Kategorier: Alla - acceleration - fitness - wellness - recovery

av max vodyanickij för 10 årar sedan



The message encourages participants in a wellness program to remain engaged and proactive. It highlights the benefits of the Sprint HIT routine, which aims to enhance agility and acceleration, beneficial for both athletic performance and everyday activities.



Sprint HIT wrap up

Congratulations! You’ve completed the Sprint HIT program! Well done! We are keen to know how you did! Please send your results and a little summary of what you thought of the program toinfo@poweryouwellness.com. We hope you enjoyed the program. But as we said right from the start, we want to support you on your health and fitness journey for as long as we can. The last 10 days was just the beginning, and to see real long term results, you need to keep at it. We’ll continue to provide you with more great content via your inbox. We’ll cover a wide range of health, fitness, and wellness issues – we are sure you’ll find something of interest to you. If you haven’t done so already, please check out our blog as well. And in the not too distant future we will be launching our Power You Wellness members site, which as a valued participant in our Sprint HIT program, you will have the opportunity for first access to. The Power You Wellness site will provide tailored exercise plans just for you! Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan

Welcome to the Sprint HIT program

My name is Vaughan Roberts and Fraser, Morgan, and I want to thank you and congratulate you on choosing the Sprint HIT program. By getting your hands on the Sprint HIT program you've taken the first step towards a new high-intensity (and no excuses) approach to exercise that will lead to some incredibly positive fitness, health, and wellness changes for you.

Warm Up like a World Champion

Hello again, I know we just emailed you, but it's important that we get this message to you quickly as well. It's all about the Sprint HIT warm up. The Sprint HIT warm up is key because You need to be warm before you start any high intensity workout to ensure your muscles are ready for action Practicing the exercises in the warm up will actually help you to sprint faster! You'll use this warm up 6 times throughout the program Check out this video for a demo from world champion beach sprinter Morgan Foster on how to do the warm up. It’s nothing flash, but it’s quick and easy and fit for purpose – just like the Sprint HIT program. You’ll need to know this warm up for Day 1 of Sprint HIT! Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. If you also want to see a video of how to do the 40m Sprint Test, we have a demo here for you.

Do you even burpee?

Hey! I hope by now you’ve taken action, and at least downloaded the Sprint HIT program, if not completed Day 1! Sprint HIT Day 2 video How did Day 1 go? If you’ve completed Day 1, you’ll have your waist circumference and 40m sprint times. Make sure you have them recorded! The next 8 days are all about increasing your speed and improving fitness so that on Day 10 of the program, when you do your re-test, you will be leaner and faster than you were on Day 1! Yes, it is possible, and yes, you can do it! Day 2 of the program is all about leg speed and ankle strength. We’ve put together a simple circuit that will help you with both of these. Check out this video of Morgan taking you through the exercises you need to know for Day 2. If there was a world champs for burpees technique, we’re pretty sure Morgan would win it. I know everyone hates burpees. I hate burpees! But if you do them often, and do them with good technique, they do get easier. And they are so good for improving leg speed and power. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. We highly recommend you add in the exercises in the jumpmanual to your circuit.

What Fuels Your Body?

Hi! Fraser here, I hope you’re enjoying the Sprint HIT program! There’s no videos of Morgan prancing around in this email, but I wanted to share a personal story with you. It’s about how changing my Nutrition approach, ensuring I was fueling my body with the right nutrients, had a massive positive impact on my body composition – at a time when I couldn’t exercise! Check it out on our blog here Fraser Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan Subject: How agile are you? Hey! - Have you started Sprint HIT yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Its easy and quick, so there really arent any excuses. If there is anything holding you back that we can help you with, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at info@poweryouwellness.com and give us your suggestions on how we can improve the program for you! Otherwise, we hope you’re enjoying the program so far! Day 3 is a quick session, it’s all about improving your agility and acceleration. This is great for sports where you have to move quickly in different directions. It’s also quite useful if you have to chase around after your kids! Today you’ll do the Sprint HIT warm up like you did on Day 1, and then you’ll get into some shuttles. Check out today’s video of Morgan here Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. If you haven’t done so already, we highly recommend you check out this real food approach to fuelling our bodies. It really will fast track your results!

It’s show time

Hey! Just a quick one today to say good luck for your Day 10 Retest! Don’t forget to measure your waist when you get up in the morning, and then go hard in that 40m sprint! We’re looking forward to hearing how you went. You’ve got this! Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan

Only 2 days to go

Hey! I hope the Fartlek conditioning session went well yesterday, and you managed to take it up a notch from Day 4. If you’ve completed all 8 sessions so far – congratulations, that’s an awesome effort. Today is another recovery day, so enjoy your walk and stretch, and if you can get a spa, sauna, or bath in – do it! Don’t underestimate the importance of recovery. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out our review of the Fat Burning Chef here.

