av Beth R för 12 månader sedan
Mer av detta
Banks/banking systems
Reach out to family/friends
Access Loans: Family/friends Secured & Unsecured
Predatory lenders, LendingClub
Delayed Rent Payment -- Receive eviction notice (3-day pay or vacate)
Decide to Leave
Double up with family/friends
Disagreement // Kicked out
Reconciliation services
Research housing support // 211
Contact emergency shelter
Meet with Case Worker
Mary's Place
Save to Dashboard
Apply for jobs // extra incentive to gain stability
Employment Support Financial Support Rehabilitation
"Move" into vehicle
DOL Car Mechanics Gas Stations Police Department Outreach Teams
Decide to Stay
Access Legal Support Access Loans
Housing Justice Project Tenant Law Center
Landlord begins legal eviction action // tenant has 7 days to respond
IF RESPONSE: Both Parties go to court
Mediation with court staff/volunteers
Mediation Services
Tenant wins: Case dismissed// eviction filing remains on their record
IF NO RESPONSE: Tenant loses lawsuit by default
Landlord wins: Tenant owes rent money + court costs + attorney fees
Community Support Network
Community Services: job training, networking, housing support