Kategorier: Alla - relationships - stress - confidence - learning

av Gahia Mustafa för 3 årar sedan


Health Units

Conflicts, though often perceived negatively, can have both detrimental and beneficial effects on individuals. On the adverse side, conflicts can lead to physical altercations, deteriorating relationships, and significant stress.

Health Units

Health Units

Substance Use and Abuse

2. Substance use and abuse connects to personal safety in an alarming way. According to the article: How Alcoholism Affects Society, around 42% of crimes are linked to alcohol alone. Alcohol causes major damage to not just the person drinking, but also the people around the drinker.
1. Substance use and abuse connects to sexuality in a very obvious way. According to Alchohol.org: “About 43 percent of sexual assault events involve alcohol use by the victim; 69 percent involve alcohol use by the perpetrator.” - See the article for more information: Sexual Assaults on College Campuses Involving Alcohol. Alcohol is used to manipulate the rape victims mind so they can be an easier target to be attacked.
2. Also, I’ve personally used substances. I’ve eaten tylenol, advil and many other drugs. I’ve used them correctly to solve a specific illness that I had and only used it then. I never ate more than 2 a day and would feel much better the following day.
1. The way substance use, misuse and abuse personally connects to me is that I met a 45 year old (approximately) in the market where my dad was working. We talked and I asked him about why he smokes and he told me that he had a machine helping his heart run (pacemaker). The reason why is because when he was young, he got addicted to cocaine. I saw the way this person's face was, his mood, etc, and you can tell that this guy is a junky (someone who abuses drugs). His eyes were tinted red, he would slur his words and his stomach was huge which means that he had an eating disorder.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse definition: Chronic and excessive use of substances despite the physical, mental/emotional, or social harm that it may cause to yourself or others. This means that substance abuse occurs when the person is so addicted to this substance, that despite all the harm that they know will happen to them if they keep abusing this substance, they still abuse this substance. For example: Joe likes to smoke weed with his friends. One day, he went to class and heard about the catastrophic effects of abusing weed. Joe smoked weed daily with his friends until he became addicted to it. Joe knows what he's doing is wrong but, he still abuses this substance despite all the warnings his teacher gave.
Substance Misuse
Substance misuse definition: The use of a substance in ways that are illegal or not recommended medically. This definition is the exact opposite of substance use. What 'illegal' means is that it goes against the law to use this substance in this way and you may face charges for this action. What 'not recommended medically' means is that doctors/nurses don't recommend this substance to used that particular way. That's why it's called substance misuse. For example: Joe has been prescribed weed to be smoked for 10 minutes 2 times a day. Joe gets really excited about this and smokes for 1 hour daily. By doing this, Joe is now going against the prescription his doctor/nurse gave him and is doing something illegal.
Substance Use
Substance use definition: The act of using drugs. This definition is fairly simple and straightforward. The word 'using' means to properly consume/use this drug. This means that the patient must be prescribed this certain drug by a doctor/nurse and they must follow the instructions given. For example: Joe has been diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors prescribe chemotherapy to slow down the rate of cancer cells developing. Joe agrees and follows the instructions given to the best of his ability.
Drug definition: Any substance other than food that changes the way that your body or mind works. What this definition means by 'changes the way that your body or mind works' can either be good or bad. The reason being is because some drugs actually can improve someone's health with proper use. For example: tylenol, pepto bizmol, advil, etc. But some drugs can cause major damage in one's body or mind. This can be hallucination, dizziness, heart bloods pressure (HBP), etc. For example: cocaine, nicotine, meth, crystal meth, weed, etc.
Impacts of Addictions
The Differences and Similarities Between the Impacts and Treatments of the Various Addictions Discussed in our Group

