Kategorier: Alla - discriminación - tratado - convención - declaración

av Internacional Buenaventura för 2 årar sedan


Evolución de los DDHH

A lo largo de la historia, los derechos humanos han evolucionado significativamente, reflejándose en diversos documentos y tratados que buscan proteger la dignidad y los derechos fundamentales de las personas.

Evolución de los DDHH

Evolución de los DDHH

Use this template to test your knowledge on some of Medieval Europe's most important events. Write down the names of important figures who have marked history.

Educación y DDHH

Se desarrolla

Give some examples of royal figures who won their fame in the Medieval Ages.

Think of kings, queens, princes, and princesses.

For example, Eduard IV, also known as the 'Black Prince', became famous for his bravery acts in the war against France.

Dignidad humana

Parte de la historia del hombre

Type in other examples of Medieval artists.

Parte de la sociedad

Who is the Italian artist who painted the top of the Sistine Chapel?

This artist is also the creator of the famous sculpture statue of David.

Type in the answer.

Parte de una cultura

Who was the Italian artist who painted Mona Lisa?

He became world famous for also being a prolific scientist, inventor, engineer, mathematician, and writer.

Type in the answer.


Type in other examples of famous scientists who lived in the medieval period.


Who was the English physicist who created the laws of motion that govern all objects, including the force of gravity?

Type in the answer.


What scientist claimed that the Earth revolved around the Sun?

He was also put on trial by the Catholic Church for publishing a book with this theory. Type in the answer.

Se consigna en

Type in several other examples of people who influenced medieval literature.

Pacto de Derechos sociales y culyurales

Who was the famous Italian writer who advised rulers that “the ends always justify the means”?

Type in the answer.

Declaración Universal de los DDHH

Who was the English writer who became famous for his plays and sonnets about love, fantasy, betrayal, politics, government, and ancient Rome?


1998 dC.

Leonardo da Vinci paints the Last Supper.

Type in the year.

Estatuto de Roma. Establecimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional
1979 dC
Convención sobre la Eliminación de todas las formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer

What major event takes place in 1453 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

1966 dC

Start of the Renaissance is marked by Johannes Gutenberg's invention, the printing press.

What was the year of this great discovery?

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales
1959 dC
Declaración de los Derechos del Niño.

What major event took place in 1431 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

1948 dC

Probably one of the most aggressive pandemics in the world history, the Black Death, also known as 'plague', killed half of the Europeans.

What year did this event take place?

Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
1945 dC
Creación de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas

What major event took place in 1337 A.D.?

Think of the well-known rivalry between England and France.

Type in the answer.

1864 dC

Marco Polo explores Asia

What is the year of this great event?
Fill in the answer.

Convención de Ginebra
1808 dC
Prohibición de la trata de esclavos en Estados Unidos

What major event took place in 1215 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

1807 dC

Genghis Khan establishes the Mongol Empire.

Type in the year of this major event.

Prohibición de la trata de esclavos por el Parlamento británico.
1789. dC
Declaración de los derechos del hombre y del ciudadano

What major event took place in 1189 A.D.?

Fill in the answer.

1689 dC.

The Crusades were wars fought by the Holy Roman Empire against the Muslims in an attempt to conquer the Holy Land.

What was the year of the First Crusade? Type in the answer.

Declaración de Derechos de Inglaterra
1215 dC
Carta Magna de Inglaterra
653 dC

What is the year in which the Vikings were defeated by the King of England, Alfred the Great?

Type in the answer.

Código Tang
529. dC
Código de Justiniano

What major event took place in 835 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

350 aC

Charlemagne, also known as 'The King of Franks', is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.

What year did this coronation take place?

Código de Li Kui
450 aC
Ley de las Doce Tablas.

What major event took place in 732 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

1250 aC

In what year is Muhammad born?

Type in the answer.

1700 aC
Código de Hammurabi
2350 aC

Around what year did the Roman Empire fall, thus leaving a lot of local kings and rulers fighting for the land?

Type in the answer.

Código de Urukagina