av Brian Clark för 3 årar sedan
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Dear CAG,
Thank you for your email, I can report that I have received a response from the monitoring officer on behalf of the Mayor.
The Mayor considers that this is not a matter which warrants an EGM. The response is as below.
Dear Councillor Henry.
I am writing in response to your requisition for an Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held to consider the following motion, following the matter being discussed with the Mayor:
‘That in view of public concerns this Council resolves to cease all activity in the Laindon Community Centre buildings until such time as an Inspection is carried out, by a qualified independent surveyor, assessing the structure and dilapidations therein and advising on any works necessary to ensure the safety of persons in the building, and the findings presented to full council .
This council further resolves that Laindon residents having the final say in an open and transparent consultation carried out to determine their preference of Restore or Rebuild and to ensure the site will cater for all of the current services run, including the Bar/Social Club.
This council resolves to take all necessary steps to ensure this situation is not repeated at any of its locations in future and commits to publishing annual service reports and financial stability statements for consideration by the appropriate committee to reassure residents that their local community centres are being run effectively’.
Council Procedure Rules state that ‘An Extraordinary Meeting shall not be convened to consider a motion that does not comply with the requirements of the Council Procedure Rules’. In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14(e), the Mayor considers that the motion is out of order.
This is on the basis that the Motion relates to a specific community centre, particularly in the first paragraph seeks to address what are regarded as largely operational matters and the motion seeks resolutions from Council without enabling consideration of all relevant factors to inform the decision as required in Article 11 of the Constitution – Decision Making.
The Mayor does not consider that the motion is in order for debate at Full Council for the reasons set out, but instead relates to a matter that is in the remit of the Council’s service committees which they could consider and progress without referral from Full Council and which would be more appropriate. The matter would fall within the remit of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee, chaired by Councillor Harrison, and there are 2 further meetings of that committee scheduled over the next few weeks. It is therefore suggested that you may wish to contact Councillor Harrison to discuss.
As you are aware, each committee has a work programme and an item on every agenda to review these and consider the inclusion of new matters. The Mayor considers, like his predecessor had done, that this is the appropriate mechanism which should be followed as opposed to Members directing such matters straight to Full Council via various motions.
Kind Regards
Jeff Henry
Ros Connors interview on 4th Fabruary 2021 at 4pm
Listen again at www.gateway978.com
Here is a link in MP3 format
And another in WAV format
Unhelpful Remarks
Public Affairs Board List both GC & AM as practitioners
Denies refusing to meet despite 3 offers being made to meet so far.
Each time he turns down the meeting as he cannot restrict it to only himself and Kerry Smith