Am.s and Nat. Ams Seek Equality 23.1

Cesar Chavez

believed in uniting farm workers to bargain for improved conditions and better treatment

1962, with Dolores Huerta, estab. Nat. Farmer's Assoc.

later merged NFA w/Filipino union to form:

United Farm Worker's Organizing Committee (UFNWC)

made 1966 to seek higher wages and better working conditions for Mex. Am farmers in CA

inspired by Jessie Lopez de la Cruz's speech

La Causa

Chavez's strategy: cause of social and econ. justice for farm workers

Mex. union leader

"Brown Power"

inspired by Mex. CA farm workers

Chicanos- Mex. pride

Brown Berets- group formed by David Sanchez

E.LA -organized student walkouts in high schools


smaller classes

more Chicano teachers and admin.

programs to reduce Latino dropout rate

La Rada Unida

Latino pol. org. founded 1970 by Jose Angel Gutierrez

ran Lat. candidates in 5 states

won positions on school boards, city councils, & several races for mayor

Reies Tijerina

founded Alianza Fed. de Mercedes (Fed. Alliance of Land Grants)

helped reclaim US land taken from Mex. landholders in 19th century

Mex. Am. Pol. Assoc.(MAPA)

Sponsored: candidates, registered and edu. voters

lobbied for legislation that benefited the Lat. community

1962, helped elect LA pol. Edward Roybal to House of Rep.

2nd Mex. Am to serve in Conress

Henry Gonzalez- 1st

Nat. Ams

more likely to have tuberculosis & alcoholism

due to poor living conditions & foreign disease

death rate twice as high & life span shorter

Declarations of Ind. Purpose

1961, 67 rep from Nat Am groups met in Chicago

stressed Nat. Am determination to choose their way of life

Am. Indian Movement

1968 frequently militant org. to work for Nat. Am rights

begun in Minneapolis as self-defense group against police brutality

branched out to N and W Nat. Am. pop.

Trail of Broken Treaties

led by AIM leader Russel Means

1972 march on Wash. DC l

protested US Gov'ts treaty's violations

1825"Permanent Indian Country//Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851//Treaty of 1868

pushed for restoration of 110 mill acres of land to Nat. Am

pushed for end of Bureau of Ind. Affairs (BIA)

Indian Edu. Act (1972)Indian Self-Determination and Edu Assistance Act (1975)

gave tribes greater control over own affairs and edu. of children