Decline of Feudalsim in Europe
Political Changes
King John lost land to France during the war.
He taxed people without giving a warning and
put enemies in jail for no reason.

King John was forced by angry barons
and nobles to sign Magna Carta. The
Magna Carta limited his powers and
introduced the idea that no one is
above the law

King Edward the 1st wanted to include
more people in government. And created
a governing body called Model Parliament.
More people were able to join
government. People like commoners
now had a chance to be better.

The Model Parliament included people
like commoners, lower ranking clergy,
and nobles. The Parliament gave voice
to common people.

King Henry the Second Improved english law
by insisting a jury formally accuse a person of
serious crime. His strength led to a serious
conflict between the church and the pope.

Crimes committed by the clergy would be tried in
royal courts. Henry the second strengthened common law.
The Plague
The plague affected a lot of people in
higher class. Most of the people affect died.
So there were less knights and lords.
Some power shifted to the
commoners. The commoners
gained power and became more
valuable to their lords.
Since commoners had more power,
they were more valuable and asked
for higher pay.The king did not want
lose his people so he gave them more
Commoners now had a chance to be in a
higher class. They had a chance for
education and better lives.
Kings of manors would not give the
serfs a pay raise. So the serfs got mad.

Serfs abandoned manors and
moved to towns. They got a
better living in towns.
100 Years War

Kings no longer needed lords or nobles
to supply armies. The knights became

Commoners had more power and
importance because they became
the kings army. They would fight
in war instead of the kknights.
New weapons were introduced and changed
the style of warfare. The weapons were better
than the armies.

The English longbow changed warfare by removing
the need of knights. The new need was of archers

The introduction of cannons during the
hundred years war made the need for castles useless.
Cannons were so powerful that they would knock down
Since Joan of Arc died, people believed that they
should fight for their country and not their lord.
There as a rise of nationalism in Europe.

People started to fight for their kings instead
of their feudal lord. Gave power to the
kings/ monarchs.