Kategorier: Alla - continuous - verbs - rules - present

av jaminton ordoñez för 12 månader sedan


Present progressive

In English, the present continuous tense is used to describe ongoing actions. Specific rules govern how verbs are conjugated in this tense. For verbs ending in a silent 'e,' the 'e'

Present progressive


Jaminton Danilo Ordoñez

Present progressive


The nature of some verbs prevents their conjugation in the present continuous in English, so they do not usually have an -ing ending. These verbs are known as stative verbs.
Otros: consist of (consistir en), contain (contener), cost (costar), depend (depender de), fit (caber), include (incluir), matter (importar), mean (referirse), need (necesitar), owe (deber), suit (sentar bien), weigh (pesar)
Existencia y posesión: be (ser), belong to (pertenecer), come from (ser de), exist (existir), have (tener), lack (carecer), own (poseer), posess (poseer)
Percepciones: hear (oír), see (ver), smell (oler), taste (saber a)
Creencias: agree (estar de acuerdo), believe (creer), doubt (dudar), expect (esperar), forget (olvidar), imagine (imaginar), know (saber), notice (notar), realise (darse cuenta), remember (recordar), suppose (suponer), think (creer), understand (entender)
Apariencias: appear (aparecer), look (parecer), resemble (asemenjarse), seem (parecer), sound (sonar).
Actitudes y gustos: dislike (disgustar), hate (odiar), like (gustar), love (amar), need (necesitar), prefer (preferir), want (querer), wish (desear)


5.Verbs ending in the following consonants: -x, -y, -w, will not be doubled, only the ending -ing is added Strew-Strewing, Fix-Fixing
4.For verbs that end in -ie, this ending is eliminated and one -and more -ing is added: Lie-Lying, Die -Dying
3. When the verb is a monosyllable that has a consonant-vowel-consonant in the last syllable, the last syllable is doubled and -ing is added: Swim-Swimming, Run-Running
2. If the verb ends in silent e, this letter is eliminated and the ending –ing is placed. Have-Having, Write-Writing.
1.In most cases, if the verb ends in a consonant we will limit ourselves to adding the ending that we already know, -ing: Study-Studying, Think-Thinking


STRUCTURE Verb to be + subject + gerund verb + complement?
EXAMPLE Are you listening to music?


STRUCTURE Subject + verb to be + not + verb in gerund + complement
EXAMPLE you are not listening to music


STRUCTURE Subject + verb to be + verb in gerund + complement
EXAMPLE you are listening to music