To enhance sales during a crisis, it is essential to optimize the structure of your sales department and ensure effective leadership. Sales managers operating under a department head tend to be more productive, as they receive guidance and oversight.
Наличие руководителя. Менеджеры по продажам, работающие самостоятельно, уступают по продуктивности тем, кто работает под руководством начальника отдела. Он должен осуществлять контроль и определять направление деятельности отдела.
Valuable mind maps
To communicate better
with me you can simply use
Tab - insert a subtopic
Enter - insert a topic
Del- remove a topic
F2 - rename a topic
Ctrl+L - insert a relationship
I can contact my friends
to help us out when necessary
Online help center
In the evening
I'll transform your mind map
into a presentation
We can write notes
on what we want to do tomorrow
Tomorrow we will be more organized and prioritize every task.
You can just relax,
your information will be safe with me
Внедрите действенную систему мотивации
Большая разница в бонусах
Audio notes
I can be your partner
as you work
on your computer