Kategorier: Alla - producción - pastoreo - bovinos - alimentación

av Michelle villanueva för 4 årar sedan


Sistema de producción Bovinos de leche

El sistema de producción de bovinos de leche en la finca Frusanfell se destaca por su alta calidad nutricional y sanitaria. Las vacas, principalmente de la raza Holstein, producen un promedio de 33 litros de leche en tres ordeños diarios, utilizando métodos tanto manuales como mecánicos.

Sistema de producción      Bovinos de leche


Where to next?

Before finalizing your proposal, check through it again to ensure that all the information you are providing supports the objectives you originally set out and is relevant from the reader's point of view.

When you have gathered most of the material for your proposal, you can transfer it to a linear document for presentation. You can do this in Mindomo by converting topics into text in the topic notes for export to a linear document.

Good luck with your proposal!

Sistema de producción Bovinos de leche

What is your business proposal about?

Give it a name. Type it in.


Rotación de potreros

What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.

Alto requerimiento de area

Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed.

Add resource(s)


Uso de riego en forraje de corte (Alimentación en periodo seco)

Summarize your alternative points.

Add a conclusion


Pasto de corte fresco, pasto de corte para ensilaje, pasto de corte para heno

Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.

Add a disadvantage


Se mantienen la mayor parte del tiempo en el campo

Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.

Add an advantage



Factores de influencia
Mano de obra,experiencia, capacidad

Do the advantages of your solution outweigh the disadvantages?


Área, manejo, productividad

Are the advantages of your solution fully relevant to the client?

Clima, topografia, instalaciones, maquinaria

Does your solution comprehensively and effectively address the requirements, issue or opportunity?

Suelo, tamaño valor

YesNoMore work needed
La leche es baja en grasa, con contenidos entre 3.2 y 3.5

Ensure that the advantages you identify are relevant to the client, from their point of view.

Add an advantage

son delgados y con alta producción de leche

Acknowledge disadvantages early and deal with them in your proposal.

Add a disadvantage

Son resistentes al calor, la sed y enfermedades

Match up the solution with the issue or opportunity that you are addressing.

Add detail(s)

Peso de las vacas oscila entre los 700-750 Kilos

Develop the key points of your proposed solution.

Add a note

Conocimiento del Zootecnista, veterinario, administrador agropecuario

Aspectos de sanidad

Medidas de control

Limpieza de instalaciones

Evitar sobrecargas de animales en los potreros




Mantener potreros (pastos y forrajes)


Include any detailed data in appendices rather than break up the flow of the proposal.

Identify the contents of an appendix for your proposal.


Describe the current position that your client is in.

This creates some common ground, which is a good platform for discussing your solution.

Medicamentos veterinarios y consultas

Summarize your proposal at the beginning of the document. Add a sum-up.

Obtención de la leche

La leche que se produce en la finca Frusanfell es de alta calidad nutricional y sanitaria, se obtiene en promedio 33 litros por vaca en 3 ordeñas
Ordeño Manual
Ordeño mecánico

Requerimientos de energía y proteína

What do you know about the client's requirements?

Is your proposal in response to an inquiry?

Has there been provided a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other resources that you can work with?

If you have relevant materials in other files, you can attach them to this topic.

This section should not be included in the proposal.

Harina de gluten de maíz
Salvado de trigo

Finca Frusanfell

Vereda San Rafael


Do you need a glossary for any specific technical terms you are using?

Alimento que se le suministra a las vacas

Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.

What are your objectives?

This section should not be included in the proposal.

Harina de maiz

What should you leave out?

What can you assume is not relevant, or not a priority? Add an exclusion.

Harina de cebada
Residuos de cosecha y subproductos

What is important? Add a priority.

Cereales, heno de maní, caña de azúcar
Minerales y vitaminas

What action(s) are you aiming for?

What do you want the client to do, as a result of this proposal?


What is the purpose of your proposal?

What will your proposal lead to?


Who is the audience for this proposal?

Who will read it and act upon it?

Gramineas y leguminosas