*ACTUAL WORK* The differences between the impacts of the addictions discussed in my group are all detrimental to one’s health/safety. Of them are; exhaustion, helplessness, 2nd smoke (breathing in someone’s cigarette smoke) and extreme loss of money. These impacts are actually quite similar to the impacts of other addictions but pose the same great effect to the human body. The actual similarities between the impacts discussed in my group aren’t shocking. The reason being is because they either stem from smoking or consuming illegal drugs except for gambling. The similarities between the impacts are; liver diseases, heart problems, high blood pressure (HBP), sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, helplessness, loss in friends, cancer, suicidal thoughts, increase in crime rate and less efficiency in the workplace. These are all common impacts that we even see in our society. Either from the news, or even just knowing friends who have friends who have these problems. This is the sad reality that people try to hide and just focus on the fun (gambling, drinking, consuming illegal drugs). These addictions cause major problems in society which need to be given more attention so people can stay away from these horrible acts that destroy not just people, but their families as well. There aren’t many different treatments to these addictions considering that they all are quite similar except for gambling. Of them are; drinking alcohol/consuming illegal drugs/gambling/smoking detox and surrounding yourself with good company. These may seem small treatments, but actually really help in the long term. The detox helps the person become less addicted because you’re staying away from the thing that is making you addicted. Also, surrounding yourself with good company is extremely important because it was at the start when the patients had bad company and started their journey towards their addiction. So surrounding yourself with people who will care for you and most importantly motivate you to the right path of life is extremely important to even grow as a person. There are a lot of similarities between the addictions for treatment. Of them are; Group therapy, going to the hospital, going to a counselor/therapist and taking medications. These are extremely beneficial treatments and can really have a huge positive impact on the damage that they have caused to themselves (drinking alcohol, smoking, etc). Group therapy was mentioned a lot in my group because it’s really effective. The reason is for humans, it’s nice to know that people around you are going through the same thing. This allows the person to feel more open to friendships and motivates them to get rid of their addiction for good. Going to the hospital helps extremely because doctors can examine you if you have any diseases because of the addiction and can cure those diseases. Taking medication helps relax a persons’ addiction and removes the effects of it as well.

In this assignment, we discussed the physical, social and mental/emotion impacts and treatments of a particular addiction we chose.

*ACTUAL WORK* (Copy and Pasted) An example of the physical, social and mental/emotional impacts and treatments of a particular addiction we chose: Describe your selected addiction. What is it? Alcohol addiction is when a person is addicted to drinking alcohol Alcohol is a sedative hypnotic drug which causes drunkenness It is usually consumed as a liquid to quickly consume so the drunkenness kicks in The addiction is most commonly started and consumed at parties and bars Describe the physical effects of your selected addiction. Drinking overtime can cause heart problems such as high blood pressure and stroke It can cause Cancer much quicker It can cause a weaker immune system: which means you’re more prone to diseases Substantial amounts of drinking can cause liver diseases such as: Alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, etc. Describe the social effects of your selected addiction. Increase crime rate (42% of crimes are linked to alcohol) Decrease in friends and social status because of health problems Can do something in the state of drunkenness and ruin a relationship of yours Excessive drinking causes less efficiency in education/work Describe the mental/emotional effects of your selected addiction Decrease in happiness due to loss of friends/relationships Emotional pain to see your children or those around following your path (alcoholism) Lack of attention/care to a child because of alcohol can cause a child trauma Causes guilt, shame, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, hopelessness and discouragement Describe the treatment(s) for your selected addiction Going to the hospital Alcohol detox (lasts for 3 days to a week) Counselor/therapist Medications Group therapy


2. Nutrition connects to sexuality in a very interesting way. In the article: Foods to eat for better sex, it states that eating certain healthy foods increases stamina during intercourse which further allows the person to enjoy what they’re doing and be healthy at the same time.
1. Nutrition connects to Substance Use and Abuse mostly because they are opposites of each other. Nutrition helps the muscles of a person grow, become stronger, it increases cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, lifespan, mental state and basically overall health. But using and abusing substances has a dramatic negative effect on these factors mentioned. If someone were to use and abuse substances, they would have a smaller lifespan, weaker muscular strength/endurance, decrease in cardiorespiratory endurance, less energy, worse mental state and overall negative effects on the person’s health. See this article for more information: What are the effects of drug abuse?.
2. From the start of last month, I started working out. I want to gain muscle mass and for this I require protein. Protein is found in meat but I take the powder version and make a shake with high calories so I can gain protein more body fat at the same time because I’m too skinny. Learning and researching really helps when it comes to nutrition. All the slideshows really helped me when the topic was about the different types of macronutrients, micronutrients and what are they, allowed me to gain muscle with knowledge and not just jumping in because it’s cool.
1. When I learned about Canada’s Food Guide, it really made me rethink about how I have to eat and why it’s important. So now, I look at my daily meals and check if they fit with Canada’s Food Guide (enough whole grains, protein foods, vegetables, fruits and water). For example: when I was eating rice and chicken yesterday, I noticed there were only onions that I could eat it with. So I took that and ate it with my rice and chicken. Also, before every meal I drink 3 gulps of water. This checks off whole grains, fruits and vegetables, proteins and water.
Ancestral Diet
An ancestral diet is the idea that one should minimize consumption of industrialized/processed foods and encourages you to eat natural, fresh and organic whole foods which the generations before us (ancestors) did.

