About the
Emotion Coaching System (ECS) by Matthias Behrends

Emotion Coaching


Learning the ECS





The ECS | Introduction by the Author
with English Subtitles

Release Process

Please keep in mind that much is still to be implemented and hence incomplete.






"... a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance."


"2 : an organized set of doctrines, ideas, or principles usually intended to explain the arrangement or working of a systematic whole"


The Emotion Coaching System (ECS) by Matthias Behrends ...

... is a methodological framework

... that is aimed at improving emotional wellbeing.

... does not constitute "Therapy"/"Psychotherapy"

The ECS does by itself not constitute "psychotherapy" or "therapy" and must be used within the obvious ethical and legal limitations that result from this fact.

The ECS contains methods that can improve the effectiveness of anyone working on the emotional level, including licensed therapists/counselors.


The ECS consists of 2 main parts:

a system of concepts/knowledge

Web of Knowledge by MB


a collection of methods

None of the methods used in the ECS are "new" or "invented" by the author. The evidence level of the methods varies but they are all preexisting.

There is some newness in the way certain concepts are being put together for the goals of the system.



It is part of my vision to make certain methods widely available.


online courses


Independent of your professional/educational background

There is no "entry" bar to learn the ECS.

Make A (Better) Living

I believe that those who help others deserve to be compensated in a way that they can live well.

Therefore, I am dedicating a whole section to how the ECS can improve not only your

The ECS will undoubtedly improve your effectiveness as a practitioner (coach, counselor, ...). But you will need to learn how to communicate this.

Since most of us do not have "marketing" in their DNA I am sharing what I learned about spreading ideas and making a (fair) living from it in a dedicated seciton.

Marketing for Practitioners



Financial independence

Financial independence - or at least having an income from sources that do not directly or indirectly influence one's agenda - is an important requirement for impartiality.


Where does the money come from?

Currently, almost all of the organization's income is generated through fachsprache.org - a sub-project which provides training in German medical language to international health care professionals.


last update: 12/2020

Most of the work to create the ECS is performed by myself and is effectively unpaid.


Last update: 12/2020

Who is behind the ECS?

The Autor

The Autor


I, Matthias Behrends am the author of the ECS.


Following the principle of disclosure and academic best practice I am stating my sources as comprehensively as possible. In case any omittance happened or data is incomplete please feel free to...

... reach out by email: support@emotioncoaching.net

... or ask a question here...


Wherever is referred to as "I" or "I am" in this material the author means himself.

The Organization

The Organization

Emotion Coaching gUG is a German nonprofit organization founded and managed by Matthias Behrends that aims at assisting professionals in dealing with emotional distress and psychological trauma.


What is New in the ECS?

The ECS does not consist of "new" or "newly invented" methods.

The sources for each method are given in the specific chapters.

The "newness" of the ECS (and hence its legitimation for existence) is derived from:

the way certain methods from different disciplines are being put together to work together



an innovative approach to teaching certain methods



The ECS advocates specific methods for improving the emotional wellbeing of the emotionally distressed and their application by trained individuals within their legal and ethical boundaries and limitations.

Relation to Psychotherapy

The ECS is not and by no means a form of psychotherapy.

psychodynamically oriented

The ECS refines concepts and ideas rooted in psychodynamic-imaginative therapy.



Humanistic psychology


"... this approach emphasizes individuals' inherent drive towards self-actualization, the process of realizing and expressing one's own capabilities and creativity."

"... acknowledges spiritual aspiration as an integral part of the psyche."

On Esoterism

On Esoterism


The author decisively rejects and does not use esoteric concepts, ideas and methods - no matter how popular they might be.

It has never appeared necessary to me to search for parascientific or parapsychological explanations for phenomena that are so well explained by what can be observed. Yes, there remains something mysterious about the human existence and the whole of the human being is certainly more than the sum of its parts - but that must not lead to using shallow models and metaphors derived from simple imagination.

Evidence & ECS


“(...) If scientific proof was unavailable, the illusion of logic would do.”―Glenn Gould



Transparency & Disclosure


The ECS is very clear and explicit about the following points:

about the evidence-base of the methods used

these you find in the respective chapters on each individual method



about what the ECS is and what it is not

reflected in this very mindmap you are seeing, and many other pieces of information

See for yourself (with no strings attached) - instead of just being told about the contents of a "black box"




First Do No Harm

Emotional Stabilization


Scientific Approach

Scientific Method


Levels of evidence are discussed for each concept or method used.



"Of course the questions are legitimate. (...) And they need to be addressed and if possible scientifically. There is just no way around [this]. Just some guy saying something and then we all sign up to it (...) That would be creating a cult and that's not my intention."



It is not enough that a method works (i.e. has "some" effect). It must also prove to be more effective than any other approach in order to be advocated.

this requires that a comparison can be made

there are methodological obstacles to this when the effectiveness of a method depends on the way it is performed by the individual practitioners involved

it can be a feature of a method that the quality of performance of a method does not impact its effect as much

example: "Reinhabinting one's body"

Proudly unaccredited


... but based on what?

The ECS is proudly unaccredited and . However, the ECS is suitable and likely to improve the therapeutic practice of otherwise licensed therapists.

The ECS is NOT therapy.


Effects shall be achieved in the shortest possible time.

The Art of Care
