital, rodea a la Cisura calcarina, Corresponde al córtex visual primario, siendo la zona donde finaliza la radiaciones ópticas procedente del tálamo que a su vez transmite la información a la retina.

consiste en el procesamiento de información visual

Área visual terciaria

Realizan una integración visual multimodal

Área visual secundaria

integran unimodalmente las sensaciones visuales, transformándolas en perceptos visuales.

Área visual primaria

Color, brillo y movimiento de la imagen recibidas por la retinas

Tenemos 3 áreas

Ocupa el polo posterior del cerebro y es el menor de los cuatro lóbulos externos del córtex cerebral. Presenta unos límites anatómicos externos poco visibles que corresponden a los lóbulos temporales por su parte inferior y a los lóbulos parietales por su zona anterior, Según la nomenclatura utilizada por Brodmann el lóbulo occipital se divide en tres áreas

Additional info


Mars is a cold, desert-like place covered in dust. This dust is made of iron oxides, giving the planet its iconic red hue.

Mars shares similarities with Earth: It is rocky, has mountains, valleys and canyons, and storm systems ranging from localized tornado-like dust devils to planet-engulfing dust storms.

Moon name

Mars has two small moons.

Name these moons.

How long does it take for Mars to go around the sun?

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Mars's day measured in Earth days.


Earth is a water world, with two-thirds of the planet covered by oceans.

It's the only world known to harbor life.

Earth's atmosphere is rich in nitrogen and oxygen.

Its name originates from 'Die Erde,' the German word for 'the ground.'
Earth may once have had two moons, nowadays it has just one.

How long does it take for Earth to go around the sun?

How many hours

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down the Earth's day in hours.


Venus is Earth's twin in size and has no moons.
Its surface has various mountains and volcanoes. Because of its thick, toxic atmosphere that's made of sulfuric acid clouds, Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The average temperature on Venus' surface is 900 F (465 C).
Venus spins slowly from east to west, the opposite direction to most of the other planets.

The Greeks believed Venus was two different objects — one in the morning sky and another in the evening. Because it is often brighter than any other object in the sky, Venus has generated many UFO reports.

Orbit around the Sun
How many days

How long does it take for Venus to go around the sun?

How many Earth days

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Venus's day measured in Earth days.

Position from the sun

Our Solar System has eight “official” planets which orbit the Sun.

Each planet is at a different distance from the sun. Name its position.

Divisiones Funcionales de la Corteza cerebral

Mercury is the smallest, only a little bit larger than Earth's moon. Mercury has no moon.

It experiences dramatic changes in its day and night temperatures: Day temperatures can reach a scorching 840 F (450 C), which is hot enough to melt lead. Meanwhile, on the night side, temperatures drop to minus 290 F (minus 180 C).

It also has a very thin atmosphere of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium and can't break-up incoming meteors, so its surface is pockmarked with craters, just like the moon.

Áreas primarias y de asociación
c) Corteza límbica

Es la zona más primitiva del cerebro asociativo y guarda una estrecha relación con los procesos anémicos, motivacionales y emocionales

b) Corteza occípito-parieto-temporal

Se localiza en la convergencia de los tres lóbulos posteriores del cerebro

a) Corteza prefrontal

Ocupa la zona anterior del lóbulo frontal y constituye la base de los procesos de pensamiento más específicos y simbólicos de la especie humana