Vitamins are nutrients that are needed by our body in small amounts. They help the chemical reactions in the body to behave more efficiently. Examples of vitamins include; Vitamin A and Folic acid.


Minerals are nutrients that are needed by our body in small amounts. They help our body in building bones, muscle and teeth. Examples of minerals include; calcium, iron and magnesium.


Water is a liquid that we cannot survive without. If we don't drink water for 3 days, we die. Has nutrients that our bodies need. Water helps regulate the body's temperature and it lubricates our joints.


Fats is a nutrient that gives us a huge amount of energy throughout the day. Fat transports nutrients throughout the body and forms with body cells.


Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients providing energy to our muscles and brains. Carbohydrates include sugars (quick energy), starch (longer energy) and fibre (not digestible).

Canada's Food Guide
What are these foods?


Protein is a nutrient that helps the body grow muscle. Protein is essential for doing daily activities. With decreased amount of protein, the person will feel extremely tried and lazy throughout the day.

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are foods that grow on plants. They can contain high nutrients (varies depending on which vegetable and fruit) and are extremely beneficial for the body to keep being healthy.

Whole grains

Whole grain is just another type of grain. They're small, hard and edible seeds that grow on fields. Whole grains have high levels of vitamin B, fiber, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and selenium.

Similarities and Differences

The difference between them is that the new food guide doesn’t have milk or yogurt but has water instead. The similarities is that they both have whole grain foods, foods with protein and vegetables. The old guide shows a lot more variety of a specific food type for example: different types of whole grain foods you can add to your plate. But the new guide is limited to a small place (a plate) so they’re not able to show more foods that a person maybe didn’t know is a whole grain food or a protein food.

Canada's New Food Guide

Canada's new food guide tells us to make half of our plate vegetables and fruits. This includes; strawberries, peas, blueberries, broccoli, lettuce, apples, peaches, carrots, tomatoes, etc. The guide also tells use to keep 1/4 of our plate for protein foods. This includes; beans, almonds, walnuts. The guide tells us to keep the remaining 1/4 of the plate for whole grain foods. This includes; rice, bread, spaghetti, etc. The guide tells us if we want a liquid to drink with our meal, our ideal choice should be a glass of water. To summarize: Canada's new food guide tells us exactly how to proportion our plate properly with what foods. But it surprisingly doesn't include any meat protein foods (that are visible). It also tells us to drink water along with the meal.

Canada's Old Food Guide

Canada's old food guide tells us to eat a different variety of vegetables and fruits. These may include broccoli, lettuce, tomato, green, yellow or red peppers, apples, etc. Eat whole grain foods like bread, cereal and rice. Eat protein foods such as fish, chicken, beans and eggs. Consume enough dairy products as well such as milk, yogurt etc. To summarize: Canada's old food guide let's us choose from a variety of options between vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, protein foods and dairy products. It tells use to keep a balance between them between meals.


3. Sexuality connects to Sports in an obvious way. Because of the fact that girls like guys who play sports and who are tough, these guys get more girlfriends. Since they get more girlfriends, they sleep with them more, have sex and enjoy everything about their life for a while.
2. Sexuality connects to Fit theory in an unusual way. Studies show that exercising and working out increases one’s libido and makes them enjoy sex much more. See the article for more information of how exercising increases one’s libido: How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Drive
1. Sexuality connects to Personal Safety in a very abhorrent way. People want to go to strip clubs and bars to have fun but what makes them want to go there is their sexual desire. Then what happens is that they meet someone and they go to a private place and what happens is that maybe one of the people don’t want to have sex and for this reason they’re raped. This is the exact reason why it’s not safe to go to strip clubs and bars and to control our sexual desire except for those whom we trust.
2. Also, some of the misconceptions around sexuality from my experience is that some people would say “you’re gay if you haven’t had sex”. I’ve had multiple experiences like this but what ended up happening is that the guy who said this then started getting made fun of because his jokes were terrible.
1. The personal connection I can make with this topic is that I’ve had a breakup before. I had a girlfriend but the problem is that I liked her best friend more. So I ended up asking out her best friend but she rejected me. The same day, my ex realized what happened and she dumped me. I was really depressed that day and ate a whole bucket of ice cream :(
Teenage Romance
Consider How Being In an Exclusive Relationship With Another Person Affect you and Your Relationship With Others in the Following Ways

Impact on Peer Relationships - You'll automatically lose some of those whom you had contact with before having a partner because you will prioritize your partner over those peers whom you had contact with.

