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av Monique Deol för 4 årar sedan


Why was Ancient Rome so superior than Ancient Greece?

Ancient Rome's dominance over Ancient Greece can be attributed to several factors, including its formidable military, sophisticated government structure, and the daily lives of its citizens.

Why was Ancient Rome so superior than Ancient Greece?

Why was Ancient Rome so superior than Ancient Greece?

Work Cited

Walbank, F. W.. "Alexander the Great." Encyclopedia Britannica, October 22, 2020.


Lloyd, James. “Roman Army.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, March 9, 2021. https://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Army/. 

“Ancient Rome.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. Accessed March 14, 2021. https://www.britannica.com/place/ancient-Rome. 

Wasson, Donald L. “Roman Government.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, March 13, 2021. https://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Government/. 

Wasson, Donald L. "Roman Daily Life." World History Encyclopedia. Last modified April 23, 2018. https://www.ancient.eu/article/637/.


McGill, Sara Ann. 2017. “Daily Life in Ancient Rome.” Daily Life in Ancient Rome, August, 1–2. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=khh&AN=17948362&site=hrc-live.

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Punic Wars." Encyclopedia Britannica, December 3, 2019. https://www.britannica.com/event/Punic-Wars.

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Macedonian Wars." Encyclopedia Britannica, April 9, 2008. https://www.britannica.com/event/Macedonian-Wars.

Cawkwell, G. L. "The Corinthian war." (1980): 242-244.

Cartwright, Mark. “Ancient Greek Warfare.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, March 11, 2021. https://www.ancient.eu/Greek_Warfare/. 

Cartwright, Mark. “Trade in Ancient Greece.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, March 12, 2021. https://www.ancient.eu/article/115/trade-in-ancient-greece/. 

Cartwright, Mark. “Ancient Greek Society.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, March 10, 2021. https://www.ancient.eu/article/483/ancient-greek-society/.

Cartwright, Mark. "Ancient Greek Government." World History Encyclopedia. Last modified March 20, 2018. https://www.ancient.eu/Greek_Government/. 

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War There were many wars and battles that happened with Ancient Rome but a few wars shaped the civilization of Ancient Rome through out it's history.

Corinthian War
In 395 BC – 387 BC the Corinthian War took place between mainly the Spartas and the Athens with the help of Persia, Boeotia, Corinth, and Argos. This all started with a conflict between some thieves and Sparta but it triggered the Athens even more because how much control Rome was having over Greece. This created war but in the war soon after Persia switched sides and allied with Rome and they came up with a treaty that Greek states would be independant in a way and Persia would take control Ionia but Rome would be incharge everything. This is what caused Rome to have so much strenght in policts afterwards.
The Macedonian War
This war was between Rome and Macedonian which happened in 214 BC – 205 BC because of conflicts between them. After the second punic war Rome still felt that Philip V would make more allies to fight Rome, which one of them were Greece. Since Romes feelings were positive, Philip V and Hannibal made an attack on Rome which caused Rome to go in war. While that was happening Macedonian aliened with Greek states and Rome took over some of the states. After some time Philips son came into the pictures and some of the Greek states did not like how Rome was controlling them so they attacked again on Rome, where Rome declared Victory.
Punic War
In 264-146 BCE the Punic War was an important war because it was what caused the Roman Expansion. This war was between the North African cities of Carthage. Rome and Carthage always had some rivalry going on in between them especially when it came to trades. The first strike was by Carthage and as soon as they started to look like a threat to Rome because of the power the Carthage had, war happened. There were three battles and at the end Roman declared victory. This caused them to have a great expansion by taking over west Mediterranean.

Government The Government that was ran in Ancient Rome is the infamous "Roman Republic" at first and then soon on later ran as the "Roman Empire". They ran the style of there government in mostly of a democracy way.

Looking at Ancient Greece government it looks more conflicted with so many different ways of government such as democracy , monarchy, oligarchy and tyranny. This could lead to more conflicts which many civilian wont agree with. Having one proper government is more easier to work.
Roman Empire
The Roman Empire was a society controlled by one man who had control over everything. The Empire was very large in size when it came to ruling the western and eastern Empires of Rome. The empire began in 27 BCE-14 CE to 475-476 CE.
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic started in the late 6th century BC which concurred the monarchy style of governmentThe Roman Republic was the a type government that was run without an emperor. They would respect the basic needs of society and civilians.
How the Republic Government worked

There were many assemblies in the democracy but three popular assembles were The Council of the Plebs, The Centuriata and The Tribunes. These assemblies would pass on laws to the society basically having the control of everyone under there hands.

