av Adejuwon Dami för 10 årar sedan
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World Vision is active in 92 countries, World Vision is one of the world's largest independent development organizations. It operates through a global partnership of national offices to conduct child-focused emergency relief and sustainable community development projects.
Most projects are designed and implemented locally.
MSF is an independent, humanitarian relief agency that provides medical aid around the world. It operates where there is no medical aid or where existing health care facilities cannot withstand the pressures to which they are subjected. In most cases, relief programs become projects that may run for several years after the most urgent needs have been met.
SOCO is trying to extract oil from the Virunga National Park in Congo. There are only 800 mountain gorillas left in the world and most of them leave in the Virunga National Park. The Park Rangers are trying to stop the SOCO from disrupting wildife.