Time Management (School, Homework, Activities) - How will you be able to manage school, homework and your daily activities with taking care of your partner? Do you think you'll have the time to meet, talk and give emotional support to your partner?

Emotional Comfort and Security - There is no doubt that having a partner gives emotional comfort and security to the couple. But, with your current situation (high school student), do you really need emotional comfort or can you use different alternatives (ex: stress management techniques).

Learn About Others - Try to learn the reasons why people cheat and how to avoid this and every possible way. Learn what kind of a partner you want that shares your same dreams and will help you achieve them.

Learn About Yourself - Learn about yourself before even trying to learn about others. Focus on yourself and ask yourself this question: Are you read for an exclusive relationship with another person?

Effective Communication
When Communicating With Your Partner About Difficult Issues Including Whether on not to be Sexually Active

Ensure a Clear and Confident Message - Make sure that you're clear in what you're saying so then no conflicts may arise in the future such as regret.

Be Honest - Be honest about how you feel/believe and think or else you will regret it in the long run. The reason being is because if you're not honest, you can risk hurting your dignity/honor in the long run or your partner's.

Use “I” Statements - Use "I" statements to ensure that your partner knows that this is what you believe/feel and think. Make sure you get your points across clearly.

Explore Your Partner’s Thoughts, Feelings, and Beliefs - See what the want exactly during sexual activity. See if their beliefs contradict sexual activity to ensure they don't regret anything later on.

Listen - Listen to your partner carefully about their personal limits. You have to listen and not cross their limits/boundaries that they've told you not to cross. This is extremely important to follow because this is risking your partner's dignity and self-worth which can cause someone to commit suicide.

Think Before You Speak - This is extremely important because you might say something that may turn off your partner or make them uncomfortable.

Managing problems (IDEAL method)
Managing problems is an extremely important skill for everyone to have. To help develop this skill, use the 'IDEAL' method. I stands for identify the issue. D stands for discuss the options. E stand for evaluate the options. A stands for act on your decision. L stands for learn from your actions.

*ACTUAL WORK* An example to managing problems using the IDEAL method:

Sexuality Misconceptions
3. How can you respond to these misconceptions to ensure that you treat everyone with fairness and respect?

*ACTUAL WORK* (Copy and Pasted) If they make fun of me and say that I won’t be able to find my condom size because it’s too small then I have to say something back or else it wouldn’t be fair and they would look down on me. Also, in any other case where the person doesn’t make fun but says a misconception, it’s best to address in a gentle way so they’re more likely to agree.

2. How can These Misconceptions Cause Harm to People?

*ACTUAL WORK* (Copy and Pasted) These misconceptions can cause mental/emotional harm to a person because this form of peer pressuring is based on making fun of the person and can really hurt them and make them insecure about themselves. Also, this causes a lot of emotional harm because maybe the condom breaks and the family can’t afford to buy an abortion and so a baby is born. And since the father doesn’t want to have a child, he leaves the mother and the child altogether. They can also cause harm to your social life because maybe the word gets out in your conservative religious family (cousins, family friends, etc) that you slept with a girl outside of marriage. Now they all look down on you and don’t talk to you.

1. What are Some Common Misconceptions About Sexuality That are Seen in our Culture?

*ACTUAL WORK* (Copy and Pasted) Condoms don’t break. You won’t be able to find your condom size because it’s too small. It’s fun and you won’t get caught. You’re gay if you haven’t done it.

Sexuality in Adolescence
Factors to Consider Whether to be Sexually Active or Not

Self Image - How will you perceive yourself after being sexually active? Will you boast about it? Are you only doing this for attention and to be 'cool'?

Substance Use and Abuse - Make sure you're not intoxicated whilst being sexually active to ensure that no one's limits are crossed and no one is harmed.

Education (Understanding About Sexual Activity and Safe Sex Practices) - Are you educated on how to please your partner in the best way possible? Are you also educated on how not to harm them and practicing safe sex?

Ability to Communicate With Your Partner - Make sure that before being sexually active, you are able to clearly communicate with your partner what exactly you want to do and what your limits are.

Personal Limits - What are the limits you put on yourself when it comes to be sexually active? If you do, then tell your partner.

Media Messages - Is the media pressuring you to become sexually active?