Aiming for 80

Hello! How did Day 6 and 7 go? Are you keeping up with the program? If you’re not, remember all of Morgan’s videos are available here. However, if you are still up to date with the program, congratulations! You’ve only got 3 more days to go, and one of them is a recovery day! I hope you’re looking forward to the next session. It’s another Fartlek session, and it’s pretty much the same as the last Fartlek session except this time we want you to take it up a notch and aim for 80%. This is your last big session before your big re-test in 2 days’ time, so make the most of it! “to give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift’ – Steve Prefontaine I love that quote! Just a little motivation for you. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan

Review of the Fat Burning Chef

Hey! Just in case you’re getting a little sick of our emails, I’m going to give you a break tomorrow. On Sprint HIT Day 6, you’ve got another leg speed and ankle strength circuit, and on Day 7 it’s time to get agile again with some more shuttles! Remember to use Morgan’s videos if you need to! For those of you yet to get on board The Fat Burning Man bandwagon, we thought we’d give you a sneak peak into the Fat Burning Chef. Check out our review of the Fat Burning Chef Whilst we agree with about 95% of the Fat Burning Man’s ideas, we do have our own views on fueling your body right. For example, one of the bonuses that Abel James gives away with the Fat Burning Chef is something called ‘A Paleo Christmas Cookbook’. But we don’t completely agree with paleo, as we love dairy too much! So we thought we’d write this review to outline just how the Fat Burning Man aligns with what we believe. Good luck for Days 6 and 7 of the program and we’ll catch you in a couple of days. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan Check out the review here!

A great recovery..

Hi! - How’s the body feeling today? I’m really hoping by now that you’ve started the program! If you’re starting a few days late, make sure you search back through your inbox to find our other emails and watch those videos! Or access them here! It’s really important that you’re copying Morgan’s technique on the exercises as much as you can. Today is your first recovery day. Recovery is uber-important for your speed. As sprinters, we have almost as many recovery days as we do training days – We only sprint 2-3 times a week! The importance of recovery in a high intensity training programme is explained in awesome detail in Morgan’s blog post “HIIT and Rest”. I highly recommend you check it out. Enjoy your walk or jog! – Remember this is a recovery day – so take it easy. I’d recommend walking – Sprinters have 2 gears – first gear (walking), and 6th gear (sprinting). Anything in between doesn’t make sense to me! If you’re unsure of what we mean by Ab bridges (prone holds/planks), here’s a quick demo from Morgan. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. We really hope you have had a look, but if you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to check out the jump manual before you do Day 6. It really is a great addition to these circuit-type sessions.

Get Your Fartlek On?

Hey! How is the Sprint HIT program going? We hope you’re still enjoying it! It doesn’t take long does it? And its fun! Day 4 of the program is pretty self-explanatory so no videos today. But if you’re having any trouble understanding how to do Day 4 please send us an email atinfo@poweryouwellness.com. What is Fartlek? Fartlek (which, translated means "speed play" in Swedish) is a unique training approach that combines continuous movement with interval training. This form of training has proven popular for many years now as it works both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body. So you’re getting double the benefit, it’s hitting two different things at once, who wouldn’t want that? In the absence of a video today, we’d like to talk to you about your Nutrition. Fuelling your body with the right nutrients is crucial to your exercise success. And if you haven’t done so yet, we highly recommend you check this out. Fraser and Morgan have been following the guy behind this – Abel James - for years. He really knows his stuff as far as nutrition for exercise is concerned, and he really makes it easy and fun. Don’t be fooled by the title – The Fat Burning Man – it works for Fat Burning Women too! If you haven’t done so already, check out Fraser’s blog on the importance of getting the right fuel in for your body! It’s all about how Fraser used the Abel James approach to Nutrition to maximise his performance results. Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan

How agile are you?

Hey! - Have you started Sprint HIT yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Its easy and quick, so there really arent any excuses. If there is anything holding you back that we can help you with, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at info@poweryouwellness.com and give us your suggestions on how we can improve the program for you! Otherwise, we hope you’re enjoying the program so far! Day 3 is a quick session, it’s all about improving your agility and acceleration. This is great for sports where you have to move quickly in different directions. It’s also quite useful if you have to chase around after your kids! Today you’ll do the Sprint HIT warm up like you did on Day 1, and then you’ll get into some shuttles. Check out today’s video of Morgan here Powering you along the Fast Track to Wellness, Vaughan, Fraser & Morgan PS. If you haven’t done so already, we highly recommend you check out this real food approach to fuelling our bodies. It really will fast track your results!