Kategorier: Alla - conservation - senate - treaty - sovereignty

av Caitlyn Schoen för 3 årar sedan


The United States of America from 1890 to 1920

Between 1890 and 1920, the United States underwent significant political and social changes. Key figures like Henry Cabot Lodge played crucial roles in shaping the nation's foreign policy, particularly by opposing the Treaty of Versailles and U.

The United States of America from 1890 to 1920

The United States of America from 1890 to 1920

Political factors

The Food and Fuel Control Act
What was this? The Food and Fuel Control Act established laws to conserve both food and fuel supplies — Herbert Hoover was designated Food Administrator with the goal of increasing food production while reducing waste – for example, 'Sweetless Sundays' and 'Meatless Mondays.' Other measures included foreign letter censorship, a nighttime lighting prohibition, and 'Gasless Sundays' and 'Heatless Mondays.'
Henry Cabot Lodge
Treaty of Versailles: He stood up to Woodrow Wilson over the Treaty of Versailles and led his party's resistance to the United States entering the newly formed League of Nations. He claimed that if the United States joined, it would relinquish its sovereignty and influence. Due to Republican dominance of the Senate, Cabot Lodge was ultimately successful in preventing this from happening.
Who was he? Henry Cabot Lodge was an American Republican politician, historian, and statesman from Massachusetts who lived from May 12, 1850 to November 9, 1924. From 1893 until 1924, he served in the United States Senate and is best known for his foreign policy stances.
George Clemenceau
Treaty of Versailles: He opposed Wilson's 14 Points, arguing that Germany was completely responsible for the war, and that as a result, Germany should be held responsible. He requested from Germany territory, colonies, and money in the form of war reparations.
Who was he? Georges Clemenceau, often known as The Tiger or Le Tigre, was a prominent figure in the French Third Republic. He was born on September 28, 1841, in Mouilleron-en-Pareds, France, and died on November 24, 1929, in Paris.
David Lloyd George
Treaty of Versailles: The British Prime Minister negotiated the Treaty of Versailles on behalf of the United Kingdom. Publicly, it was desired that Germany be penalised by the Treaty, but secretly, it was desired that Germany be treated properly so that it would not be crippled in the long run. In addition, he thought that the United States should have a bigger role and responsibility in international affairs.
Who was he? David Lloyd George, a British statesman and Liberal Party politician, was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1916 until 1922.
German U-boats
US entering the war: As a result, on February 3, 1917, the United States severed diplomatic connections with Germany, following which German U-boats sank a series of US cargo ships in February and March, resulting in many US casualties.
What was this event?A German U-boat torpedoed the Sussex, a French passenger ship, in March 1916, killing hundreds of people, including some Americans. Following that, the United States threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Germany. The Germans responded by issuing the Sussex pledge, promising not to attack commerce and passenger ships without warning any longer. The Germans, on the other hand, changed their minds and resumed unrestricted submarine warfare.
The end of WW1: The flood of American troops and supplies into the western front in 1918 finally shifted the scales in favour of the Allies. On November 11, 1918, Germany and the Allies reached an armistice agreement. Because of the massive bloodshed and damage, World War I was dubbed "the war to end all wars."
US military forces that contributed: When the United States entered the war, it had a military force of 200 000 troops. During the war, 42 American divisions were sent to France to combat the Germans, with 1.4 million troops serving under the command of General John Pershing, Commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). The United States possessed 342 active ships when it entered the war in 1917, including 37 battleships, 66 destroyers, and 44 submarines. By the end of the war, there were a total of 774 active ships.
Congress vote to enter WW1: Woodrow Wilson went before Congress on April 2nd, 1917, and requested a declaration of war against Germany. The Senate approved the bill on April 4th (82 to 6). The House of Representatives voted 375 to 50 in favour of war two days later. On April 6th, 1917, the United States officially entered the war.
Outbreak: WW1, also known as The Great War, began on the 28th of July, 1914. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, began this worldwide event. However, historians believe that World War I was the climax of a long series of events that began in the late 1800s.
Woodrow Wilson
Presidency: Woodrow was 56 when he became the US president. He was in power from 1913 to 1921, and unfortunately had suffered a serious stroke in 1919, which rendered him unable to move and left him paralysed. He was known for being a campaigner for those not 'well off' and this is what led him to be such a likeable US president.
Background: Woodrow was a part of the Protestant religion and was a university professor before becoming President. He was clever but arrogant and stubborn regarding his beliefs and ideas for America. Woodrow Wilson's life goal was to "Make the world safe for democracy."
Political party/aims: Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat and his political goals included progressive reform in the United States as well as global political transformation. He desired global leadership in the creation of a new world order.
Definition: Relating to the government or public affairs of a country

