av Mckhail Weaver för 6 årar sedan
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Form new blood vessels
Original tumor easily fragment
Lack differentiation: Cells are non-specialized Cells are immortal-enter cell cycle repeatedly Have abnormal nuclei Cells enlarged Abnormal # of chromosomes Extra copies of genes Don’t go through apoptosis Form Tumors
1 in 5 people die from cancer (USA) Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of a tissue,metastasis
Crispr is an example of a process to use for gene therapy
Order of freedom: Totipotent>Pluripotent>Multipotent
Once nervous cells are born they never die of Intestinal cells turnover every 3-6 days Bones take about 10 years
Cell Communication-ex neurons Selective Cell Adhesion- ex: epithelial sheets Cell memory- ex. Replication