Kategorier: Alla - atmosphere - temperature - pressure - biosphere

av Lilith Grey för 2 årar sedan


Russian Heat Wave

Heatwaves are prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, often exceeding average maximum temperatures by at least 5°C for more than five consecutive days. These extreme weather events are primarily driven by high atmospheric pressure, which compresses and heats the air, pushing it down towards the Earth'

Russian Heat Wave

Russian Heat Wave

Why do Heatwaves happen

High pressure causes the hot air from the atmosphere to be pushed down towrds the earth. This causes surface temptures to rise. Without the air cooling as it rises, The water within the air is unable to become clouds and rain.
If there was low pressure, The air would cool as it rises causing it to become more potent with water and become clouds. This is a cause of the water cycle.
Heatwaves happen because of solar radation and high pressue.

Who, Where and What Were Effected

White sea seals, Arctic Reindeer, and Kamchatka brown bear would all suffer habitat displacement due to the heat.
Not enough ice for polar bears and walruses
"Species that have adapted to surviving in very specific and limited conditions cannot endure large fluctuations in environmental conditions" (Russia Beyond)
Animals living in northern Russia

Before and After

Atmosphere After a Heat Wave

Poor air quality
Increased stress on the Ozone layer
Creates higher temperature in where it should be a cool environment
Releases more CO2 into the than is absorbed.

Hydrosphere After a Heat Wave

more difficult to carry nutrients
Could Lead to water shortages
creates a warmer atmosphere which hold onto water vapor and makes the cycling of water difficult

Biosphere After a Heat Wave

Tree damage, increased leaf fall that then turns into a carbon-sink landscape into a carbon-source
Harder to breathe the heavier air (bad for our health)
Landscape dies out
Effects the food chain
Reduces plant growth
Increaesed stress for plants

Lithosphere After a Heat Wave

soil will dry out
soil will crack

What is a heat wave

the air is then futher compressed and heat quickley increses.
Heat waves happen because when pressure is high, the atmosphere moves in and pushes warm air toward the the earths surface.
"a period of more than 5 consecutive days where the daily maximum temperature exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5°C or more". (The World Meteorological Organisation)

Where and when it happened

30 degrees celsius is not even in the same ballpark as 40 degrees celsius is. We saw this as Russian citizens were ill prepared.
Many russian citites were effected. For example, cities such as Yashkul, Belogorsk, Volgograd, Voronezh, Samara, Ryazan and Rostov On Don had temptures reaching as high as 40 degrees celsius.
In the summer of 2010, Russia experinced record breaking temptures.

This was a shock to many, as the average summer tempture is normally only 18 degrees celsius. Not to say that temptures don't exceed that, becuase sometimes temptures will climb as high as 30 degrees celsius.

Impact of Hydrosphere on a Heat Wave

water cycle limits the chance of a heat wave happening
acts as a blockade for fire to start from extreme drought

Impact of Atmosphere on a Heat Wave

Tries to regulate pressure
Tries to create precipitation when holding air, to create rain

Impact of Hydrosphere on a Heat Wave

The continuous movement and exchange of water helps to form currents that move warm water from the tropics to the poles (energy education.ca)
stops forest fires by actng as a barrier
contorls the tempture on earth by circulating air

Impact of Lithosphere on a Heat Wave

stores carbon
raidates heat
solar energy

Impact of Biosphere on a Heat Wave

will make sure thier food sources dont deplete too fast (ie animals will stat to eat less)
humans try to cool down cities with man made strutures