Personal Values - what does your religion/culture say about being sexually active in your current situation? Is it looked down upon (taboo)?

Personal Safety

2. Personal safety connects to Nutrition for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that eating healthy reduces stress and anxiety. A person carries stress if they face calamities in life, racism and even worse: rape (human trafficking). These calamities cause immense amounts of stress in a person. According to the article: In Need of Stress Relief? The Answer Might Be in Your Diet, eating healthier is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
1. Personal safety connects to fit theory in a surprising way. Due to exercising your body and making it more fit (fit theory), this helps one manage their stress immensely. Exercising has direct negative effects on stress which helps the person feel more happy and calm throughout the day.
2. I’ve been in a lot of conflicts myself. One of them is when I was trash talking one of my friends in school. We kept going at it with no remorse until I remembered when I felt bad when someone would make fun of me. And so I thought it would be hypocritical of me making fun of others and liking it but disliking it when it would happen to me. I realized this and I let him make fun of me. Later on, I overlooked it and tried to not add to any more conflict if it would go to that stage of insulting each other.
1. The way stress management relates to me is that I use it often. One of the techniques of managing stress is progressive muscle relaxation. This technique is performed by tensing a certain muscle in your body, holding it for a certain period of time, then letting it go and letting your muscles relax. This helps the person relearn what it feels to be relaxed and calm. This technique is basically like working out. I workout at least once every 3 days which helps me manage my stress a lot.
Conflict Management
Conflict management is one of the most important things for a human being to learn. To help manage conflict, the acronym 'IDEAL' is used. I stands for identify the problem. D stands for determine all of the possible solutions. E stand for evaluate the possibilities. A stands for act on the best solution. L stands for learn for next time.

*ACTUAL WORK* (Copy and Pasted) An example of conflict management using the IDEAL method: I: Identify the Problem: My sister wants a different sauce than me. D: Determine Possible Solutions: I can let her have her way She can let me have my way E: Evaluate the Possibilities I can get the sauce I want She can get the sauce she wants We can fight over it and whoever wins gets to have the sauce of their choice A: Act - What is the best solution? Letting her have her way to avoid any argument. L: Learn for Next Time Try to be diplomatic in a gentle way

Positive/Negative Aspects of Conflict
Negative Aspects of Conflicts

Bad Relationships - This is extremely obvious and common. Usually when conflicts arise between 2 people who have just met for the first time, their first impression of each other is that this person constantly argues. For this reason, they'll talk ill about each other and sometimes they'll even make their friends take bad about that one person they've had a conflict with.

Stress - This is one of the negative aspects of a conflict because stress alone is enough to change someone's behavior for the rest of their life. Maybe this stress would lead to the person having trauma later on in their life and this would affect them until they die. Stress effects the mind and body and it best to avoid it.

Fights - This is a negative aspect of a conflict because harming someone else, whether that be self defense or not, is still something bad. It's sad to know that the conflict rose to the point where a fight had to happen. This is one of the worst outcomes of a conflict that could happen.

Positive Aspects of Conflicts

Understanding What to Do/Say Next Time - This is also a very beneficial piece of information someone can take from a conflict. Usually we're in the moment and extremely angry and we don't even bother to take into account what the other person is saying. Walking away and calming down really helps to understand what was being said so that you could have a fruitful discussion next time.

Learning - You can learn from a conflict, whether you lost it or not. There are mistakes that we sometimes make when we engage in conflicts with others and learning from these mistakes is one of the most beneficial things someone can take from a conflict.

Builds Confidence - This is a form of ego. The way this happens is when you're the winner of that particular conflict. Once the person wins a conflict, he/she feels as if they know more than everyone else and are better than everyone else. Whether they think they're better than others by knowledge. strength, beauty, etc.

Conflict Management Styles
What Style am I?

*ACTUAL WORK* An example of what style I am: The style that I identify the most with are The Owls. The reason being is that I like to solve problems and prevent them from escalating. But, sometimes I end up either starting a fight or continuing it. If people ask me to do something, I try my best to go do it for them but if I am not able to, I tell them that I cannot do that for them.

The Owls - Collaborate

The owls are people who recognize the solution from a conflict that satisfies everyone's needs. They are focused on achieving their goals and helping others achieve their goals while maintaining relationships.

The Foxes - Compromise

The foxes are people who think that they can't always get what they want so it's best to "give a little and get a little”. They are content if they give up some of their goals if others to do it too. They push for their goals while trying not to harm relationships in the process.

