av Dalien Fernanda Pimentel för 3 årar sedan
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This mind map will help you to easily prepare the next training session for your trainees.
Sort out the groups in need of training, then assign the trainers for each group.
usando los efectos lumínicos del claroscuro
esto puede verse en obras de:
Rembrandt, Vermeer, Le Nain y La Tour
Add here special training topics, if there are any.
que alzan los efectos escenográficos de muchos cuadros, esculturas y obras arquitectónicas
The name of the person who will hold the presentation.
aglutinándose en el movimiento religioso conocido como Contrafrreforma
Add the date of the training.
como una corriente artística-literaria
In the end, you have to evaluate the training program. The test and questionnaires will help you see if the program was indeed efficient, but you also need to leave space for feedback.
This way, you can eliminate the possible flaws for the next meetings.
- keep track of test scores and reports
- surveys for learners to evaluate their speakers
- suggestions for improvements
- etc.
Plana (no mezcla coloresc
Fuerte expresionismo
Bidimensionalismo, no hay profundidad
decorativo del mismo
Write here those feedbacks which are recurring so you can see through the opinion of the majority.
iglesias,catedrales y monasterios
se intentaba buscar el sentido espiritual
relacionado con la fé
la bóveda de medio cañón
el empleo del arco de medio punto
Su objetivo principal:
rovocar acercamiento de los fieles a Dios
es un arte religioso
transición al gótico
siglo XII
siglo XI
primitiva o prerrománico
siglo V al X
Add your ideas for questionaires here.
Usually, training budgets come from the leadership however, in some cases, you can try to look for sponsors as well.
el fresco, el temple y el óleo
trabajo en metal
fondo de una composición pintada detallada
piedra, madera, terracota, bronce
Add the general training info here.
Mention the date and location; you can also write down a few of the topics that will be discussed during training.
desde mediados del siglo XII hasta la implantación del Renacimiento