Autodesk 360 PLM

Autodesk Vault Basic

Part Numbering

Currently using a homemade SQL database to assign part numbers based on a series of selections/questions to generate a descriptive five number prefix and unique sequential six number suffix


Currently when a component is revised all assemblies it has been used on need to be opened to update the revision level.

No automated notification for revisions. Hard copies of the parts are printed and manually distributed to all needed parties. ERP software needs to be manually updated. Outside vendors still make older versions of parts.

Bill of Materials

Currently use a homemade program that will take the B.O.M. export and apply a multiplier to it. this then allows us to print a report that gives us the total quantity of every component for the project

Information from the homemade program is then used to hand mark drawings for the shop floor. The drawings have the project number, quantity and custom finish listed.


Currently no automated way to identify, track, and publish this information. No method for anyone to view status or result of request.

Other Programs

Microsoft Excel

"Engineering Master Schedule" manually tracks project, date given, start time, end time, due dates, etc. for future reference. Hours spent on a project not tracked, as manual process is cumbersome and resulting information is not used.

Information from "Engineering Master Schedule" is used to create reports identifying number of requests made on engineering, revision requests, average lead times, etc.

Woodwork 4 Inventor

Purchased one license of the program to help facilitate using Inventor models to program the machines on the shop floor. Not currently using the program as more training is required. If successful multiple licenses need to be purchased for all engineers to use

Visual Manufacturing

Current ERP software primarily used in engineering to print out customer orders to see the specifications of a project. Then need to combine that document with a string of emails to determine the requirements for a project.

Cannot process project that have previously been engineered without engineering printing out hand hand marking a full set of drawings.

Autodesk Design View

Use Vault's functionality to create visualization files and have then directed to one folder on the server as a flat list (no folders to navigate). Installed Design View on all machines that have a need to view files without coming into engineering and asking for a hard copy.

Microsoft Outlook

Non formal, non functional method to generate ECR's...just an email from someone that had an issue on site.

Sub folders created to track any information on a project with a hope that you have been included in all relevant emails

List of questions/issues for each project created line by line of the customer order. Emailed to the initial sender and the only method after that to identify what the client is actually getting.


Keep Inventor models clean and simple, costs, routing, etc. should be controlled either by 360 PLM or ERP software

Ability to store ancillary information (project based or product based) for all to access and view.

Maintain rudimentary scheduling and tracking of all requests made upon engineering. This should be able to be viewed by others which would eliminate additional reports being created and emailed.

Ability to email notifications for work requests and requests that are due in the near future

Automate the entire ECR, ECO, ECN loop and track all information, dates, etc. Automate the notification loop so all required parties are notified regarding the change.

Ability to alter the B.O.M. of products without having to open every assembly a part has been used in.

Generate part numbers based on a predefined scheme

Use the ERP system to generate requirements for a project, instead of Inventor trying to create a complete "project" of what is required for a particular client.

Track work load for the engineering department...this includes all dates (given, started, released, due)