The Turtles - Avoid

The turtles have the habit of withdrawing and being shy of conflict. They constantly assume that they won't be able to win a conflict even thought they're right. So they withdraw from the conflict.

The Gorillas - Competitive

The gorillas force others to accept what they want and don't care about how others feel. They strongly hold the conviction that conflict can be solved with aggression (winning or loosing). They are self-centered people who care about their own needs/goals while hardly caring for relationships.

The Teddy Bears - Accommodate

The teddy bears are people who are soft: they look for social acceptance. They like helping others while ignoring their own needs. They value relationships immensely. They are ready to give up their own goals/needs to preserve/better the relationships they have with others.

In this assignment, we were tasked to listen attentively to a panel of black principals talking about their experience with racism. We had to respond to the following question: Describe 2 points that were made in the Principal Panel discussion that impressed you or stood out as a new idea.

*ACTUAL WORK* An example of describing 2 points that were made in the Principal Panel discussion that impressed me or stood out as a new idea. What stood out was learning about what black kids go through when being the only black kid in the school. Their hair gets touched, they stand out in the crowd, etc. Also, what impressed me was the fact that so many other black activists are being propagated so more people can be educated that black people should not be treated differently than any other race.

Stress Management
In this assignment, we were tasked to chose one stress management technique. We had to explain what this technique is, why is it a good technique to manage stress, if we enjoyed doing this technique, if we think it would work for us, why or why not.

*ACTUAL WORK* An example of describing a stress management technique: My technique is progressive muscle relaxation. It's when you tense a certain muscle group (i.e. hand) for a specific amount of time, then let it go. This is a good technique to manage stress because it releases anxiety and teaches the person what relaxation really is. Because people have been so stressed, using this technique, they can feel and relearn what it feels like to be relaxed. I enjoyed this technique mentally by just relaxing after releasing the muscle from the tension. Just laying there and feeling the pain die down and feeling relaxed. I do think it will work for me because I feel relaxed and less anxious just by doing one of these exercises. Working out is basically doing the same thing and I do feel relaxed after laying down from a workout. Also, since studying makes me stressed all the time, working out is really good to get the blood flowing in the body so I believe this technique is the best for me.


3. Sports connects to Personal safety because sports has a lot to do with stress management. In the article: Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress, mayo clinic states that exercise has direct effects on relieving stress. Since playing sports is all about moving your body and exercising, this means that playing sports helps reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Sports connects to substance use and abuse mainly because of the physique. By playing sports often, your body’s components of fitness start to increase making you overall fit and an active person. But, by using and abusing substances, your body becomes much weaker and your overall physique and components of fitness start to decrease.
1. Sports connects to nutrition because in sports you must perform well enough to help your team win. That means you must mainly work on your skills for that game, your muscular strength/endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and work to have a good body composition (less fat, more muscle). All these concepts are dependent on good nutrition and exercise for them to develop. If you lack one of these (nutrition or exercise) your muscular strength/endurance will decrease and so will the rest of the components of fitness mentioned. For example: if you don’t drink water before playing soccer with your friends, you will run out of breath more quickly than if you did drink water before playing. This shows that drinking water (good nutrition) before playing sports will improve your cardiorespiratory endurance significantly and will help you to win the game.
2. I’ve been playing invasion/territory sports basically my whole childhood. What I mean by invasion/territory sports is mainly soccer. I was a huge fan of soccer and still am. The role I’m best at and like to play the most is defender. I used to play a lot at middle school when we had our break. Also, I have a park near my house where around 10 of the kids in my neighborhood would come and play soccer and I would go with them.
1. I've personally been playing sports since I was 8 years old. I wasn’t in a team but had a huge passion for sports. One of the famous black athletes who I looked up to was Pele. I’ve played all kinds of sports; Soccer, Football, Baseball, Cricket, Hockey, Dodgeball and more. I try my best to have good manners, but when it gets to sports, something just comes out of me and I get super focused in the game and start yelling on the top of my lungs. This black athlete inspired me to try my best in sports and ignore if people make fun of you or try to put you down.
Inspirational Black Athletes
In this assignment, we discussed the short biographies of famous black sports athlete. This helps the newer generations to try and understand what the black community went through in the past centuries and be more empathetic towards them.

*ACTUAL WORK* An example of the biography of a famous black sports athlete:

Striking/Fielding Sports
Striking/Fielding sports are sports where the offensive must strike on object in a large area to try to score points. The defensive team's job is the capture this object and return it. Examples of striking/fielding sports include: Baseball, Cricket, Softball, Kilikiti, etc.

