Canadian Indiginous Music
1000BC - 2022AD

Striking sticks
Instruments are hand made
from things found in nature
like seeds, trees and animals
Striking sticks were made out of
animal antlers, rattles were made
from gourds. Some instruments were beautifully painted.
The Drum
it is said that " druming is the heartbeat of
Mother Earth."
Drums for healing
War drums
Water drums
Ceremonial drums
The size and shape
depends on what the drumer wants
to do with them.

beats are steady and build in strength and volume at the start then slowd own in strength and volume at the end.
Chanting is very popular. Songs and music are
used for ceremonies such as song dances and sweat
lodges.Songs and music are a way of telling stories
and keeping their history alive.
The human voice is the first instrument
of all first nations.
Indiginous music has only melody. Their is no
harmony. Its rhythm is irregular.
Melodies are simple and repetitive.