av Sebastian Nunes [Student] för 4 årar sedan
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Senses send messages through receptor cells to our brain, using our nervous system.
The breed was developed by crossbreeding with two exotic wild species - the African Serval and the Asian Leopard cat, and then adding a dash of domestic cat into the mix. The result is certainly a beautiful cat with leopard-like spots and contrasting stripes, and elegant well-formed features with large pointed ears
How we smell:
Our noses have sensors that detect chemicals that make up a smell.
The Ashera can cost as much as a whopping $125,000 because it is an extremely rare breed. ... In fact, some experts argue that genetic testing reveals that Ashera cats are nothing but Savannah F1 cats. This exotic breed is a hybrid of the Asian leopard cat, a domestic housecat, and the African serval
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The Ashera – Up to $125,000. The Ashera can cost as much as a whopping $125,000 because it is an extremely rare breed
List a thing you can smell.
Example: laundry detergent on clothes, perfume, food from the restaurant
How we hear:
Our ears have sound sensors in the inner ears.
They also have sensors that work on keeping you balanced and aware of where you are in your environment.
List a thing you can hear.
Example: clock ticking, birds chirping
Add a describing word for that thing.
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It can grow to be almost five feet long and a weight of between 26 and 33 lbs. Weight aside, that cat can grow to be almost as tall as a person when on its hind legs! There are four different kinds of Ashera cats that exist
They will eat the same cat food as a standard moggy, albeit in larger quantities, but a premium-quality dried food is, naturally, what they prefer. They are also happy to use a litter tray, although given the size required, a small child's sandbox might be more appropriate
Many people discovering the sheer size of the Ashera cat often ask the same question: Is the Ashera a dangerous cat? Well, the truth is that despite their eccentric appearance, the Ashera cat has a calm and quiet character