The Tribunes were in control of any non-capital offence that did not include any execution to be made but some prison times. Most of these were examined with as minor public business and elected quaestors, aediles, and military tribunes.

The Council of the Plebs were mostly a advantage in politics group for the plebeians. They would enact in laws that were suited for the Plebeians but eventually they could become available to all citizens.

The Centurial duties were to enact laws, declaring war and peace, and invoking the death penalty on Romans who were arraigned on political charges.


Senates had a big leadership role in the government and had the power to make any restrictions that don't feel right (laws) and banking or foreign trade of Rome. Their main responsibilities were supervising relations with foreign powers, directed the religious life of Rome and controlled state finances. However, after the fall of the monarchy they were objected to give opinions in government meetings. Being a Senate would have gained you a-lot of wealth.


The Emperor was seen as a leader who had power in society but also in how the government was set to be. The could assign new senators and look over the senators decisions that were made and see if they would pass or not. As an Emperor they role was managing affairs of Roman Provinces and looking over the military.

Later on in 500 BC Roman Citizens had the advantage of voting and trading. This did cause some conflicts between the Italians villages which was later on fixed when the Itallian villages rebelled against Rome, giving them a few citizenships. Voting was open to all full Roman citizens, but not slaves and women and people outside of Rome.
People who live in Ancient Rome had to be true citizens meaning they had to have to Romanian Parents. Citizens would be beneficial to the king by helping him make decisions with present issues.


To sum it all up, with all the research that has been given it proves that in many ways, shape or form Rome is superior than Ancient Greece in so many ways because of how much impact it has to the present today as of right now. A-lot of the concept and knowledge that began in the hand of Ancient Romes civilization is used today like architecture and government being strong points. Ancient Rome had one of the most set government in ancient times that, that type of government style is still being used today in many places of the world and also inspired new ways of politics. The development of arches is also very significant in today's world use of making strong architectural buildings. Greece might have been the start of Rome, but even before Rome conquered Greece and had more power than ever they were already making history in our future with their evolution of such techniques.

Economy The Economy in Ancient Rome become very developed throughout time and was mostly dependant on the biggest factor of economic growth which was trading.

Greece economic factor was more based on the loyalty of military service to other civilizations in order to get back more land such there was limited crop production. Rome was had more better economic factor especially with trading many goods and exporting such limited things since they already well functioning factors that other traders might have wanted.
Economic Growth
Although most of Ancient Egypt's Economic Growth happened because of trade there were other factors to the cause agricultural surplus, population movement and urban growth, territorial expansion, technology innovation, taxation and the spread of coinage. More of the higher class got more land ownership and agriculture which helped out slaves at time with more access to jobs and freedmen agents to manage any business affairs.
Ancient Rome would manufacture in trading textiles, pottery, tiles, and papyrus were turned out in surprising quantities. They would also export grapes, oil, and grains. They would import coloured marble, silk, perfumes, and ivory, though, as the low-quality pottery found in shipwrecks and geographical spread of terracotta oil lamps illustrates.
Ancient Romes trading routes were more expanded than Ancient Greece or Italy. Many of the economic growth. happened because of trading with other large empires like Spain, France, the Middle East and North Africa and having a stable currency

Ancient Rome History Romans did get most of their culture factors like education, civilization, religion and architecture from Greece but they improved on them and which made them look more smarter in history and in the present.

Architecture Architecture was brought along from ancient greece but the Romans had come up with new construction techniques, used materials and combining techniques that were already being usen and making them into new creative architecture structures.
One of the biggest things created in Ancient Rome Architectural was arches and domes which were strongly engineered. They were used mostly in government and religious buildings. The arches helped bring more firm foundations and stronger hold for buildings. The first dome architectural structure used in Roman Baths.

The Roman Baths were a relaxing feature added in society. The included swimming pools and places to read, relax, and socialise. They included tepidarium which rooms that were warm and frigidarium which was a cooling room. They were first introduced in 33 BC. They were open to the rich and the poor with a entry fee.

Romans also used new materials for architecture such as concrete, stone, timber, brick and glass. They used more stronger material for architecture than Greece that would use mostly wood, clay and limestone. Although they could hold off strong, the new materials Rome had found was much supportive to architecture.
While Ancient Greece homes were usually built around courtyards, the Romans had found a way to create homes for more of the living. During the Imperial ages, apartment buildings called insuale were made. They were made mostly for civilians who could not afford housing. They were 6 stories high and usually had stores on the bottom. Although, they weren't the best conditions to live in since there was poor water supply, frequent collapse and fires. They were made out of brick or concrete.

