Kategorier: Alla - linguistics - syntax - phonetics - semantics

av laurie guevara för 4 årar sedan


Introduction to linguistics

The study of linguistics encompasses various branches that delve into the different aspects of language and its structure. Key areas include the analysis of grammar, syntax, and phonetics, which explore the rules and sounds that form the basis of language.

Introduction to    linguistics



The study of meanings in a language

Phrasal Semantics

Phrase and sentence meaning

Lexical semantics

Words and meaning relationship between words


The study of structure of words,their composition


The study of sentences and their order, how sentences are formed.

4. Questions words: btopic
question words also vary in position in sentences: English: What does John eat? Japanese: John what eats?
3. Prepositions
word order varies for prepositions or postpositions in languages: English: with a black cat Japanese: black cat with
2. Adjective and Noun
AN or NA: English: with a black dog Spanish: con un perro negro
1. Word order:
SVO English SOV Japanese: Jake juice drinks VSO VOS OSV OVS
Types of Sentence Structures
Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences | Learning English. (2018, november 16). Recovered of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smgyeUomfyA



introduction to semantics

ASFCEngDept. (2015, noviembre 4). Introduction to Semantics. Recoveredo 13 de mayo de 2020, de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3t2VPcHwCw

The study of the uses of language and linguistic communication how the meaning of the context is derived, what language encodes and transmits


all of the bits,the base and the affixes-ex uncovering un-covering affix prefix suffix

what is pragmatics?

Pragmatics-PH Karlsruhe. (2018, july 15). What is Pragmatics? Recovered 13 de may of 2020, of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVP-TWE-Ikg

Pragmatics and semantics

Part of linguistics that studies the sounds of languages.


How speech sounds are made
The psysical properties of speech as sound waves


Is the study of the sounds of speech.


phonetics and phonology

Phloneme. (2012, octubre 31). Explained: The relationship between phonetics and phonology. Recovered may 13 de 2020, of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61xIUzoMTTk


The percepcion of speech sounds through the ears

Introduction to linguistics

The scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics. Specific branches of linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, comparative linguistics, and structural linguistics.

They can also have two layers of meaning:

Sentenses can have two layers of from:

Structure and sounds