Embrace your quest
Awarness of the world
Level 1
Stage being controlated by the world around
Level 2
Stage when you take the first step into decisions, to take the control and choose what you really want
Practicing the skills of consciousness engineering

Who we really are
Life happens to you
Life happens as you choose
Life happens from you
Life happens through you
Level 3
Stage when you realize you have to change your inside world to change the entire world
Fixing you inside will make easier to deal and work in the external world
Level 4
Stage when you are ready to change the world and contibute to the growth
You realize that you have a real purpose in this life, a quest to complete
Your Own Life
Extraordinary People
Think in teamwork
The ideas of amazing people is help all the world.
Aristoteles said: Man is a social being by nature
We can´t renounce to our nature
Just Enjoy It
The life is about it
Find what you really like and you will never have Work
The work and the lfe is the same
Change you first
The littles changes will help you
Also you can help with little things
A work
Just to pay
A Profetion
No Limit
A Vocation
No Limit
Continous Progress
What's yours?
Exercise 1: The Person in the Mirror
This exercise is for creating self-love, you should look directly into your eyes and repeat to yourself "i love you"
the link of the video( copy and page) :
Exercise 2: Self-Gratitude
This exercise is for be grateful to yourself and how we can change our perspectives about ourselves with only said thanks.
you just should do this every day and think "what i can thank myself today" developing my self-esteem
The second link (copy and page):
Exercise 3: Becoming Present
the last exercise of this chapter is about of how we can left stress out with a simple deep breathing,
the only thing that you need do is concentrate in yourself and forget for a minute the problems of the past, be focus on the present, everything with a relaxing breathing.