Kategorier: Alla - stress - nutrition - hormones - emotional

av Sharron Hickman för 3 årar sedan


Holistic Weight Loss for Menopause

Navigating menopause involves addressing a variety of interconnected factors, particularly the emotional and physical changes that accompany this phase. Hormonal shifts, such as decreases in progesterone and estrogen, can lead to mood swings and emotional instability.

Holistic Weight Loss for Menopause

Holistic Weight Loss for Menopause


4. How to End Emotional eating
What is emotioanl eating We all do this Ask Why what are you hungry for? Pleasure inventory - homework
Self care
Take time for self Find activites that you enjoy - pleasure inventory Self care is not selfish

Friends & family Support group on line/in person Higer being- God, Buddha, Universe - prayer Living life that is joyful, compassionate, giving

3. The Highs and Lows: Mood swings
Hormonal shifts - explain low adrenal/cortsiol, low progesterone and estrogen Foods create mood swings especially sugar Gut health for serotonin - food/vitamins
1. Stress Effect: Essential to Manage in Menopause
Overview of stress chemistry Types of Stress -physiological, Mental emotional, thoughts - grief, divorce, job loss, anxiety Why important to manage in Menopause
2. What Are you Thinking? Our Thoughts Create Stress How to Course Correct

Thoughts create stress - change your mindset- take from previous presentation Negative self talk creates stress How to change your negative self talk

Nourishing The Body With Food

5. Food Sensitivities
Main food groups Activates immune response
6. Creating Sustainable Healthy Eating Habits
Becomes a Healhty Deviant Prep & Plan- Menus, Shopping lists, meal prep use corckpot and freezer meals Prep veg/salads/make soups/bathc cook meats, hard boil eggs
2. The Sugar Effect: Downside of Sugar and Carbs
Where they are How carbs are processed into sugar How sugar is stored Examples of sugars in breakfast foods How sugar affects energy & mood Healthy fats for stabelizig BS Turn to CHO to increase "feel good" serotonin & dopamine in the brain
4. Nutrients for Menopause
Weak estrogens - flax seeds, macca curciferous veg Vitamins - B's for detox - check hormone notes for additional food/supplements
3. How We Eat Is As Important As What We Eat
Eating Hygiene - Speed, distracted, chewing Meal Timing - example of binging at night Mindful Eating - Tips
1. Food is Fuel: What to Eat and What To Avoid
Whole, nutrient dense food, adequate fat and protein for weight loss limit sugar & processed carbs - review in next session Picture slide of processed versus whole foods, Nutrient dense vs high calorie and nutrient void Healthy breakfast options


Personal environment
Work, home stresses & responsibilities - what you perceive and how you interpret them

Vigerous exercise can raise stress chemistry Find less aggressive forms of exercise- yoga TaiChi, Qi Gong, walking

Estrogen dominance
Increased adipose tissue secretes estrogen
Naturally rebalance
Hormone imbalance & symptoms
I'm Eating What? Where Toxins are Hidden In Every Day Products
Plastics & packaging
Health and Beauty Products
Foods- toxins accumulate in fatty tissues, Opt for grass fed meat, organic f&v Preservatives, additives, sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol
Hydration & elimination
Adequate nutrietns for detox
Cruciferous veg to help with detox
Daily BM to remove waste/toxins including broken down estrogens - importance of fiber to offset toxic load
Adequate water to flush kidneys

Holistc Approach to Weight Loss: The Whole Body is Connected

Need to address all aspects not just diet
during first days short training on why HH/short overview of what HH is
1. Everything is Connected to Everything: Holistic Health Why it Matters
Physical changes in perimenopause & menopause
2. Do I still Live Here? What is Happening in My Body

Hormonal changes Weight gain Fatigue Sleep Movement

Why we eat
3. Food is Fuel & Medicine: Importance of Nutrients
s/s checklist
4. The Common Thread: Symptoms Many Women Experience Through Menopause