Economic factors

Great migration of black Americans
What happened? Kidnapped from Africa and brought to the United States as slaves in the late 1600s until slavery was abolished in 1808. Slavery in the United States was not abolished until 1865, when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. African Americans typically worked as agricultural labourers and servants on Southern plantations; but, in the North, they chose to work in factories. Many people, particularly in the south, were afraid of being lynched.
What was this event? Between 1916 and 1970, the Great Migration displaced over six million African Americans from rural areas in the southern states of the United States to metropolitan areas in the northern states. It happened in two waves, roughly prior to and during the Great Depression.
Modernising America
What was it? The development of Modern America occurred around the turn of the twentieth century, when industrialisation, urbanisation, and rapid immigration all came together. The growth of the city as a point of entry for immigrants and a business centre has put a burden on metropolitan America.
Positive economic impacts of WW1
Positives for US: There had been a one-way commerce with Europe for products throughout the conflict. The US was given funds to supply food, raw materials, and ammunition. This benefitted American businesses (such as agriculture) as well as the economy as a whole. During the war, the United States took over much of Europe's outside market commerce, resulting in American companies outperforming European industry in other countries. For example, the United States has surpassed Germany as the world leader in fertiliser and chemicals.
What were they? Political turmoil, economic collapse, famine, and mass slaughter afflicted European nations who had fought for the duration of the war. In some aspects, the war benefited America economically, but it also had far-reaching consequences in the aftermath, with 1919 being a period of bloodshed, social unrest, and political turbulence.
Unemployment post-WW1
After WW1: During the war, industries began to deploy machines for high-level production, resulting in a reduction in the necessity for human labour, and as a result, unemployment began to rise. The lack in job availability also made it difficult for the 4 million returning soldiers to find work.
Before WW1: Due to the advent of new machinery and an economic slump, many people, both skilled and unskilled, were laid off towards the end of the 1800s.
Post-WW1 strikes
What was this event? During the war, food and living costs increased, but earnings did not. Workers went on strike in 1919, seeking more pay, but managers refused to budge because they had the upper hand due to the large number of unemployed workers. As a result, there was a wave of violent strike action.
Post-WW1 recession (1918-1919)
What was this event? The recession that followed World War I in North America lasted only seven months, from August 1918 (even before the war finished) to March 1919. In January 1920, a second, far more severe recession began, which was frequently referred to as a depression.
Definition: A recession is a contraction of the business cycle in economics that occurs when there is a broad decrease in economic activity. When there is a broad decrease in spending, a recession occurs.
Henry Ford
What did he create: Henry Ford was an American automaker who invented the Model T in 1908 and later invented the assembly line method of production, which transformed the business. As a result, Ford was able to sell millions of automobiles and establish itself as a global corporate leader.
Who was he? Henry Ford was an American manufacturer, business leader, and the inventor of the assembly line method of mass production. He founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He was born in Spring-wells Township, Michigan, on July 30, 1863. He died on April 7, 1947, at Fair Lane, in his home in Dearborn, Michigan.
Solutions: A literacy test was instituted in 1917, putting potential uneducated immigrants at a disadvantage. Immigrant ghettos (slums) arose after the war in major cities, and they were associated with violent crime, drinking, and prostitution. Many individuals believed that immigrants were to blame for the problems they were experiencing.
Problems: Many Americans wished to put an end to the 19th century's "open door" policy, which brought millions of migrants to the United States. Due to mechanisation, land availability was dwindling and employment was scarce, and many claimed that an influx of ignorant and unskilled migrants had aggravated the problem.
Definition: Relating to economics or the economy

