Christian Rodriguez Strengths


Find an organization where you can help create the future, painting vivid pictures for those who work there, helping them see the role they will take in making this vision become reality.

Choose jobs that will help you gain the connections you need for the job you want after graduation.

Talk about your goals and dreams with your friends, family, and professors. Their awareness of your objective will be a motivator.

Take risks to gain new insights, even if they are out of your comfort zone. Set academic goals to project yourself into a successful future.

Pinpoint professors who are futuristic in their thinking, not those who merely maintain the status quo.


Look for work opportunities that allow you to fix whatever is wrong, from restoring art objects to cars to inadequate telephone service.

Choose a profession where deficits are remedied.

Do not let an unexpectedly low grade defeat your spirits. Learn how to more effectively apply your greatest talents.

Build relationships with people who appreciate your ability to help them identify problems.

Ask your professors what your weaknesses are, and create support systems or complementary partnerships through which you can manage them.


Find work in which others like your ideas and in which you are expected to keep learning.

Build on your creativity to find a career that encourages you to think freely and express your ideas.

Brainstorm with your friends about topics you are studying. Let your mind “go wild,” knowing that you can sort through the ideas later.

You love to generate ideas. Find a partner who would enjoy helping implement your ideas.

Join a group that values and stimulates creative ideas.


You will want to work in an environment that expects you to be continuously engaged in learning.

An ideal career would be one in which you have an opportunity to share what you have learned and are expected to be continuously learning and making new discoveries.

Share your information with friends. Determine who would be interested in each bit of information, rather than giving all information to everyone.

Start a filing system for interesting and potentially useful articles you have read.

Save all notes and books from previous classes to create a personal library.


Find a workplace in which friendships are encouraged, and you can continuously learn about your clients and associates.

Consider coaching, teaching, managing, supervising, and caregiving as possible outlets for your talent.

Get to know professors who take an interest in you. Their involvement in your college experience will create a sense of belonging and stimulate your intellectual development as well as your academic achievement.

Do your best to meet the professors who teach the classes you are considering.

Seek out fellow students with whom you can play a mutual tutoring, learning assistance, and support role.