Kategorier: Alla - memory - functions - control - brain

av Serena Fowler för 12 årar sedan


The Human Brain

The human brain is an essential organ responsible for regulating various bodily functions. It comprises different parts, each with specific roles, ensuring the proper functioning of organs such as the lungs, heart, and ears.

The Human Brain

The Human Brain Our brain is our most valuble organ. It is responsable for the running of our whole body. It is made up of different parts that control all the parts of our body. Without it our lungs, Heart, Ears and all our vital organs would'nt know what to do. They would shut down and we would ceased to live.

Brain Stem

Medulla Oblongata - Is between the Pons and Spinal Cord. Responsable for the functions of our vital organs such as Heart beat/Heart rate and Breathing.
Pons part of the metencephalon in the hindbrain - works with the lobes in helping with Motor Control, Level of our Consciousness and Sleep. The bridge to the cerebellum.
Midbrain/Mesencephalon - Part of the Brain stem. Its involed with the fuctions of the body such as Eye Movement, Vision, hearing and Body Movement. Works along side the lobes of the brain.


Four main Lobes/Regions of the Brains Cerebral Cortex
Parietal - Controls the folloowing functions, Visual Perception, Information Processing, Cognition, Pain and Touch Sensation, Speech, and even our Spatial Orientation.
Temperal - Responsable for the control of our Memory, Speech, Visual Preception, Emotional Responses and Audible Preception.
Occipital - Is responsable of our Visual Perception and Color Recognition.
Frontal - Control our movement, Decision making, Problem solving, Peronality, Expression and Behaviour.

Limpic System

Hippocampus - In the Temporal lobe and is a important part of the brain. Responsable for Learning and converting our short term memories int to long term/permanent.
Amygdala - Is located in the Temporal lobe. Is just below the surface of the medial. Is inolved in Memory, Fear, and Emotion.
Hypothalamus - Some of its functions are homeostasis, emotion, thirst, hunger, circadian rhythms, and control of the autonomic nervous system.
Thalamus - This is a large mass of gray mater located deep in the forebrain. Most of our Sensory Imformation enters and then neurons send the imformation to the overlaying cortex.


This is the part of the brain that is responsible for our senses. Information is sent from the brain via electical impulses to our senses. This tells us what we are Seeing, Hearing, Tasting and Smelling.
Taste - Sweet, Sore, Spicy, Mild, or Biter
Smell - Sweet or Sour, Strong or Weak
Ears - Volume, Tone, Pitch, Distance and Direction
Eyes - Shape, Coulour, Size, Speed, Distance and Depth


Short term - This is whet we call our active memory. It is where the current imformation and this that we are think of at the present time is stored. It can also be known as our coscious mind or primary memory. We would be lost with out it.
Long term - This is where our brain stores our unconscious memories. its like a filing cabniet in the brain that stores away imformation. Like a filing cabniet we can use it to access or recall imformation resonably easy when we need it. Our brain never forgets even tho we can sometimes find it hard to locate memories and imformation that has been stored away.