Kategorier: Alla - achievement - culture - collaboration - improvement

av Jacqueline Poirier för 9 årar sedan


Senior Admin - Minds On!

The text delves into the dual aspects of accountability within educational institutions, emphasizing both internal and external mechanisms. Internal accountability is described as being deeply embedded in the culture and norms of the school, where every member is invested in achieving common goals and continuously monitoring progress.

Senior Admin - Minds On!

Internal mechanism where the whole community is invested in ensuring and checking on the progress of achievement of school goals. Each person in the school ensures that they are working toward the school goals and learns with the rest of staff in a purposeful manner.


I think it is monitoring ach and building teacher capacity

Increasing public confidence

I found this research paper/video/link etc which supports my view...

Definitions of Internal and External

This links to this

Senior Admin - Minds On!



external accountability

Do we need to build critical analysis of external accountability tools?
What have I learned?
I've learned that internal must precede external -- Elmore
How to properly use exteranl accountabilty
What do I know?
External accountability includes things like eqao, policy docs


Internal accountability is a school culture where all stakeholders work together for improvement - holding each other accountable. External accountability can let us off the hook because "it's not our problem"

What do I want to know?

Right amounts of pressure and support? Creating a collaborative culture?

How is the culture of internal accountability developed within a staff? 'Voluntary but inevitable' culture?

What have I learned

How do we transfrer the learning from the pockets of success into system change?

Or how do we decrease class to class variance?

Improvement of student outcomes and achievement.

internal accountability

The purpose of collaboration is to improve outcomes. The partnership must have a plan to move from collaboration to co-responsibility to a position of shared professional accountability
The purpose of collaboration is to enhance learning.
I think ia is a mechanism where schools ensure t and students are learning at a high level and that learner progress is tracked
what do I want to know
How to create a culture of internal accountability within our schools? How can we hold each-other accountable?

What about George Couros' idea of collaborative competition?

What do I know

Yes I agree. Where do we start to create this culture?

Main topic

Internal accountability is realted to culture...the norms and values of the organization or building, staff etc..

With so much movement of staff, how do you sustain that school culture of internal accountability?