Kategorier: Alla - presentation - evaluation - business - management

av Shwana Hassan Ali för 12 årar sedan



The IT course tailored for managers emphasizes the significance of IT in business operations. On the final day, the focus was on Knowledge Management, where the professor distributed evaluation sheets and discussed the importance of IT layouts in the business cycle.


IT Course

This course (IT for Manageres) is basically designed for people who have already involved in management life. it tries to make the managers be more concerned about IT's sigmificance in business life as they both compete eac other.

Day 5

the final day of the course was about chapter 11 which it was talking about Knowledge Management .


the professor distributed the evaluation sheets to be fill the students as his customers. we carried out the evaluation.

the professor talked a littile about about the last day's lecture. he reminded us how some IT layouts work in business cycle. and he expalined again the dedlines about the posponed assignments especially the second part of the exam and the project


The presentation was about Knowledege management, I was one of the group memeberes who presented this topic. we talked about the way of capturing and generating knowledege management and we talked about the types of knowledge. also we talked about knowledege map.

Day 4

te fourth day of the course was abou chapter 9&10 was basically talkning about/// Cost Recovery of Information Systems; Sourcing Information Systems.


the hyperlink function was a way to insert an article,image and video link in any project or document. we were required to inser a video and article hyperlink in our project.


This Inclass assignment was a group activity to work on cloud computing. eah group consisted of tre people. we had to formulate a group piece of review about a topic and give to personal reviews.

Day 3

Todays presentations and lecture are about chapter 5&6 which theyr about ///Global Business Processes; Architecture to Infrastructure


the professor started the lecture by clarifying the assignment for wednesday which is Knowledeg base. he explained the way that the hyperlink is being inserted in Gmail document creation and image URL.


The first presentation was presented business process and information technology. we had a good discussion regarding the camparisiona nd contrast of process, function and cycle. there is a good class participarion, and the lecturure provoked some critical questions to the class.

The second presentation,it was about chapter six, strategic management and information systeme. the goup talked about the operations management and IT architecture systmes. then they talked about infrastructure and how it suuports the whole process for the operations.also they talked about the information system components such as hardware,software and networking. finally the linked the whole with virtualization and cloud computing. the group talked about the advantages of cloud computing and the way that it has eased our documentations. besides, they talked about the disadvantages of cloud computing especially in security issues.

ZaRa's case

We discussed Zara as a successful business model it started form spain and cover many other countries. we talked about zara's competitve forces and the way that it has grew. also, we talked about Zara'a effecieny and effectiveness. it amazed me we were tought that Zara has no advetising!

Open quiz

This quiz was supposed to be closed book but as we were doing bad in the open book quiz therefore the proffesor gave us another opprortunity to attemt the quiz in open book.

Mind map

This was a diffrent Mind map from the main project. the professor asked us to create a mind map for our organiations' order fullfilment process. I created a mind map for MSF as an international NGO.

Day 2

the lecture and preesentations wre about chapter 2 & 4 which they are about/// Information Resources, Strategic Tools, Porter Model; Work Design


we had two presentations, first aout the use of information technology in business linked to chapeter two in the book

second it was about telecomputing was retrieved form cahpter four in the book.

each presentation had to be presented in 20 minutes.


we had a lecture about the Information Resources, Strategic Tools, Porter Model; Work Design. the professor focused on Porter's five models. He showed us a great interview with Michel porter about the five forces.


Again in the second day the professor backed to the Mindom project. he developed the previous piece of project and asked us to work on our projects on daily basis progress.

Day 1

Introduction day, the professor started by introducing the overall class materials, including the assignments, quizes, project and final exam.

we as the students asked some questions and showed our concerns regarding the course requirements

chapter 1//Systems, Strategy and the Organization


we tried two quizes that were based on chapter 1. I got 24/40. the quizez had been scheduled to be carried out before 4:30.


this was the first class work which it was for enrolloing in the class and making a profile in the Moodle.


at the first day we were introduced to the project which should be created by Mindomo application. the professor explained some basic rules to be able to use it.


this task has been conducted by a group of four people, we were wroking through Gmail cloud computing. we had to answre some questions in a case study then put the answer in a proper format. the group consisted of three people and we work collaboratively.

Carr's article

Also we discussed an article wich was written by Nicholas Carr "IT Doesn't Matter."