av Martin Merlo för 4 årar sedan
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av María José Ruiz Hidalgo
av Cristina Adam
av andrea peñaa
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Schedule your course ahead. Knowing all the information will make everything easier.
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Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.
Ser capaz de autodirigirse y tomar control del propio aprendizaje
capacidad de jugar
motivación intrínseca
interacción y participación activamente
distribución de aprendizaje en el tiempo
ritmo circadiano cambia y se vuelve más “nocturno”.
Dormir lo suficiente promueve los procesos de memoria y aprendizaje
ejercicio físico beneficia la capacidad de aprender
Add details about where you can get it from. For e.g.: library, bookstore, audiobook, etc.
exposición crónica a situaciones de estrés puede generar efectos adversos en el aprendizaje.
Add the publishing information.
buena nutrición
Name the author.
Add summary of the content of a book
Review your resource requirements and tick off the devices you will need as well as their availability. Add others, if necessary.
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Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Did your teacher present the objectives of this course? Write them down and add anything else that might help you reach these objectives.