av Santiago Mora Caicedo för 1 år sedan
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Incorporating information systems into public management
Articulated and dependent data generating scheme
Tax administration
Public credit
Mitigating corruption risks in public management
Achievement of results
Better spending
variables are current and non-current balances of the form balances and movements in convergence at quarterly cut-off date
public accounting information must be entered
you must select the subaccount in which the information is to be included.
a window appears with a list of all available entities. you can double-click on any of them to choose the entity with which you have the reciprocal operation. with which you have the reciprocal operation. Another way is by typing the code or the name in the filter that appears in the upper right part of the in the filter that appears at the top right of the selector. To view the code entered in the column, open the key of the sub-account and the record of the code and the name of the entity will appear both in the "concepts" column and in the "concepts" column. in both the "concepts" column and in the "Reciprocal entity" column.
Place the cursor in order in the columns "CURRENT VALUE" and "NON-CURRENT VALUE" and record horizontally in the row of each item the respective values, taking into account the following horizontally register in the row of each concept the respective values, taking into account the rules of the signs. rules of the signs.
The values recorded in the variables "current ending balance" and "non-current ending balance" must be equal to or less than the "current ending balance" or "non-current ending balance" of the sub-account in the formCGN2015_001_SALDOS_Y_MOVEMENTS_CONVERGENCE, otherwise, the validation will generate an error. - The entries are made only at the sub-account level, the system calculates the other levels when you refresh or validate the form. the system calculates the other levels when refreshing or validating the form. If you are going to correct a record, place the cursor in the cell and double-click on it. double click on it, this will activate it for correction.
When you have finished incorporating all the records of the form, go to the Forms/Validate option and execute the action. and execute the action.