Kategorier: Alla - onderwijs

av Pieterjan Verstraete för 5 årar sedan


Smartphone gebruik in het onderwijs

In de huidige educatieve omgeving biedt smartphonegebruik zowel voordelen als nadelen. Enerzijds kunnen smartphones de zelfstandigheid van leerlingen bevorderen door hen toegang te geven tot informatie en interactieve leermiddelen zoals Kahoot en Google Translate, wat vooral nuttig is voor anderstaligen en leerlingen met specifieke behoeften.

Smartphone gebruik in het onderwijs

Smartphone gebruik in het onderwijs

Type in the title of your course.


Select methods and tools according to

Bepaalde vakken

Decide whether you will use technology in your teaching or not. Look for a tool which will help you reach specific goals.

Also, consider your students' possibilities of accessing that tool.


Decide whether you will use technology in your teaching or not. Look for a tool that will help you reach specific goals.

Also, consider your students' possibilities of accessing that tool.

Bron 1, 2 en 4


The evaluation must go hand-in-hand with course goals in order to achieve them and also help students to improve their skills.

Also, assignments and homework need to reflect and help achieve course goals.

Google translate

These can be partial - short evaluations after each segment of the course - or final - a final exam which will assess all the knowledge aquired during the school year at once.

Voorlees stem (Blinden)
Hulp bij andere aandoeningen
Vergrootglas (Slechtzienden)
Voor anderstaligen
Zelfstandig werken
Interactieve opdrachten

Decide if you want the assignments completed during the year to represent 1/3 of the final grade.

Bron 3, 4 en 5

2. Negatief gebruik

Select the major topics and determine the order in which you will teach them.

Sociaal misbruik

Bron 1

You can change your initial list of topics. You can add more material or interesting facts on the subject if your time allows it.

You can even add to the list some movies that are worth watching and will help you to achieve your goal.

Filters (Instagram, Facebook)

Fout zelfbeeld

Asociaal gedrag
Minder contact onder elkaar

Select the main topics to be covered. To obtain an initial list of course topics, search in current textbooks or in the current literature.

Bij een inkomende oproep/melding getriggerd worden
Drang om hem passief te gebruiken
Bron 1, 2, 3, 4 en 5

1. Positief gebruik

Determine the goals of the course.
Having these course goals in mind will then help you make decisions about which content to include and what kind of assignments and exams are appropriate.

Consider the following questions:

Eigen smartphone gedrag leren beheren
Zelfstandig opzoeken
Bron 4, 5