Metaphysical Interpretations of Reality

What is the meaning of life?


Existentialism; life has no fixed meaning; we create our own purpose.
Subjectivism; meaning is personal + based on experience.
Purpose; some find meaning in religion, relationships, work, or creativity.

Real Life

Viktor Frankl (Man’s Search for Meaning) finds purpose in suffering.
Different cultures focus on religion, others on success or love.
Social media; where people share personal journeys of meaning (self-improvement, helping others, etc).

What is consciousness?


Materialism; the consciousness is just the brain functioning.
Dualism; mind + body are separate.
Neuroscience studies how the brain creates awareness.

Real Life

Brain scans (neuroscience) show how different areas control awareness.
Dreams showcases that our consciousness exists even when the body is at rest.
AI and robots raise the question; Can they be conscious? Raises questions about what makes us self-aware.

Do we have free will?


Everything is caused by past events (determinism).
Compatibilism; free will exists, but w/in limits.
Agency is when people act as if they have choices, even if decisions are influenced.

Real Life

Neuroscience studies show decisions are made before we’re aware of them.
Laws; justice systems assume free will (people are responsible for actions).
Many areas of psychology hint that people’s choices are shaped by upbringing and society.

Does the world really exist?


Empiricism; we know the world through our senses.
Idealism; reality is just mental perception.
Perception; the way we see the world is shaped by our mind.

Real Life

Optical illusions; perception isn’t always reality.
Virtual reality can create “fake” but convincing worlds.
Dreams feel real, but aren’t part of physical reality.

Why is there something rather than nothing?


Cosmology is the study of the universe’s origins.
Theism is how people believe a god created everything.
Scientific theories, like how the universe came from the Big Bang.

Real Life

The Big Bang Theory explains the beginning of the universe.
Religious stories, like Genesis, describe creation differently.
Philosophers like Leibniz argue that existence itself is proof that "something" must have a cause.