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HSIE2 Unit of Work

In a comprehensive educational unit focused on natural disasters, students engage in collaborative discussions within their home groups to analyze the occurrence of various natural events.

HSIE2 Unit of Work


Task 6 Students are to investigate real life natural disasters that have occurred in the past using the links provided on the WebQuest. Students are to look at the videos, images and read information about real life natural disasters that have occurred in the past. They are to consider the following: • The effect it has on the natural environment • The effect it has on the built environment • The effect it has on the people • The effect it has on the country (economy, tourism, resources, etc) • The type of help the country would need In pairs, students are to choose 4 'case studies'. They will be provided with a table on which to organise their information. (Appendix C of unit) In their pairs students are to write and present a news report about one of the real life natural disasters that they have investigated.

Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 RS3.5 WS3.9 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7
Recognition of Learner Needs This task offers activities and resources to appeal to diverse learning styles. Teacher can provide assistance where required whilst completing the news report.
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) • resources and links for research included on the TASK D page of WebQuest Blank table worksheet (Appendix C of unit)

Task 7 Students are to understand that countries affected by natural disasters often require assistance from other countries. They are to choose one of the case studies provided, and research the event using the links listed under Task E of the WebQuest. Students may choose from the following case studies: • Cyclone Tracy 1974 • Indian Gujarat Earthquake 2001 • Sumatra Tsunami 2004 • Christchurch Earthquake 2011 Students are to imagine that they are somebody affected by one of the natural disasters they have researched. They are to write a letter to the Australian Government asking for assistance, ensuring that they explain the kind of assistance they need and why.

Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English RS3.5 WS3.9 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7
Assessment Collection of worksample – letter.
Recognition of Learner Needs This task appeals to diverse learning styles by providing students with a range of options for them to choose from. By working independently on the writing task, the teacher can provide one on one support for students in need.
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) • resources and links for research included on the TASK E page of WebQuest

Task 8 Students are to investigate what different Australian organisations are doing to help other countries in the event of a natural disaster using the sites provided under Task F of the WebQuest. The organisations to be investigated are: o Red Cross o AusAID o CARE In their home groups, students are to make an advertisement for one of the 3 organisations. They will be required to promote the organisation to the Australian public in order to generate donations, ensuring that they include the types of assistance provided as well as recent examples of how they have helped. They may select from the following ways to advertise their organisation: • powerpoint • poster • newspaper article • brochure • speech • television commercial • write a song Students are to remember the features of effective advertisements to ensure that their advertisements are eye catching and memorable!

Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 RS3.5 WS3.9 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7
Assessment Observation of news report presentations as well as collection of the written news report worksample.
Recognition of Learner Needs This task offers activities and resources to appeal to diverse learning styles. Teacher can provide assistance where required.
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) • resources and links for research included on the TASK F page of WebQuest about the following organisations: -Red Cross -AusAID -CARE

HSIE2 Unit of Work "Natural Disasters" by Jessica Chetcuti and Rachel Bevan

4 - Reflecting

5 - Making Connections

6 - Going Further

Task 9 Guest Speakers – Representatives from AusAID, Red Cross and CARE will come into the school and conduct a Q&A session with students to deepen their understanding about how these organisations provide assistance to other countries in the event of a natural disaster. In their home groups students are to weigh up the positive and negative aspects of Australia providing assistance to other countries in the event of a natural disaster. They can do this in one of the following ways: • PMI chart – Plus, Minus, Interesting Fact (See Appendix D) • Powerpoint • Write an argument • Conduct a debate with your group Create a class continuum to provide a visual representation of everyone’s’ personal views about Australia providing aid to other countries. Teacher nominates one side of the room to be ‘Strongly Agree’ and the other ‘Strongly Disagree’. Students can either: • Stand in the appropriate spot that represents their views • Write their name on a post it note and stick it in the appropriate spot on the wall As the class discusses their positions, students are encouraged to move if their opinion changes.
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7

Assessment Teacher observation of discussion during class continuum activity. (Teacher can use probing questions to gauge student understanding)

Resources Guest Speakers from AusAID, Red Cross and CARE Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) PMI Chart (Appendix D) Post it notes

7 - Acting and Responding

Task 10 (Students will have several opportunities to work on this task throughout the week, with the presentations commencing in Week 9.) In their home groups, students are to develop an advertising campaign designed to convince the Australian public whether or not Australia should continue to provide assistance to other countries in the event of a natural disaster. Their campaign must include one or more of the following: • Television commercial • Radio commercial • Television interview or debate • Create a mini-magazine • Powerpoint presentation • Speech/public announcement (press conference) Students may wish to also include some of the following to support their campaign: • make a board game • poster • flyer • brochure • song/jingle If the students think of any other ways to present, they can let the teacher know. Students are to complete the self evaluation questionnaires at the completion of the presentations. (Appendix E of unit)
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 TS3.1 TS3.2 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7

Assessment Final formative assessment task using: • teacher observation during presentation • work samples • student self assessment sheet • assessment rubric (Appendix F)

