av David Chiu för 2 årar sedan
Mer av detta
Hypothesis Testing
Ethnographic research
Chimpanzee studies (Jane Goodall)
Observation vs. Participation
Observer effects
Observer bias
Correlational research
Direction of causation
Confounding variables
Positive vs. Negative correlation
Survey research
Experimental research
Random assignment
Placebo Effect
Controlled experiments
Dependent variable, Independent variable,
Single, Double blind experiments
The Surprising Ways Death Shapes Our Lives - YouTube
Future vs. Present self
Signal detection
Sensitization vs. Desensitization/habituation
How drugs work
Parts of the brain
Case of Phineas Gage (brain damage)
Sterotypes, heuristics, discrimination, implicit biases
Contact hypothesis
Kitty Ge
Knowledge, facts, opinions, fake news
Conspiracy theories
Internal attribution, External attribution
Different kinds of intelligence
IQ Testing
Nature vs. Nurture
Reaction range
Zone of Proximal Development (Lev Vygotsky)
4 Stages of Cognitive Development in Children (Jean Piaget)
Deductive Reasoning
Object Permanence
Johari Window
Learned Helplessness (Martin Seligman)
Maslow's Hierarchy
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
Hertzberg’s 2-Factor Theory: Hygiene factors, Motivating factors
Relationship between money and motivation
McClelland’s Theory of Needs: Achievement, Affiliation, Power
16 Personalities (MBTI)
Big 5 Personality Traits (NEO-PI)
Id/Ego/Super Ego
Defense Mechanisms (Freud)
Rats in a box (BF Skinner)
Positive/Negative Rewards/Consequences
Case of Little Albert (John B. Watson)
Salivating dogs (Ivan Pavlov)