Kategorier: Alla - relationships - society - exploration - survival

av Georgiana Baba för 6 årar sedan


Into the Wild (IDENTITY)

The journey into the Australian outback is a quest for identity and a rejection of societal norms. The protagonist, influenced by various mentors, develops resilience and a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Into the Wild (IDENTITY)

Into the Wild (IDENTITY)







Jenny & Toly



Helps her to understand the realities of the outback

Bull situation

Develops her with the camels


Forces her to develop beyond the "archetypal female"

Robyn has to become resilient

"concrete down my spine"


Impact on Robyn

Teaches Robyn to understand the land - Indigenous perspective

Restrictions like time

Takes on board, advice on Kangaroo

Doesn't resent them in the same manner as Chris

Father encourages

Traumatic past


Sense of independence

Criticisms of society

Traditional paths

Self-indulgent negativity

Misogyny & Racism

Leaving society to trek across the Australian outback

Not as extreme as Chris, sees people during the trip (Eddie, Rick)

Keeps radio

Mentors (all mentors show him the value of relationships eventually)


Given practical advice

Ignores advice (about fire)


Feed his romantic notions of nature

Tolstoy "people"


Impacted by:

Pushes his boundaries

Gets him to hike

Adopted habits of sob

Physical tools which teaches him about forgiveness

Jan + Rainey

Impact by:

Helps with relationship problems

Helps Jan to discuss son and acts as son

Impact on:

Ignores advice "leaves and berries"

Rainey suggests forgiveness

Ultimately evidence of the importance of human relationships



Leaves behind society

Personal regrowth and development

Why (formative experience)


Apartheid (inhumanity of humanity)

"Sick society"

Authors who inform philosophy


"fragility of Chrystal"

Lies & Violence

"parents, hypocrites, politicians, pricks"

"daily bouts of rage"

"fraudulent marriage"

"a murder of everyday's truth"

Journey & Discovery

Death of Diggity

Solitude is a condition for growth

"Before that moment, I had always supposed that loneliness was my enemy. I had seemed not to exist without people around me. But now I understood that I had always been a loner, and that this condition was a gift rather than something to be feared"

The meaning of love

Into the wild


Ron emphasises the importance of human relationships

"You're wrong if you think the joy of life comes principally from human relationships" - Chris

"making something of life?" - Ron

Rainey warns cautions about rejecting family

"Children can be pretty harsh when it comes to their parents" - Rainey

Wayne warns Chris about

Practical advice

Going into Alaska in Spring

"Remember Alex, no Alaska till spring." - Wayne


"Can't be juggling blood and fire all the time" - Wayne

Jan warns Chris about consuming leaves and berries

"You can't depend entirely on leaves and berries" - Jan

Dies from consuming plants


"Happiness is only real when shared."

"When you forgive, you love. And when you love...God's light shines on you" - Ron

Camera close ups

Chris looking up at sun shining prior to death


Chris' death is heavily filtered with a dark hue over the shots


Chris enjoys time at the sunny lit Slabs

Nature is unpredictable

"I'm fucking hungry" - Chris

Chris tiny compared to the wild




Parents' voices

"Do you hear me woman?" - Chris

LA scene

Alienated, scared back into the wild

Panning shots of buildings

Fails to cook the moose

Breaks down

Camera zoom in

Zoomed in shot of maggots


Crossing the River

Camera long shots

Chris looks small in comparison, unable to get to beanie (humanity / human connection)



"Here blacks were forbidden"

"there's nothing damn well wrong with the blacks except what the whites do to them"

"a vastly superior white world:aimless, wanderers who were backward, primitive and stupid"

"the blacks were unequivocally the enemy - dirty, lazy, dangerous"


"God's majestic hidey-hole, where men are men and women are an afterthought"

“next town rape case”.

"it is such a female syndrome"

"Listen 'ere lady, you're fucking done for. Them c**ns'll rape youze for sure"

"where's yer old man"

"half finished, half hearted attempts at different jobs and various studies"

"had been sick of carrying around the self-indulgent negativity which was so much the malaise of my generation, my sex and my class"

“shuttup and get out”

Middle class values / expectations

Traditional Paths

"Son, don't you think you ought to be getting an education? And a job? And making something of this life?"- Mr.Franz

"I think careers are a 20th century invention, and I don't want one. You don't need to worry about me. I have a college education." - Chris

Yelling at Mr. Franz, emphasises anger

"He just graduated today from Emory College." -Walt

"fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from college" - Carine

Regulation & Order

"A in Apartheid in South African Society." - Carine

"escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations. Absolute freedom" - Wallace Stegner (intertextual reference)


"now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, false security, parents and material excess," - Carine

"These things, things, things, things."

"I don't need a new car. I don't want a new car." - Chris

Close up shot of his agitation


Into the Wild

The Deer

Long shots of deer in the wilderness

Apple scene

Close up camera shots of romantic looks

"I mean, you're really good."


"I'm going to be all the way out there" Chris

"I've been wounded I've been healed" Eddie Vedder

"characteristic immoderation"

"give me truth" Thorean

"society, you're a crazy breed" Eddie Vedder

Condition for growth

Allows for learning/discovery

"the presence of force not bound to be kind to man"

Need to be close to the animals to survive in the wild


River scene crossing back into society

"I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh"

Appreciation for society

Diagetic sound of water stream running

Failure to prepare the moose

Non-diagetic sounds of tense strings

"No! No! Damn it!"

Diagetic sounds of moose being sliced

"Rained in - LONELY"

Close up on his writing

"You hear me? You hear me, woman?"



Conditions for self-discovery

"Desert, purity, fire, air, hot wind, space, sun, desert desert desert."

Truth & Beauty

"orange tail-feathers screeched their music through the high trees; sunlight exploded"

"translucent, filtered through the leaves and created a fairy land."

"tall columns of silver eucalypts, winds through the town, then cuts into a narrow gap in the mountains"

"endless pink tracks leading to the shimmering horizon, and then there was nothing but the dry red parchment of the dead heart"


"now I understood that I had always been a loner"

"It became an animate being of which I was a part"

"He repeated this over and over and I swore I would never do such a thing."


Threat to survival

Physical threats


"To enter that country is to be choked with dust, suffocated by waves of thrumming heat"


"I really did enjoy the company of animals better than people"


"where the desert was larger than I could comprehend"

"They have an awesome grandeur that can fill you with exaltation or dread, and usually a combination of both."

"architectural ugliness of the place, a discomforting contrast to the magnificence of the country which surrounded it."