Kategorier: Alla - sanitation - pathogens - hygiene - water

av Unhoely Unhoely för 10 dagar sedan


Transmission Routes

The spread of gastrointestinal infections is largely influenced by inadequate hygiene and sanitation practices. Poor personal hygiene, such as insufficient handwashing after using the bathroom or before handling food, significantly contributes to the transmission of pathogens.


Transmission Routes

person to person contact

crowded living conditions
Due to limited access to sanitation and hygiene resources in refugee camps and overcrowded urban areas, GI infections can occur more easily
schools and daycare centers
children often don't have the most developed hygiene habits so GI infections are commonly spread through shared items and surfaces
healthcare settings
GI infection can spread rapidly in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes if proper hygiene isn't maintained

poor hygiene practices

inadequate sanitation
communities or households without proper waste disposal systems and clean water can spread pathogens in water and food
comtaminated surfaces
shared surfaces in public spaces (cutting boards, doorknobs) can harbor pathogens that tranfer to the mouth via hands
improper food handlng
not washing your hands suffiecently, using contaminated utensils, not storing food in the correct temperature to prevent bacterial growth
improper handwashing
failure to wash hands properly after going to the bathroom or before preparing food

contaminated food and water

untreated or contaminated water
drinking water not properly filtered or disinfected can be a source of Giardia, Entamoeba histolytica and various other virsuses and bacteria
contamnated produce
Fruits and vegetables grown in contaminated soil or irrigated with polluted water can become infected
undercooked meat
spefically beef and poultry where bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli can thrive