Developed a new form of perspective
The people looked at Jesus above everyone
else. Example: In the chapels he was painted on the ceilings so people could look up to him
Made a lot of works depicting Jesus
Byzantine and Constantinople
They were under serious
threat from the ottoman empire
Tried sending people to Italy to get help
They all failed to do so, and decided to start new careers in Italy such as translating
Ottoman Empire took over
The return of Greek antiquities
The Greeks developed a new style of building called columns
Everyone thought light shot from our eyes
Everyone got more educated
and learned how optics worked
Travelling West enough to go East
Navigation was not advanced enough to cross the ocean
Concluding that the world is round
Trade route to India was discovered
Resulted in Columbus discovering
the Americas
Used to build structures
that gave them a different
perspective on things.
Example: chapels
Used the position of
the north star to
calculate coordinates
Lack of knowledge when
navigating resulted in them
getting lost a lot.
Couldn't cross the equator
without getting lost