Social factors

WW1 at home
What happened? In order to fight the war, the government took tremendous control over ordinary life in the United States. In addition to conscription, government agencies took over the management of railroads, food production, fuel (coal), and factories from private firms, resulting in a limited range of services and goods available to the general population in the United States.
League of Nations
USA's involvement: For the United States to join the League, Wilson needed Congress to approve the Treaty and the US membership. Republican Cabot-Lodge pushed against participation, claiming that it would force the US to intervene in international affairs. Wilson attempted to openly promote US League membership but suffered a stroke. The Senate failed to pass the Treaty and League in March 1920. The League of Nations is today a significantly less powerful organisation.
What was this? The League of Nations was a global cooperation organisation and was founded on January 10, 1920,  It was formally disbanded on April 19, 1946, at the initiative of the victorious Allied powers at the end of World War I.
Communist revolution
What was this event? After WWI, Russia had a Communist revolution, and similar ideals migrated to the United States, the birthplace of capitalism, with the establishment of two Communist political parties in 1919. Radicals and anarchists began bombings in support of communism, making Americans fearful of a Communist Revolution in the United States.
Population in America
1920: Population in 1920 was 106021537 and at this point in the time, the USA was dubbed the 'melting pot' due to having so many immigrants from around the world.
1915: Population in 1915 was 100.55 million and Europe was where most of the migrants came from in the United States.
1890: Population in 1890 was 62979766 people, Europe and Canada was where USA's most migrants came from.
Casualties of the war
How many? In comparison to other countries, the United States suffered relatively little losses in World War I, with 116,516 deaths and around 320,000 sick and injured among the 4.7 million men who served. Disease claimed more lives in the United States (63,114) than warfare (53,402), owing in large part to the 1918 influenza epidemic.
Women voting rights
What was this event? The 19th amendment, passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, gave women the right to vote. The 19th Amendment provides women in the United States the right to vote. This achievement came after a long and arduous struggle—victory came after decades of agitation and resistance.
Race riots
What was this event? In 1919, race riots erupted in 23 cities across the United States. After the war, African Americans were attacked and rioted because of prejudice and bad economic conditions.
Spanish Influenza
What was this event? The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed an estimated 500 million people globally, was the deadliest in history. A third of the world's population was killed, with an estimated 20 million to 50 million people perished, including 675,000 Americans.
Zimmerman telegram
US entering the war: The British gave President Wilson the Zimmerman telegram on February 24, and on March 1 the U.S. press reported on its existence. The American public was outraged by the news of the Zimmerman telegram and swayed their opinion to join the war.
What was this event? The British intercepted and deciphered an encrypted telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to Heinrich von Eckhart, the German minister to Mexico, in January 1917. If America enters the war on the side of the triple entente, the message recommended an alliance between Germany and Mexico.
The RMS Lusitania
US entering the war: President Wilson ordered that Germany cease her unannounced submarine warfare, but he did not believe that the United States should intervene militarily. Former President Theodore Roosevelt, who criticised Wilson and campaigned for going to war, was among many who opposed the nonintervention policy.
What was this event? The Lusitania, a British ocean liner, was sunk by a German submarine on May 7, 1915, killing almost 1,200 passengers, including 128 Americans. The event damaged US-German diplomatic ties and helped shift public opinion against Germany.
Definition: Relating to society or its organisation