Kategorier: Alla - college - relationships - disease - music

av Elisha Todd för 12 årar sedan


The Facts of Elisha Todd

Navigating through different life stages, a journey unfolds that encompasses various pivotal moments. Early childhood years were spent in Texas, under the care of musical grandparents who imparted guitar skills.

The Facts of Elisha Todd

Elisha Todd: My Story

College: Take Four (2010)

Since UHV has accepted my film classes as technical credit, I'm currently planning on getting my BAAS in Communication in 2013
Graduated with Associate of Science Degree in May 2012
enrolled at Victoria College

Motherhood (2009)

after becoming a single parent, decided I needed to go back to school
being pregnant put a stop to my Graves Disease when it made my thyroid start funcioning normal
Had a daughter on Aug. 17th 2009 and named her after my grandma

Graves Disease

released from hospital a week after being admitted
Opt for treatment of a radioactive iodine pill as opposed to surgery to remove part of my thyroid
Diagnosed with Graves Disease in December of 2007, based on lab tests this has been undiagnosed for at least two years

Victoria, TX: Take Two (May 2007)

Admitted to the hospital in December for dehydration
Blood tests in May show abnormal results, but this gets "pushed aside" in the doctor's office
Having convinced my mother that I wasn't on drugs, she is still determined that "something is wrong" based on my appearance

The "Intervention" (March 2007)

my dad who I hadn't really had any contact with since moving out of his house in 2005, calls and makes a visit, I'm on a plane back to Texas the next morning
based on my appearance in Missouri and my living conditions in Colorado, my mom calls my dad convinced I'm on drugs and needs to move back to Victoria
visited my Aunt who lived in Missouri while members of my Texas family were visiting

The Beginning of the End or vice versa?

failed every class at Del Mar College and tried unsucessfully to start a band In Corpus Christi, TX
moved back to Calallen, TX to live with grandpa
father gets divorced-forced to move out


Started college at Victoria College
Grandmother passed away from cancer, she was 54 years old
Graduated from Memorial High School

Colorado: Take Two (2006-2007)

lived on a friend's couch for six months, worked as a Stagehand setting up concerts and live productions for Rhino Staging
went back to school for a semester but started failing so stopped going to classes
became a roomate to a friend from film school, after several months of disagreements- got kicked out

Colorado: Take One (2004-2005)

Answered a local ad for a guitarist wanted for an all female rock band, became the rhythm guitarist for Heaven's Night
enrolled in the Colorado Film School to persue a BA in Film and Video Technology with an emphasis in Post Production, became an above average student
moved to Denver to get to know my Dad and his family

The Teenage Years

mother became involved in a lesbian relationship
startef making short movies and mock news segments with a hand me down video camera
met my father for the first time when I was 13 (and his wife & newborn daughter), lives in Colorado

Early Childhood

grandparents were musicians and taught me how to play guitar
moved to Victora, TX with mother
raised with grandparents in Calallen, TX until I was 7

Birth Facts

Weighed 1 lb. 6 oz and was 8 inches long
mother was 16 years old
Born premature at 25 weeks in Houston, TX in 1985