Kategorier: Alla - processus - analyse - formation - contraintes

av Gérard Hubaux för 9 årar sedan


MANAGE Competence & Training @ INFRABEL

Dans le contexte de la cartographie d'un processus pour la gestion des formations et des compétences, plusieurs directions sont impliquées, notamment I-HRO.001, I-HRO.135, I-AM, et I-TMS.

MANAGE Competence & Training @ INFRABEL

Mind map rédigée dans le contexte de cartographie d'un processus essentiel, demandé par I-TMS, à savoir la gestion des formations et compétences chez I-AM.21 (Signaling)

Welcome, Guest

Means-end analysis is a process for solving simple problems which works backwards from your target position to discover what actions you can take.

In this Smart Map wizard, we will go only 5 levels deep - if you need more detail than this, you can add it by saving the map as a normal Mindomo map and editing it with Mindomo's features.

Where next?

Where next?

If you have successfully built your plan for achieving your target outcome, then congratulations!

You can now save your map as a normal Mindomo map and continue to work in it using normal features. Of course, you can continue to develop your action plan without the Smart Map wizard. You can also mark up actions with task information using Mindomo's commands.

The plan naturally shows the execution order from left to right. Actions on the left are done first, and work towards the centre of the map.

Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL

Name the target outcome

Begin by identifying the target outcome in a few words and press Enter.

For example, you might be aiming to increase production capacity, so this would be your target outcome.

Pre-conditions and actions

This is the tree of conditions and actions that lead towards the target status, so is drawn on the left of the map. Actions flow from left to right.

Creating the plan

Now we are ready to work backwards from 'Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL' towards the current situation, trying to create a chain of conditions and actions to join them up.

Meetings : With I-HRO.135 le 24/11/2015 With I-HRO.001 le 10/12/2015 With I-HRO.135 le 12/02/2016
Préciser les stakeholders Rassembler l'information documentée inventorier les applicatifs existants

Add a condition before 'Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL'

What needs to be in place before you can reach 'Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL'? What are the pre-requisites or conditions of reaching this position?
Add a short description of something that must be put in place or a condition that must exist before you can reach 'Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL'. Remember to observe the constraints that you listed.

Example: if you need to increase production capacity, then the kinds of things that need to be in place could include:


The constraints on what you can do to move from the current situation to the target situation

What are the constraints?

When taking action to move from where you are now to where you want to be, there will always be some sort of constraints to think about. Any planned actions must meet these constraints.

Plusieurs méthodes de description de processus chez Infrabel
Plusieurs directions impliquées dans le processus end to end : - I-HRO.001 - I-HRO.135 (Infrabel academy) - I-AM - I-TMS

Add a constraint

Add a constraint that limits what you can do in moving from the current situation to the target situation. A constraint may be:

Current situation

Current situation - where you are now

The current situation

Where are you now?

Means-end analysis tries to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Support de formation existants : - SAP logistique I-AM (voir AF). - Infrabel Academy - I-HRO.135 Fonctions de sécurité
Formations de base et fondamentales coordonnées par Infrabel Academy
Peu de sous-processus décrits et, lorsqu'ils existent, sous la forme de procédures (voir AF).

Describe your current situation

Add a line describing where you are now.

Références normatives

ISO 10015:1999 Management de la qualité - Lignes directrices pour la formation ISO 10018:2012 Management de la qualité - Mignes directrices pour l'implication et les compétences du personnel

Key people for analyse

Johan Verschaeve (I-AM.13) Jean-ïerre De Coninck (I-AM.214) Gérard Hubaux (I-AM.131) Aurélie Foucart (I-HRO.135) Lieven Tittillion (I-HRO-001) Marie-Pascale Dumont (I-HRO-001) Gregory Goux (I-HRO.135)

Target situation

Target situation - where you are aiming at

The target situation

Where do you want to be? What does successfully reaching 'Manage Competence & Training @ INFRABEL' look like?

Description du sous-processus spécifique à I-AM conformément à l'avis 34 I-AM/2015
Rédaction d'une analyse fonctionnelle destine à proposer aux owner et managers du processus end-to-end.
Identification du processus end-to-end

Describe the target situation

Add a line describing where you want to be in the future.