Religion geo-distribution of religions & cultures
Medical geo-study of sicknesses,health care, etc.
Arid regions geo- examine deserts and explore how humans animals,etc. live in these areas
Regional geo- the research of pieces of land (big and small)
geographic education- give teachers skills to teach future generations
remote sensing- uses satellites to exemin Earth's surface features
Quantitative methods- uses mathematical techniques to test hypothesis
Geomorphology- study of landforms and their growth and shrinking from erosion and other processes
Hazards geo-research of extreme events, disasters and humans response to these hazardous things
Coastal & Marine geo- physical changes/features and how they interact with the environment and humans
Population Geography-patterns of death, birth, etc.
Recreation, tourism, sport geo-study of activities and their impact on the earth
Agriculture & Rural geo- study of settlement, land use, agriculture products, etc.
Mountain geo- development of mountains and the humans that live on them
Biogeography-study distribution of animals & plants
climate geo- weather patterns, activities with Earth's atmosphere
Global change- human impacts on earth, changes with the earth
Cryosphere geo- research of ice on earth, glaciers, etc. and how they are distributed
Soils geo- studying the upper layer of the lithosphere and categorizing patterns in the soil
cartography- improving technology in map-making (make better maps)
Geographic info systems- makes data banks for geographic info (when data combined or layered makes complex systems that can solve problems)
Political geo-aspects of countries, boundaries, voting, etc.
Transportation geo- research transportation networks, moving of people and goods
Water resources management- distribution of water, hydrologic system, etc.
Applied Geo- use of skills to solve problems in society (usually work for governmental agencies)