Kategorier: Alla - trabajador - causas - empleador - legislación

av Daniela León för 3 årar sedan


terminación del contrato individual del trabajo

En el ámbito laboral, la terminación de un contrato individual puede ser decidida de manera unilateral o bilateral, dependiente de las circunstancias legales establecidas. Entre las causas que pueden motivar esta terminación se encuentran el mutuo acuerdo entre las partes, el fallecimiento del trabajador, o su incapacidad física o mental que le impida continuar con sus labores.

terminación del contrato individual del trabajo

En este cuadro sinoptico se vera en tema de la terminacion del contrato individual del trabajo se comprendera las causas de la terminacion a nivel individual como la muerte del trabajdor entre otras y colectivo como los casos de fuerza mayor o caso fortituo y otras causas de terminacion


Where to next?

Although this analysis is fairly simplistic, it may take some time to develop, because it needs good insight into the behavior of each industry or market in which you compete.

It is worth collaborating with your colleagues, who may each have specialist knowledge in one or two sectors. Inputs can then be combined to prioritize strategic actions.

Share your mind map

terminación del contrato individual del trabajo

Begin by typing in the name of your organisation.

Es la decisión unilateral o bilateral; entre otras causales ejecutadas por parte de uno de los sujetos de la relación laboral: empleador o trabajador de conformidad a lo que estable la legislación laboral

Type in the name of an industry or sector in which your organisation competes.

This mind map will help you to analyse your position in that industry.

Otras causas de terminación
Las relaciones de trabajo para la explotación de minas que carezcan de minerales costeables o para la restauración de minas abandonadas o paralizadas, pueden ser por tiempo u obra determinado o para la inversión de capital determinado.

Do you make big enough purchases to be able to negotiate pricing with your suppliers in this market?

Rate your purchasing power:

Our purchase volumes are not really important to our suppliersWe get the same discounts as everyone elseOur purchases are big enough to make suppliers deal with us personally
El señalamiento de un tiempo determinado puede únicamente estipularse en los caso siguientes:

Is it easy for you to switch between suppliers for the materials and services you purchase?

Rate your mobility by choosing an option below:

We are locked into single suppliers and it would be expensive to change themWe could switch if we needed toIt is easy for us to use materials and services from multiple suppliers

En los demás casos previstos por esta Ley

Cuando tenga por objeto substituir temporalmente a otro trabajador

Cuando lo exija la naturaleza del trabajo que se va a prestar

El señalamiento de un obra determinada puede únicamente estipularse cuando lo exija su naturaleza

How many choices do you have in terms of suppliers? Are there many suppliers for the materials you use?

Assess your range of choice by choosing an option below:

We have trouble finding alternative sources of supply for the materials and services we needThere are a few suppliers for the materials and services we buyWe can purchase similar materials and services from multiple suppliers
Causas de terminación a nivel colectivo
El concurso o la quiebra legalmente declarado, si la autoridad competente o los acreedores resuelven el cierre definitivo de la empresa o la reducción definitiva de sus trabajos.

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate the bargaining power of buyers in this market?

Customers can control price negotiations by having the freedom to take important business elsewherePrice negotiations do happen but are balancedCustomers cannot negotiate terms
El agotamiento de la materia objeto de una industria extractiva

Do customers make enough purchases to negotiate their pricing?

Rate their purchasing power by choosing an option below:

Customers make significant purchases and demand discountsSome discounts are expected, but we can control themPricing is not usually negotiable and customers accept our pricing
La incosteabilidad notoria y manifiesta de la explotación;

Is it easy for customers to switch between comparable products and services?

It is easy and inexpensive for a customer to switch from one vendor to anotherCustomers can switch if they are motivated toCustomers are generally locked into a product or service, and it is costly to switch
La fuerza mayor o el caso fortuito no imputable al patrón, o su incapacidad física o mental o su muerte, que produzca como consecuencia necesaria, inmediata y directa, la terminación de los trabajos

Are there multiple sources of comparable products and services?

Assess the customer's freedom of choice by choosing an option below:

There are many vendors with very similar products or servicesThere are only a few vendors of comparable products and servicesMost of the products and services have special features
Causas de terminación de la relación individual del trabajo
La incapacidad física o mental o inhabilidad manifiesta del trabajador, que haga imposible la prestación del trabajo

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate your competitive position in the market?

Our competitive position is a negative force that makes us vulnerableOur competitive position is neither helping nor hinderingOur competitive position is a positive force for us
La terminación de la obra o vencimiento del término o inversión del capital

Are there lots of similar players, or is the market dominated by a few players?

Rate the distribution:

A few major names dominate the market, but we are a minor playerThe market is not really dominated by anyoneA few major names dominate the market, and we are one of them


La muerte del trabajador;

Rate your competitiveness by choosing an option below:

We often lose to competitorsWe win sometimes and lose sometimesWe win most of the time
El mutuo consentimiento de las partes;

Assess the amount of competition by choosing one of the options below:

Lots of competitors, making it hard to get noticedA few competitorsAlmost no competitors and little choice