Recognition of Learner Needs This task appeals to diverse learning styles by providing students with alternative ways to demonstrate their understanding, thus appealing to diverse learning styles and also providing equal opportunitites for students to demonstrate their knowledge.
Resources Student self evaluation questionnaire. (Appendix E) Student Assessment Rubric (Appendix F)

3 - Sorting Out

Task 5 Students then research some of the countries they deemed most at risk in the previous lesson using the links provided on the WebQuest. While researching they are to consider whether or not these countries are adequately prepared for natural disasters. Teacher to hint that they are to think about the population, economy, nearest neighboring countries, quality of living, etc. Students are to independently draft an exposition about whether they feel a country of their choice is adequately prepared for a natural disaster. Prior to writing, the students are to revisit the structure of an exposition and plan their argument.
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 SSS3.7 English RS3.5 WS3.9

Assessment Informal observation, anecdotal records and collection of worksample (exposition - draft and final copy)

Recognition of Learner Needs This task offers activities to appeal to diverse learning styles and teacher support can be provided by scaffolding the exposition writing process.
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home)
Task 4 In their home groups, students discuss the various information they discovered about where different types of natural events occur. Consider the following: • Are there any locations that are more prone to natural disasters? • Are there connections between different types of natural disasters? In their home groups the students print the blank world map provided on the WebQuest. They are to mark the locations that are frequently affected by natural disasters and plot any of the major natural disasters that they have learnt about. They can then create their own natural disaster hazard map. The students can then add to their world maps any new locations that are affected by different types of natural disasters. Students look at the Seismic hazard map provided on the WebQuest. They will consider the following questions: • What do you notice about the areas of hazard? • Are there any similarities or differences to the areas that you plotted on your own map? • What do you think is the reason for this? • Which countries do you feel are most at risk of experiencing major natural disasters?

Assessment Collection of worksamples and teacher observation during group discussion.

Recognition of Learner Needs This task offers activities to appeal to diverse learning styles and the group activities enable the teacher to work with specific groups when required.
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) Blank world map (accessed via WebQuest) Create your own natural disaster hazard map http://mapapps.esri.com/disasters/create-map/hazard/index.html Seismic Hazard Map (accessed via WebQuest)

2 - Finding Out

Task 3 In their groups of 4 from the previous day, each individual group member is to choose one of the following topics: • Tsunamis and earthquakes • Floods and bushfires • Tornadoes, cyclones and hurricanes • Volcanoes and avalanches Each student will separate from their 'home' group and research their topic with members of other groups who are researching the same topic. This will be their 'expert' group. Students may use the links provided on the WebQuest to assist them with their research. Each ‘expert group’ will be provided with a retrieval chart (Appendix B of Unit) on which to store their information. They will then select one of the following ways to present their findings to their ‘home’ group: • glog (http://www.glogster.com/) • poster • powerpoint • speech • report
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 WS3.9

Assessment Informal formative assessment via teacher observation and anecdotal records and also collection of worksamples.

Recognition of Learner Needs This task offers activities for early finishers, which also serves to consolidate understanding. These activities include completing an online natural disaster quiz and creating a virtual natural disaster (see resource list for URLs).
Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) Blank Retrieval Chart (Appendix B) Natural Disaster Quiz (http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/quiz-natural-disasters/) Create your own natural disaster (http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/forces-of-nature/)

1 - Tuning In

Task 2 As a class, discuss what was included in the group mind maps from the previous lesson. Collaborate to create a class mind map including everything that is already known about natural disasters. NOTE: The class mindmap will be added to as students learn more about natural disasters. Students then work together in their groups to create a 'group definition' of a natural disaster. (This should be one sentence which describes what they believe a natural disaster is.) Students may use the links provided in Task A of the WebQuest to assist them in making their definitions.
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 Science ES S3.6 INV S3.7 English TS3.1 TS3.2 RS3.5

Assessment Pre Assessment (via observation of class discussion and work samples of mind map/KWL chart)

Resources Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home)
Task 1 Class watches a YouTube clip showing the devastation of natural disasters. Questions for discussion: •What can you see happening in the video? •How does it make you feel? •What do you already know about natural disasters? •What are some questions that you have about natural disasters? •How are you going to find the answers to these questions? In groups of 4 students brainstorm everything they already know about natural disasters. They present this information in a mind map, KWL chart or a glog.
Outcomes and KLA Integration HSIE ENS3.5 Science ES S3.6 English TS3.1 TS3.2
Recognition of Learner Needs This task uses whole class discussion to allow the teacher to gauge student prior knowledge and recognise any diverse learning needs in the class. Teacher can organise student groups to ensure that each student is working with similiarly abled peers, allowing the teacher to work with specific groups when needed.
Resources YouTube clip Montage of Natural Disasters by RoboticsIsMyLife. Natural Disasters WebQuest (http://sites.google.com/site/hsie2webquest/home) https://bubbl.us/ Blank KWL template (Appendix A of Unit of Work) http://www.glogster.com/