The blue rectangle respresents freedom and peace.

Mwanig the people want freedom and peace

This means they want to be free and they want to have a peacefull life

the flag was mad e on Decemb-er 1, 1958.

This yellow star means justice.

Meaning justice for the people.

They want justice because the people thier are not treated very well.

The green rectangle means self culture

Meaning they are prood of their culture

This flag was designed and made by Barthéle-my Bogand-a(the first president of Central african republi)

11He wanted each color to represent a good cuallity of Central African Republic.

The yellow rectangle means wealth

Meaing they want to change their life style and be weathly( food, cloth, shelter and extra)

The white rectangle respersents purity and inacence

Meaning they are innocent people