Useful Skills in Striking/Fielding Sports

Sending: Be able to successfully send an object towards the offensive team to hit (a pitch) and to successfully pass an object to a teammate when returning the object. Striking: Be able to successfully strike an object in the field/area of play. Fielding: Successfully retrieve an object and return it to the pitcher.

Useful Strategies in Striking/Fielding Sports

Offense: Striking the object to an open area (without defenders) Defense: Fielding position - trying to cover as much open space as possible Tendencies: Trying to figure out the habits of players and to use this to your advantage. For example: "He likes to throw the ball to the left!". So wait for the ball to come to the left and strike.

Target Sports
Target sports are sports where the player's goal is to send an object towards a target. Obstacles may be added to make the game more difficult. Examples of target sports include: Archery, Curling, Gulf, Bocce Ball, Bowling, KanJam, Cornhole, etc.

Useful Skills in Target Sports

Sending: Be able to throw, kick, shoot or strike on object with accuracy and power. Aim: Be able to direct an object towards a target. Accuracy: Be able to aim and send an object towards a target and successfully hit it.

Useful Strategies in Target Sports

Placement: Decide where you want the object to go and aim there. Using a Variety of Shots and Different Force: Decide how much power you sure put into your shot. Make sure it does not hit any obstacles.

Net/Wall Sports
Net/wall sports are sports where the player sends an object to the area that the opposing team is defending. The player must do this in a way that it becomes hard for the opposing team to return the ball. Examples of net/wall sports include; Badminton, Speedminton, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Squach, Pickleball, etc.

Useful Skills in Net/Wall Sports

Sending: Successfully sending on object to the opponents area or to a teammate. Receiving: Be able to control the object that is going/with you. Trajectory: Be able to know where the object is landing.

Useful Strategies in Net/Wall Sports

Court Positioning: How should your team be positioned (what formation) Sending Objects to an Open Space: Be able to quickly think where your opponents won't be able to receive the object and successfully return it. Changing Speed and Power of Deliveries: Be able to make it difficult for the opposing team to return the ball by changing the speed and power of the delivery.

Invasion/Territory Sports
Invasion/territory sports are sports where the goal is to invade the enemy territory to score points. The enemy team must defend their territory to forbid the other team from scoring a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Examples of invasion/territory sports include; Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Football, Netball, Field Hockey, etc.

Useful Skills in Invasion/Territory Sports

Sending - the ability to effectively send an object to either a teammate (passing) or into the enemy's area (clearing) while being defended. Receiving: The ability to effectively receive an object that is sent in your area. Shooting: The ability to send the object towards the goal successfully to score points.

Useful Strategies in Invasion/Territory Sports

Offense: Move away from a defender and get open. Be able to effectively move with an object towards the goal. Passing upfront to your teammate. Defense: Forbidding the opposing team to invade your area and get close enough to the goal to score. This is called Zone defense vs Man to Man defense. Deception: Effectively tricking the defender to get past them easily.

