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Day Care and Disability Allowance
Unemployment insurance benefits as well as supplements
Medical Insurance
Professional Training Tax
Health (accidents) Insurance
Family Allowances
Is for Immigration (and diversity)
Is mostly Against Free-Trade Agreements
Is against Privatization & Deregulation
Taxes are implemented more to wealthy individuals and organizations
Has more frequent government involvement
USA - Democrats
Canada - New Democrats
The United Kingdom - Labor Party
President Barack Obama
An English Economist who has significant and influential ideas that altered the practice of 'macroeconomics' as wells as the economic polices of the governments
'Command Economy'
"The needs of the entire society are more important than the individual needs"
The government(s) regulate(s) the amount of goods and services presented, as well as the distribution and prices of these goods and services as well
The government restricts as well as controlling the ownership of private properties
Profit motive is not the strongest or overriding goal of the business seeing as government control is more sturdy
The state or nation makes the decisions to regulate prices and wages, production quotas, and the distribution of raw materials to export partners
(Taxing corporations and the wealthy, alternative to the middle and lower classes of society) - Having money being placed in the the pockets of the middle and lower social classes, has a greater benefit to the economy than savings or stockpiling the money in a wealthy individual's account.
Governments can generate the demand for goods and services if indivisual and organizations are unable (to carry it out at)
Aggregate Demand; an extremely important characteristic of demand side economics
(Demand Side Economics) - Based off of a Keynesian Economic Belief; that demand for goods and services drive economic activity in the society
France - Modern Liberal
Canada- Liberals
The United Kingdom - Liberal Democrats
Mixed Economy
Mixed economies combine government involvement privately owned businesses
Most of the main industries are controlled by the government in socialist-mixed economies
Mixed economies hold aspects of both markets and centrally planned economic systems
Pro-Free Trade except for Far Right
Against immigration
Tax cuts exists do wealth individual and organizations
Privatization & Deregulation
USA - Republicans
Canada - Conservatives
The United Kingdom - Conservatives
President Donald Trump
Presdient Reagan
An American economist who was a member of President's Reagan's "Economic Policy Advisory Board" and as well as serving as an economic advisor to President Trump's Presidential Electoral Campaign in 2016
Market Economy
It encourages foreign investments, however self-sufficiency is not recommended nor seen as an economic goal
It encourages to have ownership of private properties(ex. small and large businesses) for gain
It encourages businesses to keep introducing new(/foreign) and improved products and productions to the markets
Governments do not show any strong forms of involvement in with businesses
The Law of supply and demand determine the prices of all productions and products
The Argument: That the supply create its own demands
EX. President Regan and his contemporaries who were republican, developed and favored the idea of: The greater tax cuts for wealthy investors and businessmen (CEO's and Chairmen), provides these people with incentives to invest, save, an produce economic benefits that trickle down in the whole economy.
(Supply side economics) - an economic theory that conjecture tax cuts for those with wealth and power, for resulting in an increased savings and investment capacity for them, that 'trickle down' towards the whole economy