Now insulaes are mostly known these days as apartments and the impact of making insuales have been very useful to create future homes for more civilians. The Roman architects had created inspiration for the future architects. You are more likely to see apartments these days than homes created around courtyards.

Religion Rome started off their religion having beliefs in the same way as Greeks did. As the country grew the belief of Christianity came and they had made their own religion.
Christianity and Judaism were both religions that were compared differently throughout empire. Judaism had boughten a-lot of problems in society because Jews had established themselves as their empire and they were usually enemies of the emperors, blaming problems on the emperor. Soon as Nero had destroyed the "empire of Jerusalem" and Christianity was left. Christianity just like Judaism didn't participate in any worship of the Roman gods but they were seen somewhat different rent than Judasim and got a big recognition in Edict of Milan in 313 CE. Constantine's benevolence and become emperor. This lead to Christinatiy become a religion for Romans.
With gods, there were also some cults created. Cults had a bittersweet place in society. Some of them were accepted but some of them were feared because of dangerous they could be in power. The Roman Sentate soon after disbanded cults because of how dangerous it got.

There was also an imperial cult is where emperors would participate in cults to be worshiped as gods and have divine power. The cults were mostly honoured to emperors who gave several benefits to the community. Also worshiped to the most inspirational leaders.

One of the cults had to do with Egyptian God Isis who keep was the protector of sailors and fisherman's. After travelling over seas, men would go to the temple of Sapris if they were to get sick overseas.

Gods and spirts were believed to be all around them and that there was a supernatural power that was true to believe in. The Gods of Ancient Rome was Mars, the god of war and supposed father of Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome); Quirinus, the deified Romulus who watched over the people of Rome; and lastly, Jupiter, the supreme god. They, along with the spirits, were worshipped at a temple on Capitoline Hill. Roman gods had more human characteristics than Greek Gods, such as love, hate, jealousy.
Education Education wise Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome had similar concepts of teaching, and there education concepts. Boys and Girls were taught the same things but there were some new growth in the academic perspective of Rome.
When it come to speaking language, Romans started off by speaking Greek since they branched off of their culture but when Rome grew more in political power, Latin came to be more popular. It was always in Rome since the start of its evolution. Latin grew when it become more of a use of scholarly and literary purposes. As Latin become more popular, more people started to adapt to being bilingual which made Romans look more educated with speaking two languages. They had to learn to be able to translate between Greek and Latin. Greek slaves had to learn latin as well in order to comprehend. The "Latin Alphabet" was also created by The Etruscans. It was made a little bit before 600 BCE was starting to be used in the 7th century BCE. The alphabet we use today was made by the Etruscans but it has evolved during centuries and time. It is a form of the Latin alphabet evolved.
There was a-lot of higher education with new teaching of letters with philosophy, law and even a new education of stenography. They were taught mostly by private teachers by the rich who could afford it. The main goal in education of Ancient Rome was to make effective speakers at the end. Having a way of speech helped out many if they wanted a seat in the government as a politician. It could have brought hopes for wealth in many. In order to be a politician you had to be good a debates which was much needed by gaining the knowledge of persuasive art of rhetoric and oratory, or public speaking.

Marcus Tullius Cicero The greatest orator ,teacher writer and much more. Made and impact for future speaker.

Boys in Ancient Rome were taught fight and read, write, and simple math, as well as religious ceremonies and how to maintain honorable behavior. While girls were taught basic housing and wife roles like cooking and sewing.


Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece have been two great civilizations that have been compared within there many similarities. It is true that Rome was a branch off of Ancient Greece. Many of the Romanian civilization was similar to the way that Ancient Greece civilization worked but due to the evidence given about Ancient Roman, it seemed to be more advanced than Ancient Greece.
Rome was known to become a civilization after was believed that the demigod, Romulus killed his brother Remus after fighting about who would rule it. That is why it is named ROMulus. It is also believed that was made up of the surviours of Troy after a lady Rome helped some escape after it was burnt down.

Society The Ancient Roman Society was a very relaxed society. They would wake up, work and live their life. Unlike others civilization, the Ancient Roman society was very different and straight forwards complex.