Fit Theory

How this Unit Connects to Others
3. Fit theory connects to substance use and abuse in many different ways. One of the ways it connects is the decrease of the person’s overall health. Fit theory is based on improving one’s health and physique while substance use and abuse focusses on destroying a person’s mental and physical health.
2. Fit theory connects to nutrition because the whole concept of fit theory is to move your body in a way to improve muscular strength/endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance and flexibility/mobility. To literally begin moving, you must have nutrients in your body which acts as energy. This energy is then used to help move your muscles. Without energy, you would not be able to move any muscle. Therefore, eating right and consuming a lot of water will help grow those muscles, increase flexibility and increase cardiorespiratory endurance. See the article: 13 Surprising Ways Nutrition Affects Your Health for more information on how nutrients affects the body’s capabilities.
1. Fit theory connects to sports because in sports, you must set your goals (i.e. think about what you have to do) in order to win. Goal setting (knowing exactly what you want to do) plays into every aspect of life; including sports. Also, in every sport, the person needs to have good muscular strength/endurance and good cardiorespiratory endurance (heart rate elevated for a long period of time) to help the team win the game. Also, the player needs to have a calm state of mind which comes under the heading of mental health. This helps the player make calculated decisions that will help the team win.
Personal Connections
2. For me, one of the things I'm focusing on currently is improving my physique. This ties into all 5 of the components of fitness (muscular strength/endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition). Also, being physically strong helps with your mental, social and physical health. This helps you mentally because you feel more cool and that the average man can’t beat you up rather you can beat them up. So this changes the person’s perspective of life and makes them a more down to earth person. Also, this helps the person be more social because they wouldn’t be so afraid of accidentally saying the wrong thing and they would just be themselves.
1. One of the most important things in life is health. I try my best to improve my health by checking what I’m eating, how much I’m eating and how often I exercise. I do this by setting goals. I set specific and realistic goals to know exactly what I’m working towards. I set goals for almost everything because almost everything in life needs to be achieved. An example of goal setting that I do in my everyday life: Working out: Run (break a sweat at least), then stretch, do x amount of pushups and dumbbell curls. I like to set goals because it helps me know what to do and how to do it so I don’t end up feeling lost and a loser.
Goal Setting
Goal Setting is used to achieve realistic goals that will really benefit you in life. It helps knowing your purpose in life, being focused and makes you feel accomplished as a person once you've achieved your goal. To help with goal setting, the acronym 'SMART' is used. S stands for specific. This means what specifically is your goal. M stands for measurable. Is your goal measurable and what metric would you use to track your progress. How would you know if you reached your goal or not. A stands for action oriented. What is your action plan (how will you go about achieving this goal) and what short term and long term steps will you take to achieve your goal. R stands for realistic. Is your goal realistic (yes or no question). T stands for time limited. Which date will you accomplish your goal by?

*ACTUAL WORK* An example of goal setting is: S: Improve cardiorespiratory endurance (improve from 16 laps to 24). Will achieve goal by running for 15 mins in the morning 5 days a week. M: Metric: achieving 24 laps in 12 minutes A: SHORT TERM: Run for 15 mins in the morning 5 days a week Walk for a min and run for a min. Repeat 15x LONG TERM: Increase running time by 1 min each week R: Yes T: By the end of April.

Body Composition
Body composition is the amount of body fat, muscle, bone and other tissues that make up our body. It basically is what makes a physique of a person. How much body fat do they have (how fat are they), how how much muscle do they have (how strong are they), etc. To have a good body composition means to be physically fit and healthy. It means to have low body fat, highly visible muscles and bigger limbs.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Cardiorespiratory endurance is our ability to keep an elevated heart rate for a specific amount of time. If our heart rate becomes too high, it won't be able to pump enough blood to our organs and tissues which causes lightheadedness. Therefore, you must keep a balance as to how long you keep your heart rate elevated for. Your heart rate becomes elevated when we exercise enough. You can notice your heart elevated when you get shortness of breath or heavy breathing. It's good to exercise, but make sure you don't have a shortness of breath for a long period of time. Always keep a balance.
Flexibility/mobility is the range of motion around the joints. This decides as to where you can or cannot move your limbs. For example: You're in a fight with another guy. He throws a straight punch and you move your head and body to the left and walk into his guard. At this point in time, you move your arm to throw a punch. You land the punch on the guy and he falls to the ground. Because you worked on your flexibility (stretching) you were able to move your arm (limb) to land the punch on him and win.
Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance is our ability to keep doing an activity without the muscles fatiguing. For example: You're running a marathon on foot. While running, you notice that all the muscles in your legs are tensed and are slowly being fatigued. Once you get to the finish line, your legs break down, causing you fall straight on your face. You aren't that tired but your legs aren't moving at all. This is called muscle fatigue. When the muscle is used until it cannot exert anymore force and so you won't be able to walk for a few minutes. Muscular endurance is the time it takes for the muscles to be fatigued.
Muscular Strength
Muscular strength is the ability that allows us to exert force during an activity. For example: You're playing soccer and you have the ball. You want to pass the ball to your teammate but he's too far away and a defender is approaching. You load up your leg (swing it back) then tensing your glutes, hamstrings and calves, you swing your leg forward, hitting the ball and sending it to your teammate. The tensing of the muscles then exerting this force is called muscular strength.
Health Triangle
The Health Triangle consists of three elements; physical health, mental/emotional health and social health. The idea is that if these three elements are healthy, the person is considered overall healthy. To be physically healthy it means to eat well and exercise enough. The average person needs about 40 minutes of daily exercise to maintain their fitness and physical health. What it means to be mentally/emotionally healthy it means to not be stressful or full of anxiety. It also means staying focused and being an overall happy and content person. Being socially healthy means being able to make friends easily and being able to connect with others fast. It also means that the person would be in touch with their friends and that their friends really like them as a person.