Kategorier: Alla - education - schools - curriculum - philosophy

av BJay Turley för 6 årar sedan



In Arizona, a superintendent's decision to adjust the curriculum on evolution has sparked controversy, as she presents it more as a theory than a fact. This highlights the broader debate on how scientific concepts should be taught in schools.



Each starter should have a question about current education and question on our readings.

kiara, how do you want things to be different this semester?

less drama

current issue of education for 5/3/18

Starter 19 7/17/19 In reading Ravitch's article it was interesting to hear about how our educational solutions to problems have brought about even great problems for our education. He explained that the fact that more people are graduating actually has hurt our economy. It has lessened the value of a diploma. I agree that many problems of poverty have roots other than education, mainly the lack of education in the home. But I don't think the progress that has been made should be treated as useless. It has helped us learn some effective ideas and it will give us understanding that more time and long term thinking is required to truly help our educational system.

Starter 18 7/12/18 This article of "A Nation at Risk" talked a lot about what was being missed in the education of the students. For example; "Knowledge of the humanities, they maintain, must be harnessed to science and technology if the latter are to remain creative and humane, just as the humanities need to be informed by science and technology if they are to remain relevant to the human condition." I have always believed in a well rounded system of education. The extreme focus on math and science in that last 5 to 10 years has brought about a society so far gone from morals and ethics and has left us more mechanical in our education and having a lesser ability to contribute to society through service, or voting.

Starter 17 7/10/18 Cardinal principles of secondary education 1918, "These are the better guaranteed if the school helps the pupils to take the right attitude toward present home responsibilities and interprets to them the contribution of the home to their development." I really loved the emphasis in this event on the importance of home life. In my mind students taking on responsibilities and helping their families function more effectively is more important than students learning math or science. Of course you can have both and should have both, but more time should be spent in helping students take on and appreciate their family responsibilities.

Starter 15 7/18/18 Jefferson's article was very logistical, but it was also amazing to see how much detail he had in his head that he could produce such a system. I think many of his principles have survived the course of time. I agree with the process payment in America for education. In most cases it has survived that education is covered through things like taxes and students are allowed to attend for a certain time for free. I do agree that college should cost money of the student or the parents. It shows a willingness to make a living for yourself. While at our present time high school graduates often are more forced into success than it coming from themselves.

Starter 13 6/26/18 History of Education (More class involvement) People learn from one another. If we could help students to understand that they can learn something from their peers they would be much more ready for a successful life. I’m a firm believer that people teach people, and books complement that, not undermine it. I wish our system of education asked teachers to allow more time for students to explore their own thoughts instead of exploring a fill in the blank work sheet every day in class.

Starter 12- June 21, 2018 In Soren's article it talks about the truth of the individual and the untruth that exists in crowds. My philosophy is that in most cases this is absolutely true. I wish to find variance in the fact of the Church of Jesus Christ. There have been times when the divine truth has blossomed under a group united in one cause. However, even a great cause as missionary work, I found myself always wishing to escape the crowd. This because the crowd brought out the irreverant and selfish side of people. It made missionaries forget who they were. So I believe there is error in the fact the crowd always causes untruth to occur, but in most experiences the natural man causes this idea to be true.

Starter 10- Starter June 14, 2018 What group of philosophy do I agree with most? Pragmatism- I believe that people need to have the best chance to become their best selves. There is a solution that can and will work for everyone, however, how and when they get there depends on the person and their willingness to give their best effort.

Starter 9-June 12 2018. In reading Thomas Aquinas's philosophies I am very amazed in his ability to reason science and divine knowledge. One of the things he said that I strongly agree with is how religion and scientific study aid and help each other. I think it is so important no matter where students attend school that they are influenced and taught about religion just as they are taught about science and math. For some reason there is a culture of offense when it comes to religious study. Just as there are different types of math that we study there are different religions. So why not allow our students a wide range of ideas that can help them make sense of their world and become better people?

Starter 7- Game of life During this excercise we did in class I started out trying to get an education. After being turned down by so many people, I was frustrated that the "work" I had put in wasn't bringing any fruit. In failing, I tried to do dishonestly gain the things I wanted. Being told we fail, makes us fail more. It doesn’t make us improve. It’s hard to be someone you've spent your whole life tring to be if the world is telling you that your successes were made up and you won't amount to your potential.

Starter 6 6-31-18 Pestalozzi "All definitions, that is, all such clear statements in words, of the nature of any object contain essential truth for the child, only so far as he has a clear, vivid background of sense-impression of the object to be defined, is wanting, he only learns to play with words, to deceive himself and blindly believe in words, whose sounds convey no idea to him, or give him no other thought than that he has just given out a sound." It is so important that students have physical objects and ideas to connect to what they are being taught. I wonder if there are any stipulations to amount of outside trips for classes or lab type projects. I learn so much better in a hands on experience.

Starter 5 6/28/18 w/ Vanna, we discussed the different ages at which people should start going to school or start taking specific time to be educated. I feel like principles of truth from God doesn't have an age at which to start. It should start from the very beginning, knowing right and wrong. However, specific things like reading or math there is some that say that students need more time or need to be socially ready for learning those things in school. I think most kids should be introduced at an early age to those ideas, and ideally their parents or teachers aid can assist with students who may be struggling.

Starter 4 w/ Megan & Rachel 5/24/18 In Arizona a superintendent is getting some bad feedback from changing some curriculum on evolution. She is making it more of a theory than of fact. I believe she is correct in this change. Just as we can't necessarily prove that God created the Earth, we can't by itself prove that man evolved from a small bacteria.

Starter 3 w/ Tierney 5/22/18 We talked about how Addams believed that each person had to live their own life. No one can live it for them. I think this is true. I do believe that when tasks need to be done there are many that need to them. But relationships to build, and their own lives to live only they can live their life.

Starter 2- sick that day

Starter 1 w/ Brad. 5/18/18 More than 37% of schools who have the best college readiness and academic skill are in rural areas. "By far the most like. And the power which the eye possesses is a sort of effluence which is dispensed from the sun? Exactly. Then the sun is not sight, but the author of sight who is recognised by sight." It's so hard to see or know what truth is in this idea. It was one of the philosophers, I think Plato, who said that truth can't be determined by our senses. So therefore, only things like feeling the Spirit bring truth. In this way I agree. But it's also hard to say as I'm sitting at a desk typing, that the desk isn't there for some people because if they're blind, they can't see it. Am I at a desk or not? I feel like I am.

I think that Christ is the author of our sight. Without Him we can't see spiritual things. Without the sun we can't see physical things.
Brad discussed how people learn through their surroundings similar to Plato's analogy of senses and sight.

Mikayla- Charter schools- With more specific curriculum to civics and society, students are more prepared for important life decisions such as voting.

Starter with Maddie: What is better volunteer or assignment?

Volunteer brings a greater satisfaction, but what if no one volunteers?

w/ Kade. how different is byuI? In what ways should it be different?

What is a porochial school?
non-competitive university, everybody working together for the greater good.