Comparing it to Greece, Rome had a society that worked together and had the cites together making it easier for it to make a functional society unlike Greece probably had it more difficult since cites were separated by war and probably had a farther distance. They also had different social classes like for wealthy class in Rome it was based off of their descendants or how they gained wealth where as Greece wealthy class was more dependent on how much ones property is owned. This justify that Rome's Society was judged more professionally and it was more efficient.
The availability of food was very dependent on a persons economic status. They wealthy would usually have 3 meals a day. All of their meals were fresh since there was no place to store any food. There was a source of cereals, bread, vegetables and olive oil for wealthy there were a-lot spices that they got to consume. Meat was an expensive meal but was given in religious ceremonies. While the wealthy were being fed well, the poor did not have a good diet. The poor would usually eat old stale cereal and consume water instead of wine like people who could afford it.
Many people in seeks of jobs would come to more of the urban areas to get a job, but sometimes not have success in finding it. The Pompeii, Antioch, or Carthage were people who were the ones with these hopes of getting jobs. Most slaves, although were more employed teachers, doctors, surgeons, and architects. These were very advanced jobs that were needs in society. Freedman were bakers, fishmongers, or carpenters and poor women usually worked for wealthy women as hairdressers, midwives, or dressmakers.
Class The class system in Ancient Rome was divided up into 3 parts. There were the patricians, plebeian, slaves.
The lowest class were the slaves. Most of the slaves were either captured in battle from other civilizations or they were people from poor families. They would work for the government and the wealthy as the role of civil servants.
The second class was the Plebeian. They weren't poor but there weren't as wealthy as well. They worked with the patricians and they served loyalty to them with exchange of money, food and land and most importantly protection. One of their most important jobs of loyalty to the patricians was either fighting for them or farming.
The patricians were the wealthiest class and the were divided into two parts based off of where their wealth came from. The Senatorial Class was a group of people who were descent off of their wealthy ancestor.The Equestrian Class were a group of soldiers and men who gained their wealth from the military and shops (owning a few businesses). Some of the wealthy class people also had some poltical power in the Roman government
Family Role The typical family role would follow by the concept of "paterfamilias" where it included the man/husband/father of the house, female/wife/mother and the kids.

In the begninning the femlale of the family did not have that many right as they did after, they mostly stayed home and took care of the household and would usually educate the kids. They werent allowed to be seen in public until after sometime they were allowed to be seen with there husbands and then eventually in time they could start to have some job such as, bakers, pharmacists and shopkeepers. Their rights become so signifact that they could even have control in a divroce.

The man of the house would always control everything that happened in the households life including the decision of children. If the child did not look "normal" or was a special needs child, the father would have killed them. They also had the choice of selling thier children into slavery if they wanted.

Most of the people who lived in Ancient Rome were Greeks, Syrians, Jews, North Africans, Spaniards, Gauls, and Britons.

Military Now insulaes are mostly known these days as apartments and the impact of making insuales have been very useful to create future homes for more civilians. The Roman architects had created inspiration for the future architects. You are more likely to see apartments these days than homes created around courtyards.

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When it comes to Ancient Greece military it wasen't really beneficial unlike Ancient Rome. They were weak in supplying and maintaining the army life. Soldiers had to provide for themselves and get their own food. Also with strategies, it was usually planned before the battle and it caused unsuccessful outcomes done by, battering rams and ramps as an offensive strategy.
Most of the weapons that were used along side most of their hand to hand combat were most spears.bow and arrows. There was also some stone- throwing. The "Imperial sword" (as ir was called) was used for stabbing the enemy. To protect themselves, Romain troops would you a big shield that was made out of iron or bronze called the "Imperial Scutum".

Imperial Scutum

Imperial Sword

During war, armies had a lot is stability like supplying food, having doctors and a good enough pay. The food and stability needs were what were was take n out of the pay which made the pay okay. Soldiers could also have the benefit of owing their own slaves. Many army bases also laster included baths and amphitheatres. Although, you may have the possibility to lose your life you are well assured to be taken care of.

Army base


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The Roman army's strategies were very well put and was usually the cause of them winning any battles. When solider weren't fighting in the battle field, they would be practicing there fighting techniques. They had different techniques to outmatch the enemies cavalry.

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Cassius Dio Strategy

His strategy was used with the formation of troops in order to attack them and as a self defence technique. As stated in the World History Encyclopedia “compact mass so that they faced the enemy at once, and most of them placed their shields on the ground and put one foot on them so that they did not slip so much. If completely surrounded, this would form a hollow square.”

Cassius Dio

Quintus Sertorius Strategy

One of the techniques to out match the enemies cavalry was made up by one of the military commanders. His strategy was to dig up trenches at night so when the cavalry squadrons approached them, the troops in the trenches could quickly defeat them. This would only happen if he had took away his soliders from the line of the battle to be placed in the trenches. This way, it was easier to attack the enemy in a way of surprise before some of the opposite cavalry fell in the trenches.

Quintus Sertorius

Formation When fighting, the formation troops would usually be in was triplex axis were troops were drawn in three lines, the hastati at the front which were the spearmen, the principes in the middle and then the triarii at the back who were the wealthiest in the army in the back.Also usually in the back would be the soldiers fighting shooting arrows.