Kategorier: Alla - clients - records - safety - confidentiality

av Teh Yi-Lynn för 2 årar sedan



Upholding privacy and confidentiality is crucial in human ethics, especially when managing confidential client information. All staff, including trainees and colleagues, must thoroughly understand and comply with the established protocols to ensure information is processed, stored, and recorded securely, preventing any unintended disclosure.



Standard of protection of research participant

Animals: Reduce amount of pain, suffering, fear, distress, frustration, boredom and lasting harm
Be careful when advising Ps about their psychological issues and refer them to other professional services ( if needed )
Alert Ps of unknowing psychological problems that may endanger their well-being with evidences
Ps can decline any questions and their participation may be stopped when safety issues arise
Inform Ps that withdrawal is not affected by any inducements for participation
Get objective approval of independent advisors when concluding negative consequences from the research and consent of Ps
Avoid using financial compensation/other inducements for Ps to risk harm beyond their normal lifestyles
Ask Ps beforehand about individual factors that might be harmful and inform them about actions that can minimise those risks
Seek consulation about the potential effects of e.g. martial or family status, sexual orientation, etc.
Eliminate potential risks to psychological well-being, physical heal, personal values or dignity of Ps

Standard of privacy and confidentiality

All colleagues, staff, trainees and supervisees have understood and respect the provisions of this code when dealing with confidential information
Audio, video or photographic recordings of clients will only be made with clear permission from legal clients/authorised representatives
When disclosing confidential information to clients, confidentiality of other people's information will be safely kept and help in understanding the information will be given
Any breach of confidentiality without consent will be recorded along with the reasons
Before disclosing any confidential information, a professional colleague will be consulted unless it is a case of emergency
Confidentiality will be breached when it concerns
health, welfare or safety of children/vulnerable adults
safety of other persons affected by client's behaviour
safety of clients
Clients should be aware about
c) the possibility that 3rd parties may help in communicating during the activity
b) the possibility that the consultation would be shared with colleagues ( only if needed )
a) potentially conflicting or supervening legal and ethical obligations
Record, process and store confidential information avoiding unintended disclosure
Only disclose specifics of the initiating request or event and of the client's authorisation
Obtain consent of legal clients clients/ their authorised representatives
Keep appropriate records

Standard of informed consent

Protect the privacy of the P if needed to:
Nature of deception informed as early as possible
Any safeguards required
Preserve the integrity of the research
Inform the P when experiments occur over the required time or the environment or focus of such activities
Do not research based on observations of public behavior to where Ps would be reasonably to be observed by strangers to local culture while in a public place, may believe they are unobserved
Careful when seeking consent of detained persons
When consent of Ps cannot be given, obtain necessary institutional ethics authorities or even peers & colleagues before proceeding
When the informed consent cannot be obtained from the Ps, consult a feasible person for assistance in determining what may be their best interest
Beware of Ps who may be not be legal to give consent
Keep proper records of when, how or from whom the consent is given
Obtain the informed consent of all P's involved in professional services or research participation
Ensure P's understand the nature, purpose and consequences of professional services or research participation before giving consent

Standard of debriefing of research participant

Be careful when discussing sensitive outcomes with research participants
Debrief Ps with a conclusion to inform them of the results and nature of the research, to identify any unforeseen harm, discomfort, or misconceptions and arrange assistance ( if needed )

Standards of self determination

If clients are referred to alternative sources of help, facilitate the transfer and work with other professionals
If clients withdraw from research, destroy all data that can identify them personally
Clients will be first informed that they can withdraw anytime from research participation or service

Standard of general respect

Explain the bases for their decisions
Avoid unfair treatment
Respect the P's way of thinking
Respect whoever they are (Age, Disability)